Chapter 2895: Legendary city

Liu Qing stood still, with a dull expression on his face, staring blankly forward.

Not long ago, there were still a group of terrible enemies there.

Then Tang Zhen snapped his fingers, everything turned into flying ash, and the enemy didn't have any traces left.

The scene in this scene was so shocking that Liu Qing secretly doubted that what he saw was just a fantasy.

Otherwise, how could a group of powerful monks be so vulnerable?

However, it really is true, all kinds of pale doubts are in fact guilty and fearful.

Liu Qing, who witnessed the whole process, understood what it means to be outside the sky, and finally knew what level of strength he was.

Maybe it's really like a ant. When facing Tang Zhen, it will turn into dust at the fingertips.

At this moment, Liu Qing no longer hopes to understand Tang Zhen's strength, because this will only bring a greater blow.

"Let's go, let's go back."

Tang Zhen turned around and walked towards the direction of the Demon City without any explanation at all.

Liu Qing had nothing to say, followed silently, as if frosted leaves.

Compared to the length of time, the process of returning was very fast, and it didn't take long to reach the gate of the city.

At this moment, everyone paid attention, watching Tang Zhen and Liu Qing returning, their eyes were full of curiosity.

Perhaps only Tang Zhen can enjoy this kind of treatment, because he is the legend of the demon city.

Without continuing to stay, Tang Zhen returned directly to the smithy and never went out again.

The people in the ogre city were very curious about the purpose of Tang Zhen's trip, but unfortunately they did not see the whole process in the city.

This is also a confusing place. The scene in the fantasy world is clear and recognizable on weekdays, but today it is blurred.

I stretched my neck and looked at it for a long time, but did not find the shadows of Tang Zhen and Liu Qing, as if disappeared from the illusion.

Although curious, but no one dared to ask Liu Qing, it was simply unknown.

Although Liu Qing helped defend the city, it did not mean that she spoke well. Many defenders were deterred by her fierce means.

If she angers her, she won't leave a little affection when she starts, after all, this is a real ghost king.

After Tang Zhen left, the gate of the city quickly restored its calmness. No one cared about it except Liu Qing, who was unwilling to stay.


In the following days, everything will be calm.

No matter how strong the enemy's strength is, they cannot enter the ogre city, and can only continue to spin in the fantasy world.

Residents of the Pixie City, their strength has improved rapidly, and some families and strong men have risen.

The little ogre city has become crouching tiger, hidden dragon, seemingly ordinary people, there may be a well-known master.

Whenever I think about the past, the residents will be filled with emotion.

In the early days of the Monster City, the people in the city were frightened and terrified.

However, today, the residents of the Food Monster City are more and more fond of such an environment, allowing them to obtain more resources for spiritual practice.

You don't need to go far, you can reach the battlefield outside the city gate. Where can I find such a good thing?

Because of this convenience, the speed of cultivation of the people in the Food Monster City has far exceeded that of normal monks.

Even those ordinary martial arts, now with the improvement of strength, gradually set foot on the path of martial arts.

Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to do this, and it takes chance to do it.

However, in this special place of the demon city, martial arts became a matter of course. When martial arts skills are promoted to the extreme, they will naturally become monks.

Compared with normal monks, such martial arts monks possess more powerful fighting ability.

Outside of the practice world, such monks are rare, but they are clustered in the ogre city, which can be said to be a very rare phenomenon.

As the number of monks has skyrocketed, the combat effectiveness of the Demon City has increased rapidly, and has gradually become an enemy's nightmare.

Continue to develop according to this situation, perhaps in another hundred years, we can completely kill the enemies in the illusion.

Even if there are enemies in the fantasy world, the ogre city will not be afraid, with a large number of monks and occupying various advantages, winning is inevitable.

For the entire world, the ogre city can be said to be meritorious, a magic array that no one can crack, imprisoning a large number of masters of the enemy.

Because of the lack of these enemies, the remaining monks and the people have a chance to breathe.

Many demon families, members of the Evil Alliance, sent elites to the Demon City.

As a result, he was trapped in a fantasy world and could not escape it because of various reasons.

Even though there are enemies outside, most of them are low-level monks, and high-level monks are seriously lacking.

For the enemies outside, there are too many mysterious legends in the ogre city, and its influence has become more and more powerful.

Most of the enemies think that the ecstasy city has undergone a change and is integrated with the ancient **** continent.

Today, the Demon City is a one-way passage. All monks have entered the ancient **** continent, and they cannot find a way back.

This rumor is so widespread that many monks who are not afraid of death have come to the Demon City and tried to go to the ancient **** continent to look for opportunities.

There are also rumors that the ogre city is a trap to lure monks from the evil alliance into it, and then try to kill them all.

Regarding this rumor, most monks sneered at it. The Demon City was really so powerful that it would not be beaten by the evil alliance at first.

Rumors are flying everywhere, making it difficult to distinguish between false and true.

As the ogre city became more mysterious, there was suddenly another rumor that was widely spread in the practice world.

An ordinary farmer inadvertently entered the Demon City and left the city smoothly.

According to his account, after getting lost, he went down a straight avenue and entered the Demon City.

The people in the city were very surprised when they saw him, and then received him warmly.

The food was extremely rich, and extremely delicious, and even the demon meat, but the farmer did not dare to eat it.

According to the farmer, there are powerful warriors and monks everywhere in the ecstasy city, and huge monster bones are piled under the city wall.

They live in special houses, and the city is covered with exotic flowers, which can be used as medicine or food.

There is also a giant tree, called the Tree of Disaster, which can grow fruits of various tastes.

The farmer stayed in the Demon City for several days, because he missed his wife and children so much that he offered to leave.

Under the watchful eyes of the ogre city residents, he left the ogre city that countless people longed for, and returned home unhindered all the way.

Immediately after the incident spread, it caused a great sensation, and soon a monk came to the door and asked what was going on.

As the farmer said, he dared not hide anything.

Although the inquirer was an evil monk, he did not deliberately hurt the farmer, perhaps with fear in his heart.

In case of revenge on this monster city because of this incident, it is simply not worth it.

Not long after this incident, a large number of mortals went to the stone monster city and tried to enter the legendary city.

It is probably only clear to them what purpose they go to the forbidden ground in the legend without permission.

After these mortals entered the illusion, they never came out, and did not know where they went?

After this happened, the ogre city was silent for a while, but the exploration attempts never stopped.

Later, another businessman accidentally entered the ogre city. After staying for a while, he returned with a batch of items to the outside world.

According to the businessman, the malicious explorer had died halfway through.

He didn't have bad intentions, so he was able to enter and exit smoothly, but whether he can enter next time depends on his luck.

It didn't take long for the merchant to go to the Demon City again, but this time he did not return.

The longer the time has passed, the more rumors about the Monster City have made it difficult for the world to distinguish between true and false.