Chapter 2: Cooperation

Although I think the work of Yan Ye Zhi Ting is very appetizing to him, it is useless if it is not to the appetite of the editor of the magazine.

Chu Yu's consciousness was immersed in the system space. Seeing a piece of the earth plane works floating in the system space showing an unlocked state, Chu Yu was really itchy.

Because unlocking those works requires different values ​​of world points.

The only way to obtain world points, according to the system, is that Chu Yu becomes a cartoonist and obtains it by spreading comic works on the plane of the earth. The hotter the work, the more world points are obtained. Of course, this is ideal. Happening.

The reality is that this system is a novice reward when the system is bound, and the free gift of the works The Court of Yan Ye is facing an embarrassing situation where no one asks for ten days of submission.

In this regard, Chu Yu is also very helpless.

Forget it, if the editors of those three magazines don’t like it, then they can publish it on the Internet for free.

Anyway, as long as the work is disseminated in this world, no matter what channel it is used, as long as someone reads it and thinks it is good-looking from the heart, then there will be a world point in the money. That's far away.

sighed, Chu Yu's consciousness was noisy by the class bell, and he withdrew from the system space.

At this time, the phone in Chu Yu's pocket suddenly vibrated.

Chuyu picked up the phone and looked at it, his eyes condensed suddenly.

A text message came from the phone.

"Hello, I am Su Lu, the editor of Cuttlefish Comics. This magazine has the intention of cooperating with your submitted works. I now invite you to come to the magazine for an interview tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock in the morning. The location is... "

Although Chu Yu wanted to keep her expressionless and cool, she finally pretended to say "This is the expected result."

But the unbearable smile on his face betrayed him. After all, the work he copied over a dozen days was recognized by some people, and he really couldn't keep a low profile.

I waited for ten days and finally waited.

So a few seconds later, Chu Yu found out that the whole class was staring at him intently.

In front of Chu Yu, a math teacher, an old man in his fifties, looked at him with a bad expression.

Chuyu's smile solidified.


Ten o'clock in the morning the next day.

Chuyu alone came to the office of Cuttlefish Comics Club, located on the 18th floor of a building in the city center.

After explaining his intention, under the leadership of the young lady at the front desk, Chu Yu passed through the noisy office area and entered an office.

The office area is not large, about ten square meters, one office chair and one desk.

Various materials and sketches were placed on the table in a mess. A woman with black framed eyes lowered her head and looked at the sketches in front of her carefully.

Her reading speed was slow at first, and then it got faster and faster, but after all, she roughly scanned the work.

"No, the level is too bad!"

The woman shook her head.

"Hello!" Chu Yu interrupted her at the right time.

Because Chu Yu saw that she was ready to reach out to the next work.

This is too concentrated, I have been in for two minutes, haven't you noticed me yet?

"Wow!" Su Lu was a little startled.

raised his head, a white and delicate face faced Chu Yu, with doubts in his eyes.

"you are?"

"I'll introduce myself first." Chu Yu doesn't hate people who are serious about this kind of work.

"Real name Chuyu, pen name...Shui Xin."

"I received a text message from you yesterday..."

"Are you, Teacher Shui Xin?" Su Lu opened his eyes wide, and saw Chu Yu from his head to his feet, and from his feet to his head.

"You are a male?"

A touch of embarrassment appeared on Chuyu's face.

"Uh, do I look like a woman?"

"Ah! Sorry, I didn't mean that, but I always thought that the teacher Shui Xin who drew the Garden of Words and Leaves was a girl. After all, it was a cartoon of this type, and the pen name was also..." Su Lu Was also busy waving his hands.

'S pen name is also very feminine, right?

Chuyu knew what Su Lu wanted to say.

To be honest, it is reasonable for the other party to have this kind of thought. After all, in the Dragon Kingdom, most male cartoonists prefer to reason, suspense, and fight kingly comics, which are similar to youth comics like The Garden of Words. There are many women's cartoon homes.

As for the pen name "Shui Xin", it is a homophonic "casual".

After all, Chu Yu is a very entangled person in taking a pseudonym. After struggling for a long time, he chose this name casually.

"Oh, by the way, when I first met, I was Su Lu, the editor of Cuttlefish Comics." Su Lu realized that he had been around for a long time and had not introduced himself to Chu Yu.

"Please sit down!" Su Lu's face straightened, and he pointed to the chair next to him.

After Chu Yu sat down.

"I won't talk nonsense anymore, and I will get to the topic immediately." Su Lu looked at Chu Yu and said.

"Mr. Chu Yu..., this manga agency received your submission of your work by Yan Ye Zhiting eight days ago, and the reviewer of this work is me."

Su Lu looked at Chu Yu, with language organized in his mind.

"To be honest, after reading this work, I personally think that this work is fully qualified to be serialized in the comic magazine "Manying" under our Cuttlefish Comics Agency in terms of story, structure, and style. !"

"Hmm!" Chu Yu nodded repeatedly on the surface, but complained in his heart.

Didn't you mean to enter the subject? Why are you talking about this?

Didn’t you ask me to sign the contract? Take out the contract!


Su Lu suddenly changed his tone.

Chu Yu breathed slightly.

Things have changed?

"After I put forward this opinion to the editor-in-chief at the serial meeting three days ago... it was rejected."

"Reject?" Chu Yu frowned slightly.

"Why, the editor-in-chief thinks the Garden of Words is not good?"

"It's not that I don't think it will work." Su Lu said.

"It's too short!"


is too short?

For a while, Chu Yu's expression was a little unnatural.

"There are many periodicals under this manga agency, but the most famous is the manga periodical "Manying"."

"Manying" "Tianyin Comics" under Tongfengyu Comics, and "Fire Dragon Comics" under Longya Comics are also known as the three major comic journals in Los Angeles."

"Its sales channels cover all major, medium and small cities in the province, with sales of more than 300,000 yuan per period."

"The comics serialized on it are at least 20 chapters or more works."

"But Teacher Shuixin, your garden of words and leaves, only has seven words to end."

"and so......."

"That's why Gui Manga felt that the Garden of Yan Ye as a short story was of low commercial value, so didn't you agree to its serialization?" Chu Yu's frowned brow gradually stretched, and he sighed lightly.

Sure enough, how can things go so smoothly!

Chu Yu is not an unreasonable person. Although he thinks that the manga work of Yan Ye Zhi Ting is very good, he has nothing to say when the manga agency cheats his own work out of commercial considerations. Who calls him not this one? Where is the boss of the comic club?

After    figured it out, he could see.

It's just a pity for this work...

"Then Miss Su Lu, you asked me to come over today just to inform me in person that my work has been eliminated?"

"You can just send a text message for this kind of thing, so that I don't have to skip class and come to this meeting!" Chu Yu shook his head and said.

"Take class?" Su Lu was taken aback. At Chu Yu's age, she could see that it was a student, but she didn't expect the other party to skip class.

But Chu Yu just complained casually, and didn't mean to blame Su Lu. After all, the other party had helped him win the opportunity, although he didn't succeed!

"In that case, let's stop there for today!" Chu Yu didn't get muddled, and got up to leave.

"Wait a minute..."

"I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Behind   , Su Lu's voice came out.

Chu Yu turned around, UU reading looked at Su Lu.

"Teacher Shui Xin, you are too impatient!"

Su Lu looked helpless.

"Although the editor-in-chief disagrees with the serialization of Yan Ye Zhi Ting on the comic..."

"But I still think this work is excellent. After discussing with the editor-in-chief, he agreed that this work can be serialized in another periodical "Ink Shadow" under our comics agency."

"Today I asked Teacher Shuixin to come to discuss this matter with the teacher."

"The teacher's contribution to the Garden of Words and Leaves is serialized on the comic film, but if the teacher is willing, our comics club is willing to serialize the teacher's work on the ink film..."

"I just don't know what you think, Mr. Shui Xin!"

Opposite Chu Yu, Su Lu's expression is serious.

Ink shadow?

Chu Yu thought for a while.

This is another manga journal under the Cuttlefish Comics Club, which publishes some short comics, but the quality of the works published on it is basically average. Compared with the signature comics under the Cuyu Comics Club, the ink film is undoubtedly much less influential. The sales volume of each journal is in the tens of thousands.

But, do I have a choice?

Chuyu smiled bitterly.

He now has Baoshan but no Baoshan key.

One of the works in the comic system is in an ununlocked sleeping state, waiting for him to unlock the world points obtained through the circulation and popularity of the Garden of Words.

Although the sales of ink and film are average, it is always better to serialize Yan Ye Zhi Ting than Chu Yu uploading his works to the Internet for free to gain popularity!

So Chu Yu returned to his seat in only three seconds.

He looked at Su Lu with a smile on his face.

"I think we can discuss the specific details of cooperation!"