Chapter 1139: Liang Jing cooking porridge

  Chapter 1139 Liang Jing cooks porridge

"Wu Yue, you're awake. Brother Liang Jing has cooked porridge and it's still hot. I'll serve it for you."

"Liang Jing's porridge?" Can you drink it?

Before, Wu Yue had heard Gu Juan talk about Liang Jing cooking porridge many times, so she subconsciously put Liang Jing’s cooking into the ranks of dark dishes.

"That's right!" Gu Juan thought that Wu Yue was asking why Liang Jing came here so early, so she explained: "Brother Liang Jing came here early this morning, he helped cook the porridge, and then went to the bureau, He said that if he had nothing to do at noon, he would come over for dinner."

Seeing that Gu Juan didn't ask why Liang Jing left last night, Wu Yue guessed that Liang Jing had already found an excuse to explain to Gu Juan.

But Liang Jing came so early in the morning, so I don't know if he has met Gu Cheng.

Wu Yue thought so, so she asked tentatively, "Did he say anything else?"

Gu Juan thought for a while, "He said that you helped cook the noodles last night and slept late, and told me not to disturb your sleep. He didn't say anything else."


Wu Yue heard the words, thinking of the scene last night, her cheeks instantly flushed red.

Wu Yue, an old driver from Hyundai, no one knows what Liang Jing means better than her.

If nothing had happened between her and Gu Cheng last night, she wouldn't feel embarrassed at this moment, but...

Gu Juan seemed to have discovered a new continent, and suddenly said in surprise: "Wu Yue, why did your face turn red all of a sudden?"

She didn't seem to say anything, did she?

Well, why is Wu Yue blushing?


Knowing that Gu Juan has the problem of breaking the casserole and asking the end, Wu Yue knew that the more she explained, the more unclear the explanation would be, so she pushed Gu Juan to the kitchen.

"I'm hungry, hurry up and serve me a bowl of porridge."

Gu Juan heard Wu Yue say that she was hungry, so she didn't ask any more questions, and trotted to the kitchen.

After a while, she came to Wu Yue with a bowl of porridge as if offering a treasure.

"Wu Yue, I put a little sugar in it for you, try it, Brother Liang Jing's cooking porridge has improved a lot now, much better than before, I drank two bowls just now..."

Women in love are really stupid, Wu Yue shook her head and sighed.

Liang Jing couldn't eat anything he cooked before, but now that he can eat it, he was praised by Gu Juan as a flower.

Although she thought so in her heart, Wu Yue didn't speak out against Gu Juan. She took the porridge, sat on the sofa and took a sip.

"Does it taste good?" Gu Juan came over and asked expectantly.

Wu Yue laughed and said, "Do you want to be so excited? Those who didn't know thought you cooked the porridge."

"It's similar to what I cook. When brother Liang Jing was cooking, I was also helping to watch the rice."

The time when Liang Jing cooked porridge, it cast a shadow on Gu Juan's heart. I was afraid that he would produce another pot of inedible food, so when Liang Jing cooked porridge this time, Gu Juan deliberately watched from the side.

Wu Yue: "..."

Looking at the thick and thin porridge, Wu Yue couldn't bear to hit Gu Juan anymore, so she nodded and praised her.


It's not that she's stingy, it's that she can't think of more compliments. Just a bowl of white porridge, can it taste like milk?

Compared to the first time, this time is considered a success, at least you can drink it?

Gu Juan was overjoyed when she heard that, and proudly praised herself and Liang Jing.

After dinner, the two of them were fine, they just watched TV at home, but Gu Juan felt very bored, so she ran to Ruan Mengya's house and wanted to call Ruan Mengya over.

(end of this chapter)