Chapter 35

Chen Hao ate a small steamed bun, which was full of fragrant oil. The fragrance of meat and flour was perfectly combined, making Chen Hao's taste buds bloom like flowers.


Chen Hao can't wait to pick up another one. He can't wait to get hot. He blows twice and swallows one.

"Eat slowly. I have more on my side." Cao Rui said with a smile that Chen Hao loved her breakfast so much that she felt happy.

"By the way, I want to keep some for Xing zetao, otherwise I have something to eat and he doesn't have it. It's too unfair." Chen Hao said.

"I'm ready for his share. You can eat it." Cao Rui is very careful and takes all three people into consideration.

Chen Hao feels that Cao Rui is here, and the happiness index of life has risen a lot. In the past, breakfast often falls, and when he gets up late, he has lunch directly. Now, with such a hard-working and beautiful female assistant, he has a boundless happiness.

Chen Hao also asked Cao Rui to eat with him. He tasted several other delicacies and felt very delicious. Cao Rui's cooking skills were really good.

When he thinks of cooking, Chen Hao thinks of the western restaurant he just set up. If he wants to change it into a Chinese restaurant, he should first recruit talents.

"Cao Rui, help me to draw up a recruitment notice and put it on the website to recruit chefs and waiters for French restaurants. If the chefs want to involve all eight cuisines, the taste is good, and the salary will follow him. As long as he can meet my requirements, the salary of waiters will be 30 times higher than that of other colleagues. They are required to be good-looking and have a good sense of service. Don't be a snobbish foreigner like Bruno."

"OK, I'll do it now."

Cao Rui put down her chopsticks to be busy. She has formed the habit of working overtime from morning to night. Now she is more motivated to work for Chen Hao.

"Don't worry. After breakfast, don't say I squeeze employees." Chen Hao said with a smile.

"No, the boss is the best to me." Cao Rui face slightly red said.

Chen Hao saw that the female assistant was really good-looking, well-organized and gentle. He didn't find the wrong person. He wanted to give her more bonus at the end of the month, so that she could earn more than 100000 yuan a month, so that he could work for himself wholeheartedly.

When Chen Hao finished eating, Cao Rui would take away all the dishes and chopsticks. She would wash them clean and become a close female secret to take care of Chen Hao's basic necessities.

Chen Hao is also happy to enjoy. This female assistant is beautiful and hardworking. She is one in a hundred.

Chen Hao then routinely went to the 10 billion subsidy app to search for good things. He really found one good thing, that is, the red root night orchid, which was sold out yesterday. It's a necessary medicinal material for refining tendon forging body pill. More is better.

Thinking that Hu Bo was still refining this ancient prescription for him, I don't know if the old man started to do it.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive. Chen Hao's phone rings. It's Hu Bo, an old Chinese medicine doctor.

"Chen Hao, come here to get the pills. It's already done." Huber was laughing heartily over there, and he was very proud of himself.

"Really? I'm coming

Chen Hao was overjoyed. He was also eager to know the effect of the lost ancient prescription, so he drove on the valiant carriage.

When he arrived at Hu Bo's Chinese medicine clinic, he found that the clinic had just opened. He went to the backyard by himself. Hu Bo was sitting in the living room, looking at a glass bottle. In the glass bottle, there was a reddish brown pill, about the size of a quail egg.

"Hu Bo, have you finished the pills?" Chen Hao came over and asked.

"That's it. You're lucky. I made pills according to the ancient Chinese medicine for the first time, but I didn't expect to make it once."

Huber put the glass bottle on the table.

"Just one?" Chen Hao asked curiously.

"How much more do you want? The main reason is that there is only one blood moon grass, which is enough for one Said Huber, stroking his white beard.

Chen Hao then took out a blood moon grass that he had just bought in the morning and gave it to Hu Bo, asking him to continue to help refine it.

He read that ancient book before. It can be said that every time he took one of the pills, the effect would be greatly enhanced. He also wanted to experience the Superman like strong body. Of course, the more the pills, the better.

"You've got another one. It's good. I'll help you refine it after I rest for a few days." Hu Bo said a little tired.

Chen Hao noticed that uncle Hu was a little dark eyed and depressed. He suddenly realized that the reason why he had practiced pills in one day must be that uncle Hu was refining pills all night. He was still struggling like this at this age, which moved Chen Hao.

"Hubo, thank you for making pills for me. I'll give you all the herbs you want at a low price." Chen Hao also wants to repay Hu Bo in his own way.

"Ha ha, just get me more extinct medicinal materials. TCM can definitely set off another upsurge." Huber sighed.

Chen Hao nodded and said a few words with the old man. He found that the old man was in poor spirits, so he urged Hu Bo to go back to rest.

"Old man, old man, when I was young, staying up late was nothing. I didn't sleep for three days and three nights to make qingwensan, and I didn't feel tired. Now I just haven't slept for one night, so I'm very tired."

Hu Bo sighs that time is unforgettable. He goes back to his room to have a rest. Chen Hao can't wait to test the effect of pills, so he drives back to the community.