Chapter 78

At this time, Cao Rui knocked on the door and said, "boss, can I borrow the car? Because the hotel is going to be converted into Chinese food, I'm going to inspect several food suppliers in this city. "

"No problem. If you have a good view of the parking space, you can drive it." Chen Hao generously took out three car keys.

He now has three cars, one is the Lamborghini he bought at first, the other two are the military Hummer and the extended Rolls Royce he bought last time for Cao Rui. This is the most expensive one.

"No, no, those cars are too expensive. I'm not very good at driving. I'm afraid of bumping. I want to ask if you have a cheaper car." Cao Rui expressed her needs.

Chen Hao laughed: "isn't the car driven? I don't need money from your boss, just take it. "

Also, the total purchase price of these cars is just over 300 yuan. I don't care about the next meal, so I can buy a new car at will.

"No, I'll take a taxi." Cao Rui is about to leave.

"Wait!" Chen Hao suddenly remembered that he really had a cheap car. Last night, Mu Dawei lost to his Ferrari. Last night, he just took the car keys instead of going to see the car. Today, he just went to see how the car was.

"Come and see cheap cars with me."

Chen Hao took the key to the Ferrari, drove on the Hummer and left.

After two car crashes, Chen Hao now falls in love with Hummer. It's still reliable. Those sports cars are just speed and airs. When they are really hard to do, they will lie down.

Cao Rui sits in the Hummer co pilot, she is a little curious, what is the "cheap" car in the end.

She asked, "boss, what brand is the car? Chery? BYD? Or Wuling Hongguang? "

"A little better than that." Chen Hao said.

"Better? That's Ford? Chevrolet? "The public?" In Cao Rui's mind, these belong to the category of mid-range cars.

"Don't guess. You'll know when you get to the place." Chen Hao said.

Cao Rui didn't speak any more. She was very obedient. She was still guessing the answer in her heart. She had set the top grade on BMW.

When we got to the parking lot downstairs of yesterday's Hotel, but it was full of all kinds of vehicles. It was a bit of trouble to find a car.

Chen Hao drove around in the parking lot, and then kept pressing the car key. Finally, a car dripped. It was covered by a cloth cover and could not see what color it was.

"This is it."

Chen Hao and Cao Rui get out of the car. They hold a corner of the cloth cover, then they shout and draw the prize together.

All of a sudden, a classic red Ferrari appeared in front of both of them. The paint was glossy and the tires were not worn. It was a new car.

"Ferrari? Isn't it, boss? Is this your cheap car Cao Rui was stunned.

"Yes, it's only four million yuan, and I won it in a bet. It's the cheapest car I've ever bought." Chen Hao said with a smile that he thought Cao Rui's surprised look was too cute.

"I'm afraid to drive this car. I'd better take a taxi." Cao Rui waved her hand in a hurry.

Chen Hao undoubtedly put the key into Cao Rui's hand: "take it, go up for a test run, and then it will be used for you. Since you are going to see the food supplier, it will be your special car to buy vegetables."

"Ah? I can't dream of using Ferrari to buy vegetables. " Cao Rui vomited her tongue.

Chen Hao said: "it's OK. I have too many cars to drive. You don't have to waste it. Only when you use it can you realize its value. Otherwise, if you park here all the time, you will be a pile of scrap iron."

"Well, I'll leave it on first. If you need it, take it back." Cao Rui was moved by Chen Hao, she just slowly sat in the Ferrari.

This time, Chen Hao sat in Ferrari's co driver and felt the interior of Ferrari. It was a luxury car, and the interior was luxurious and comfortable. As for the style, it was obviously different from his cars, and the color of the car body was suitable for girls.

"Boss, do I really open it?" Cao Rui holds the steering wheel and asks again before starting.

Chen Hao said: "let you drive, you are good everywhere, but you are not confident, don't be afraid, your boss has a lot of cars, car collision also has insurance, you can drive safely."

Cao Rui learned manual gear in her driving school. At the beginning, she didn't know how to drive such a luxury car. Chen Hao taught her on the spot.

Cao Rui is also very smart. When she has a driver's license, she is easy to use it. With Chen Hao's encouragement, Cao Rui starts the car and checks it in the parking lot at the lowest speed.

"Not bad. We can speed it up a little bit." Chen Hao was there to guide.

Cao Rui slowly increased her speed and became familiar with Ferrari's driving style, so she fell in love with this car. Good cars are really comfortable. Cao Rui doesn't want to drive luxury cars, but is afraid to damage good cars. No one will really take a taxi without Ferrari.

"Thank you, boss!" Cao Rui's heart is warm. After all, Chen Hao gave her such an expensive car.

"Don't mention it. Put me down. You drive to work. I'll drive the Hummer back." Chen Hao said.

"All right."

Cao Rui stops the car, and Chen Hao waves to encourage her to drive.

Cao Rui compared Chen Hao with a "I will refuel" gesture, then started the car and drove away.