Chapter 87

Chen Hao drove away and soon arrived at the airport. The two of them went out in simple clothes, and soon went through the registration procedures. After passing the security check, they were waiting in the waiting hall.

Although they all wear glasses, from the outline of their facial features, we can still see that they are a combination of beautiful men and women, which is particularly conspicuous among the ordinary people and soon attracted someone's attention.

A little girl about fifteen or sixteen years old excitedly ran by and said, "brother and sister, are you stars?"

"No, little sister." Zhou Xitong replied with a smile.

"Handsome brother, how about you?" The little girl asked again.

"I'm not a star, just an ordinary person." Out of politeness, Chen Hao took off his sunglasses and replied.

"Wow, how handsome!" The little girl's eyes are full of little stars. At her age, it's the time when she is full of liking for the handsome and cool opposite sex.

"You've got a crush on other girls. Be careful and don't make mistakes." Zhou Xitong was talking and laughing in a low voice.

"What kind of person am I? I'm sure I won't harm the flowers of my motherland. You are my goal. " Chen Hao showed a meaningful smile.


Zhou Xitong turned away, but she was not angry.

The little girl over there is still reluctant. She takes out her exercise book and asks them to sign for her. She says that they are stars and will become stars in the future.

"Well, I'll lend you a piece of good advice."

Chen Hao didn't want to disappoint the little girl, so he signed a name in regular script. He was not a star yet, and he didn't practice that fancy signature.

Zhou Xitong also came to sign a name, which is to meet the long cherished wish of the little girl.

"Thank you two future stars!"

The little girl held the book and left happily.

Soon it was their turn to board, and they went to first class.

The first class service is the best in the whole plane, and the seats are spacious and comfortable. The seats of the two are adjacent. Chen Hao politely asked Zhou Xitong to sit by the window.

The plane took off very quickly. After experiencing the discomfort in the climbing stage, it finally flew smoothly. Zhou Xitong usually had no such leisure time, so he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes for a rest.

Chen Hao looks at her with a delicate face. His short sleeve jacket shows his delicate arms like lotus root, which is really eye-catching. Moreover, the fragrance of orchid and musk deer on her body makes Chen Hao feel relaxed and happy.

It seems that this trip together is destined to be a pleasant one.

It takes three hours to fly directly to Sanya. Zhou Xitong wakes up after more than an hour's sleep. She stands up and takes her bag to go to the toilet.

The front and rear seats in the first class are very empty, so you can go there without getting up. Chen Hao turns his legs and Zhou Xitong moves out.

As a result, at this time, he suddenly encountered turbulence in the air, and the plane was bumpy. Zhou Xitong was unstable and suddenly fell on Chen Hao's leg. Chen Hao also held her subconsciously.

This time, Chen Hao only felt the soft fragrance everywhere. At the same time, he also realized that Zhou Xitong's beautiful figure was more plump than he looked.


Zhou Xitong feels that she is surrounded by a strong masculine atmosphere. This is the first time she has such close contact with a man. She is in a hurry to break free, but the turbulence is not over yet. Zhou Xitong can only calm herself, but still says to Chen Hao, "it's just an accident.".

"Yes, just wait until it's steady." Chen Hao said in her ear that the exhaled air blew through Zhou Xitong's earlobe and made her delicate body tremble. It was a strange feeling.

Ten seconds later, the plane finally stabilized. Zhou Xitong wanted to stand up for the first time, but he couldn't move because Chen Hao was still holding her tightly.

"Please let go." Zhou Xitong said that she did not dare to look into Chen Hao's eyes now. She had never been embarrassed like now in her life.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Chen Hao found that his hands were still holding Zhou Xitong's belly, so he let go. Zhou Xitong immediately got up and left, and fled to the bathroom.

Chen Hao looks at Zhou Xitong's red neck because of embarrassment, and feels that there is an interesting side to this cold beauty.

When Zhou Xitong came back, she recovered her mood and seemed to have forgotten the embarrassment. She returned to her seat and asked Chen Hao, "I feel strange about the package you recommended. The price is very high, but I don't even have a guide. It's like a self-help tour."

"I'm the best guide." Chen Hao smiles.

At the same time, he also tasked the release of the 10 billion subsidy trip, make complaints about the trip, no wonder the ticket can not sell, service is also bad, but also fortunately accompanied by him, otherwise it must be a bad trip.

When the plane landed, Chen Hao helped Zhou Xitong leave the airport with his suitcase and go to the beach.

Nearly noon, before playing, of course, to fill their stomach, the two came to a restaurant on the beach.

In Sanya, a seaside tourist city, seafood is indispensable in restaurants. They also decided to taste the most authentic and fresh seafood.

This seafood restaurant has a superior location, high-end decoration and high consumption, but it still can't resist the enthusiasm of tourists. The restaurant is basically full.

They found a place near the window, where they could see the blue sea from afar, and the scenery was pleasant.