Chapter 140

This is an area that is not open to the outside world. There is an access card at the entrance, and there is a special guard. When they see Chen haolai, they contact him with their walkie talkie. After they get the confirmation message, they begin to search Chen Hao, mainly to see if he has a murder weapon.

Chen Hao's aversion to snake brother is more than one level. He will return it to him later.

Finally, he entered the VIP area. When he was in the corridor, Chen Hao found that it was different. There were two bikini beauties passing by. They were all beautiful women with long legs and good figure, and their clothes were also ugly. They almost belonged to Hugo Ben. The openness of the area was much higher than that of the ordinary area.

Chen Hao finally arrived at VIP No. 1. He pushed the door and walked in. He found that the atmosphere was very depressed and the light was dim. On the sofa in the middle of the room, there was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face and a short cut. He could see a scar on his forehead and temples. On his left and right, there were four big men standing, all staring at Chen Hao unkindly.

The scar man in the middle is she Junyu, the snake brother. He glances at Chen Hao from the corner of his eye. He doesn't speak. He points to the sofa opposite, which means to let Chen Hao sit.

Chen Hao did it as if no one else. He even tilted his legs leisurely. He didn't give face to the "white river elder brother" on the other side.

Snake elder brother can't help but say darkly: "brother, you are really hard to invite."

"It's not that I'm hard to ask, it's that you're impolite." Chen Hao said lightly.

"Yes, how to talk to snake brother? Is it right to seek death?"

Behind him, a tattooed brother was furious and pointed to his nose.

Chen Hao sneered and said to snake brother, "you see, this is the attitude of inviting people. If you do business like this, it's estimated that this place will be closed for a long time."

"You are so special!"

This little brother is very angry. He has to start a few steps ahead. Chen Hao is as steady as a mountain. He is not afraid at all. If the other party really dares to start, there are only five people including snake brother. He is confident to deal with it.

"Old six."

Just when the little brother's fist was about to fall, brother snake yelled, and the little brother angrily stopped and went back.

Chen Hao knows very well, and even deliberately yawns to show that he is bored. It's just the opponent's downfall. To test his courage and confidence, if he counsels, then he doesn't have to talk about it. Maybe a few machetes will have to compromise.

Now Chen Hao is not afraid at all. Instead, he makes snake brother have scruples. He thinks that Chen Hao has something to rely on and doesn't dare to be bold.

"Brother, where are you from?" Snake brother asked tentatively.

"It's not a mess. It's me." Chen Hao light way.

Snake elder brother sneers, "you can handle the old cow, also be regarded as a figure, that won't beat around the bush with you, go to the cop there to close the case, then smuggle down the reconciliation, let the old cow out, we have nothing to do."

This is the other party's condition. It doesn't sound like much, but it's really a unilateral condition, that is, Chen Hao must act according to the other party's method, but they don't have to pay any price. This negotiation is not equal.

"What if I don't?" Chen Hao glanced at brother snake and said without caring.

Even if Chen Hao can do it, he won't do it as they say. The most suitable place for a scum like brother Niu is a prison, which pollutes the society.

"No?" Snake elder brother's eyes showed the meaning of cruel, "then you are going to have bad luck, I promise, your life will never be better than old cow."

With that, brother snake waved, and his younger brother opened a wooden box with a cigar in it. Then someone lit it for him with a lighter.

Snake elder brother pretends to force to smoke, spurts out a group of provocative smoke, blows to Chen Hao's side.

Who can't do it? Snake brother doesn't like it. Chen Hao decides to show it to him on the spot.

The other party smokes a medium cigar of several hundred yuan, while Chen Hao turns on VR mode and chooses cigars and lighters from the 10 billion yuan subsidy. Chen Hao, of course, chooses the most expensive one.

Gurkha black dragon cigars are sold for $1150 each, with a subsidy of $0. 15 yuan a piece.

The Dunhill gold apex windbreak gold lighter is priced at $13000 with a subsidy of 0. 76 yuan, limited to 50 in the world, the number of this machine is 48.

This is the style a big man should have when he smokes. Chen Hao orders in the system and then appears in his bag.

Chen Hao took out his cigar from his bag, lit it with a $13000 gold lighter, and took a leisurely puff.

The smoke is very strong. People who are not used to Cigars can't really enjoy it.

Chen Hao is not used to smoking. He just takes a puff, spits a puff at snake brother, and then puts his cigar and lighter on the table. He doesn't care about tens of thousands of dollars of things. He has 10 billion yuan of subsidy as his backing. That's just so arrogant.

This cool cigarette lighting action makes snake brother's eyes stare, because he is a cigar lover and recognizes the extraordinary features of those two things.

Gurkha is one of the most expensive and famous cigars in Cuba. It's only sold in several specific local cigar shops. Snake brother only asked his friends to buy it there once. Cigarettes are good, but the high price makes him a black tycoon who can't smoke it often. He still misses the taste. He didn't expect that the boy who wanted to talk with him today took out his Gurkha cigar, which made him very surprised.

As for the gold lighter, it's even more amazing. Snake brother knows that the global limited number of Dunhill lighters is tens of thousands of dollars. He has tried to buy them, but they are not sold in China at all. They are also sold through auction houses abroad, and they are not bought in the end.