Chapter 204

When Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong flew to Baihe city by plane, it was already late at night. Chen Hao drove Rolls Royce, which stayed at the airport, to send Zhou Xitong home.

To the door, Zhou Xitong get off, a little reluctant.

"Go back, remember to miss me." Chen Hao said humorously.

"You are poor. Remember, don't talk about our relationship with others." Zhou Xitong pretended to be serious.

"Don't worry, I'm not a minor, so I won't publicize it everywhere!" Chen Hao said.

"Just remember." Chou HSI Tung's hair seemed to have something to say, but he couldn't say it.

Chen Hao said: "in the future, when there is a need, you can call me home service."

Zhou Xitong spat, "I don't need it."

With that, he turned around and quickly entered the house, for fear that he would stay here. What shameful words did Chen Hao utter.

Chen Hao can not help but smile, occasionally tease Zhou Xitong, but also have fun.

When I got back to feicui community, Xia Jing, who was wearing pink home clothes, had been waiting in his room for a long time.

"Boss, you're tired. Sit down and I'll massage your shoulders!"

As soon as Chen Hao enters the house, Xia Jing is so clever that she takes the initiative to hang up her coat for him. Then she supports Chen Hao to the sofa and gently presses her shoulder for him.

"Are you in trouble?" Chen Hao feels that Xia Jing has nothing to do with her hospitality. He must have something to do with it.

"No, you are my most lovely boss. Of course, I will serve you attentively." Xia Jing is whining on purpose.

Chen Hao is too lazy to pay attention to her work. He asks, "by the way, how is the decoration of the Chinese garden going?"

"I'm going to report it to you." Xia Jing suddenly becomes very proud and chirps to Chen Hao.

It turns out that she has completed most of the renovation of the villas. Those rooms are highly completed. They only need to be cleaned and furnished. With the support of Chen Hao's sufficient funds, Xia Jing hired three housekeeping companies to clean the Zhonghua garden all over the place, reaching the standard of living environment. It's an absolute big house.

Especially Xia Jing's own room is elaborately decorated. She likes it very much.

Xia Jing is so flattering, mainly want to ask Chen Hao when to move in, she can't wait.

"Just choose an auspicious day, and then invite Wang Qiang and other relatives and friends to have a lie down. Let's have fun together." Chen Hao said.

"OK, I'll send the invitation in three days!"

Xia Jing is very happy, but it's not so good. She suddenly leans down, kisses Chen Hao on the cheek, and says, "this is my thanks to the boss for letting me live in the China Garden, memeda!"

Then she hummed and ran out of the room to do her own work.

Chen Hao felt his face with a lingering fragrance, unable to laugh or cry.

Among the beauties around him, Xia Jing is the most shrewd and bold. Zhou Xitong, who had a relationship with him, didn't kiss goodbye when he said goodbye. However, Xia Jing came to kiss her on her own initiative. Her hot body and face are easily out of control.

Before going to bed, Chen Hao turns on his mobile phone and finds that Zhou Xitong has sent a photo of herself. In the photo, what she is wearing is the set of Weimi that Chen Hao sold her, which gives her a more "gentlemanly" angle and is even more powerful than the original buyer show.

Chen Hao's heart surged with emotion. At the same time, he also understood that Zhou Xitong was a proud and beautiful girl. He clearly wanted to, but he couldn't even say a word of love, so he took photos to suggest.

"Good night, Xitong." Chen Hao made a normal good night sentence. Since Zhou Xitong didn't want to make the news public, it was not convenient for him to say some numb words. The two had completed the most "in-depth" exchange, so they didn't have to worry about these feelings.

The next day, after eating the breakfast prepared by Xia Jing, Chen Hao turned on his mobile phone and looked at the morning news.

However, in the financial news, I saw a piece of news and immediately frowned, because it was about Zhou Xitong and George who had been beaten by him.

The original intention of the news is that Aopu Group CEO George announced yesterday that after various investigations, he confirmed that there are major security risks in Zhou's international quantum communication technology, which will steal customer information and threaten the safety of users. Therefore, on behalf of Aopu group and on behalf of the international communication Federation, he announced that his Member States will not purchase any Zhou's international communication equipment and supporting facilities, At the same time, we call on other countries in the world not to use it.

The news commented that this will have a very negative impact on Zhou's international, and may even lead to a setback.

"Yes, George was beaten lightly!" Chen Haoqi slapped his mobile phone on the table.

It's obvious that this is George's revenge after he was beaten that day. If George is in front of him, Chen haofei doesn't even know his mother. However, this grandson is a foreigner, and the mountain is high and the emperor is far away.

Zhou Xitong must also know the news. Chen Hao feels that he wants to comfort her.

Chen Hao immediately drove to the Zhoushi international building.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!"

Now all the people at the reception desk on the first floor of Zhoushi International Building know Chen Hao and the relationship between him and his boss. They say hello respectfully.

Chen Hao nodded and hurried up the stairs by elevator to Zhou Xitong's office. However, his secretary told him that Zhou Xitong was in conference room 1 to attend the shareholders' meeting.

Chen Hao also came to the No. 1 meeting room, and there were two security guards on duty at the door, but they all knew Chen Hao and saluted immediately.

Chen Hao and them nodded, then came to the door, opened a small crack in the door of the conference room, and his eyes immediately became sharp, because he saw the scene that made him angry.