Chapter 328

"Boss, I've just entered Baihe city. Would you like to see me at Zhonghua garden?" Lai Wu said respectfully.

"You come to the design company." Chen Hao reported his address.

"Yes Lai Wu agreed.

Chen haogang hung up, suddenly Zhou Xitong also called.

"Chen Hao, are you free?" Her tone was urgent, as if something had happened.

"What's the matter? I'm free Chen Hao said.

"Something happened in Temple Street. Someone blocked the construction. My subordinates can't handle it. Can you go and have a look?"

Temple Street is Chen Hao's first major project, which is more important than others. He left the design room immediately.

At the same time, call Lai Wu and go directly to the temple street construction site.

When he got to the outside of Temple Street, Chen Hao saw Lai Wu's old van.

This is the first time Lai Wu has officially worked for Chen Hao. He and his two younger brothers have all put on suits. However, his sarcomatous face looks very fierce, and he looks neither fish nor fowl in suits.

According to the usual custom, he wore a gold chain, a mink and a machete, which seemed to fit his identity.

Of course, it's just a joke. Chen Hao is not polite, so he went directly to the construction site. The road ahead has been closed, so he needs to walk in.

"What's the matter, boss?" Lai Wu asked.

"Someone is blocking the Temple Street project. Just go there and have a look."

"Yes, some people dare to block the boss's project, and they are impatient."

A little brother swears.

This does not need Chen Hao's lesson, Lai Wu scolded: "you boy, go back to Litong county like this again, our boss is a civilized man, a big man, you kind of hooligan habits to me, civilization, civilization, understand?"

"I see." I bow my head to admit my mistake.

Chen Hao is quite satisfied in his heart. It depends on Wu's good mind. He likes smart people.

When he arrived at his destination, Chen Hao found that the warning signs for construction had been put up outside, but there were also some pedestrians going in and out, because there was a one week buffer period, allowing thousands of internal tenants to move out within a time limit.

When a staff member saw Chen Hao coming, he trotted over to report.

"Mr. Chen, I'm in charge of the engineering team." Said the middle-aged man in the helmet.

"What's going on?" Chen Hao and Lai Wu get off the bus and ask as they walk.

"There is a group of people in the block demolition, unreasonable." The person in charge said.

"The whole temple street has been bought. If we make trouble in our territory, won't we call the police?" Chen Hao asked.

The person in charge said helplessly: "yes, but this person belongs to a mangy dog. As soon as the police come, he will leave. As soon as the police leave, he will come. A group of people lie in front of the excavator. Our people want to pull them. As a result, they all say that their bones are broken and their back aches and so on. They also want to cheat us on our medical expenses."


Chen Hao listen to this familiar plot, has guessed who it is, is that once Temple Street old rogue, Liang Chengfa.

At the beginning, he was arrested by the police of Litong county. It seems that he was released again, so he came here to make trouble.

"Have a look!"

Chen Hao and his party came to the spot and found that it was Liang Chengfa's small supermarket, with two excavators parked on one side.

In front of the crawler of the excavator, there were one person lying on each side. One of them said that the construction party was powerless and beat others. He lay on the ground and called the relevant departments to report.

Those construction workers are going to pull them up. They scream like pigs. No matter what they do, the project can't continue. If it takes one day, tens of thousands of yuan will be lost on the book. It's really not to stop or not to stop. The scene is in a mess.

Among them, Chen Hao immediately recognized Liang Chengfa and his wretched subordinates.

At this time, Liang Chengfa was lying on the ground and chanting. He covered his back with his hand and howled miserably. His whole body was about to belch. He was short of breath and rolled his eyes. His mouth was like a goldfish spitting bubbles, frightening to death.

If he didn't know Liang Chengfa's character, Chen Hao would have been cheated by him. If he didn't receive the Oscar, he would be sorry for "acting".

The workers were so scared that they were dialing 120 one by one to send Liang Cheng to the hospital. However, Liang Chengfa said that he would not go and asked the engineering team to compensate him one million for his medical expenses, otherwise he would die under the wheel.

After Chen Hao arrived at the scene, he asked the people of the construction team to perform their duties. For the time being, he didn't have to worry about these scoundrels. He came to find a way to deal with them.

Force may be a solution, but it's likely to make things worse. If you're poked online, and the water army and keyboard man stir up the flames, you'll be very passive.

What about the peace talks? Give the other party a little compensation?

Chen Hao never considered these. On the one hand, he was a rogue and didn't trust him. On the other hand, he had bought the development right of the whole temple street without any extra expenses. Why did he send money to Liang Cheng?

So Chen Hao is also entangled.

"Isn't that Liang Chengfa?" Lai Wu said suddenly.

Lai Wu is an old gun in Litong county. Of course, he knows Liang Chengfa. This rascal is also a celebrity in the county. He has made a lot of money by relying on Temple Street for so many years. It is said that several villas have been built in the county to support women.

Although Liang Chengfa is a rogue, he has more assets than Lai Wu. Therefore, he is superior to Lai Wu and does not associate with them, so as not to degrade himself. Therefore, they are not very familiar with each other, they just know each other.

Chen Hao felt that he was not good at dealing with these scoundrels. Maybe it would be better to fight against them with poison. It might be effective to let Lai Wu, the former gangster leader, deal with them.