Chapter 348

"Why are you crying? There are only six people in the way. Your husband is abusing them!"

Chen haochao and Zhou Xitong gave her the warmest smile. Then when he looked back at the front, he became murderous.

Now Chen Hao is the upper body of a deer show. Although deer are docile herbivores, rabbits bite when they are in a hurry. What's more, they are bigger and more aggressive. In nature, the male deer's strong antlers can even stab predators to death.

At this time, four thugs at the door rushed to Chen Hao with wooden sticks, leaving two at the door.

Ignoring the stick, Chen Hao uses the only defensive move in the deer play, "deer skin cangbi", which imitates the tough deer skin into a strong wall to resist the stick.

"Bang bang!"

After several times, four sticks hit Chen Hao solidly. Although he had the skill to reduce his injury, Chen Hao still felt a dull pain on his back, but after all, it was a special defense move, and he was not injured.

Now is not the time to think about the pain. The pursuit behind him is approaching. Chen Hao must rush out. This is also the only chance, otherwise he will fall into the endless wheel fight of the enemy.

Chen Hao clenched his teeth and was whipped four times. Without saying a word, he turned to use the momentum to knock the four thugs around, revealing the empty door in the middle.

It's not surprising that the thugs are useless. Most people will retreat subconsciously when they are hit by the sticks. However, Chen Hao was so stunned that he caught them by surprise that he ran through the four thugs.

In front of him, there were only two thugs left in front of Chen Hao. They were a little nervous. More than 30 people in the hall didn't stop Chen Hao. They were also choking. But under Guan song's order, they rushed forward with their heads in their stride.

"Get out of here!"

Now Chen Hao has been playing sex, eyes with a fierce murderous, which is not in line with the charm of deer drama, but closer to tiger drama.

Chen Hao switched seamlessly into a tiger play, and immediately used the "fight between the dragon and the tiger". His two fists were angry, faster than his opponent's stick, and hit the two fighters in the face.

The so-called two strong meet, the brave win, now the tiger play add body of Chen Hao is the brave, the two hitters did not cause much threat to Chen Hao, on the head suffered a heavy blow, directly fainted on the ground.

At this time, the door of the hall was close in front of him. Without thinking about it, Chen Hao raised his foot and kicked the locked door open.

At the same time, he used the rebound force to pull Zhou Xitong back, and the two finally rushed out.

"What kind of waste are you? If dozens of people can't catch a man and a woman, I'll go after them. If they can't catch up with you, don't come back! "

Guan song gas scold, he also anger unforgivable copied a stick rushed out of the hall, joined the pursuit of the ranks.

Chen Hao, who rushed out of the hall, didn't have time to be lucky, because there were housekeepers everywhere in the hotel, four or five thugs appeared in the corridor, and the other side was well prepared, and there were people guarding the elevator door.

The cry behind him is still urgent. The more than 30 thugs are chasing behind him. Chen Hao has no time to enter the elevator. When he sees the sign of the emergency exit, he takes Zhou Xitong into the stairs.

Two thugs also approached the stairwell. Chen Hao suddenly turned back and threw out his belt. The two men were holding sticks, but they had never practiced how to deal with soft weapons. They were shot in the eye and squatted down in pain. For a moment, they couldn't see clearly.

After solving the recent pursuit, Chen Hao takes Zhou Xitong downstairs. But at this time, Zhou Xitong screams. It turns out that she was wearing half high heels and broke when she went down the stairs.

"Chen Hao, leave me alone..." Zhou Xitong found that he had been dragging Chen Hao, feeling guilty.

"What you said is just a broken heel. Hold me tight and I'll take you downstairs."

Chen Hao bent down and bent Zhou Xitong's legs. He took a classic princess's embrace and carried her downstairs.

In case of emergency, when he went down the stairs, if the first step was too slow, Chen Hao directly used the action of hurdle to stride to the handrail, used the falling gravity to slide on the handrail for more than one meter, and then directly jumped down the stairs.

This time, he jumped down the next stairs two or three meters high with his own person. As he was about to wrestle, Chen Hao used a "dragon and tiger step" on his feet. A magical step changed the momentum, regained his balance, and landed safely.

At this time, the pursuers had just rushed into the stairwell.

Chen haosan adjusted the balance twice, jumped directly to the stair handrail, and then jumped to the next floor.

In other words, Chen Hao only stepped on three steps when he went down one floor. It is estimated that the speed of going down has broken the Guinness world record.

It's not going down the stairs. It's going over the stairs.

Some of the pursuers went down the stairs three or four times, but it was too slow. Inspired by Chen Hao, some started to climb the stairs over the handrail from the middle, but their balance was not as good as Chen Hao's. some succeeded, but some fell directly on the stairs, then rolled down the stairs, and fell black and blue.

At this time, Chen Hao has gone down three floors. He is holding a beautiful woman. He goes down faster than them. No wonder he is scolded as a waste by Guan song.

The thugs are also suffering. They can do nothing against ordinary people, but today they meet Chen Hao. It's not that they don't work hard. It's just that their opponents are amazing.