Chapter 410

Zhou Xitong instantly realized that it was reporter Zhu who helped them to detain and distribute the Limited demolition documents. Both of them knew that reporter Zhu was powerful. If she came out this time, Guan Yunchang would be doomed.

"I report that I will have a dinner for reporter Zhu at the French restaurant in the evening, because I said it was a single treat in advance, so I won't take you." Chen Hao greets his girlfriend in advance for fear that she is jealous.

"Just the two of you?"

Zhou Xitong's eyebrows are slightly frowning. Obviously, a man and a woman eat alone, and the other party is a beautiful woman with mysterious background. Zhou Xitong feels the pressure and is not confident.

She is a strong woman in the market, but in front of her feelings, she is no different from other little girls. She also worries about gain and loss, which is the result of too much care.

Chen Hao hugged her shoulder with a smile and praised: "Tong Tong, you are so beautiful and capable. If you want to be confident, I am really dedicated to you."

"I also believe in you, but you must drink when you eat. Alcohol is the catalyst of emotion. Do you forget that we drank wine for the first time?"

Chen Hao was embarrassed to mention this. He could not say that it was not the reason for the wine, but that he had sprayed special perfume from Zhen Jie.

This secret can't be said. Chen Hao picked up his eyebrows and said with a bad smile, "then we can only use the most stupid method to prevent the trouble in advance."

"What method?" Zhou Xitong was really deceived.

"If a man wants to cheat, he needs to pay for his physical strength and energy. Why don't you squeeze me out first and don't you worry?"

I have to say that this is a "bad idea", but Zhou Xitong thinks it makes a lot of sense.

She bit her lips and made a decision: "OK, let's go to the lounge now. I'll kill the potential threat myself!"

"Don't be so horrible."

Chen Hao took a deep breath, it seems that in order to appease his girlfriend, he can only "sacrifice his life for righteousness".

So, the two quietly slipped back to Zhou Xitong's lounge, and hung a "do not disturb" sign at the door, and then did not come out for a long time.


In the evening, Chen Hao came out of Hu Bo's traditional Chinese medicine clinic and recovered his energy. He felt that his hollowed out body was better.

I don't know if Zhou Xitong's vigilance to Zhu Min is too strong. In the lounge, she seems to be a different person, crazy and active, pestering Chen Hao not to let go, until 3 p.m., until they are exhausted.

Rao Shi Chen Hao is strong and can't resist the consumption of this intensity. When he came out of Zhou Xitong's office, he felt that his waist and knees were soreness and weakness. This state is not right and needs to be adjusted.

So he came to Hu Bo's traditional Chinese medicine clinic. When Hu Bo was not there, he asked his apprentice to give him some massage and take some medicine to consolidate the essence of Peiyuan.

After a series of treatment, Chen Hao finally regained his vitality. It seems that he should be moderate in the future, and everything should not be excessive.

Although wine is good, you can't drink too much. Although beauty is wonderful, you can't overdo it.

When Chen Hao saw that it was late, he drove his extended Rolls Royce to meet Zhu Min at the TV station to show his sincerity.

When a solemn and luxurious black extended Rolls Royce drove to the door of the TV station, the TV station staff who came out from work were stunned.

Few people can see luxury cars of this level. Many people just walk around the cars and take photos with their mobile phones.

Chen Hao doesn't mind these people watching his car. He just asks them to code the license plate when they send photos in their circle of friends to respect his privacy.

When everyone saw that the rich man was so close to the people, they couldn't help but feel good about him and said that they would code.

Of course, to see such a handsome and rich young man, there are always women who fantasize about the prince charming in their dreams.

A fat girl, weighing about 140-50 Jin, twisted her bucket waist and came over. Her face was thick and smooth. She was shaking up and down as she walked. She felt very fat.

Fat sister not timid said: "handsome, are you waiting for someone?"

"Yes." Chen Hao replied that he was really waiting for Zhu min.

"I think you look familiar." Fat younger sister is holding a voice, Jiao Di Di says.

"Well?" Chen Hao didn't understand what she was going to say.

"We seem to have met in a dream. I think it's a kind of fate, so can we leave a wechat? I want to cherish this fate. "

Fat sister's false eyelashes are puffing and puffing, and her eyes are shining. Obviously, she has a crush on Chen Hao.

This affectation made Chen Hao get goose bumps. It was like being watched by a fat sea lion. It was not very good.

"Sorry, I don't need wechat."

Chen Hao patience, with a white lie, euphemistically refused the fat girl's offensive.

Who knows fat sister still can't hear, continue to say: "that mobile phone number also become, my is 133... You remember, I return hair you point private room to take, very good-looking Oh, others I don't give it!"

Chen Hao doesn't know why he has the feeling of nausea. Maybe he was squeezed too hard by Zhou Xitong in the afternoon and had a temporary physiological aversion to women.

Chen Hao didn't want to write down Fei Mei's mobile phone number. His expression became serious and he said, "sorry, I don't have a mobile phone either."

Chen Hao thought that such a simple lie would make the other party retreat. As a result, Chen Hao was wrong. Feimei dares to chat up a rich and handsome guy with her own image. The thickness of her skin is definitely different from that of ordinary people.

The fat girl suddenly took out her red rice mobile phone with a red mobile phone case and said, "your mobile phone must have been lost, poor big boy. Use mine. I just bought the double card and double stay."

Chen Hao really can't stand it. He's embarrassed and suffering from cancer. But he can't beat her away when he is faced with a fat girl who wants to eat frog prince.