Chapter 412

When reporter Zhu saw these art like dishes, she had a big appetite. She couldn't wait to pick up chopsticks and put a piece of sliced meat in her mouth. It was fragrant and delicious when she bit the sauce.

Her "mm-hmm" voice is the praise of this delicious dish.

"Don't worry, there's still a lot in the back. Take your time." Chen Hao smiles and pushes the dishes to her side.

"Xia chef is really good. She is not only beautiful, but also delicious. Her cooking skill is better than that of some five-star hotel chefs. I think she will win the prize in the chef competition." Zhu Min said with emotion.

"I don't think she likes to be in the limelight." Chen Hao said.

The dishes soon filled the table, and the two began to taste the delicious food.

Chen Hao poured a cup of the latest Royal fruit wine for Zhu Min, which was the first batch of grape flavored fruit wine delivered. Zhu Min happened to love grapes and was full of praise after drinking it.

"This is the best wine I've ever drunk!"

Zhu Min happily picked up the fruit wine packaging, like to take a picture.

But she still wanted to finish, and asked, "can I buy some bottles? I want to give my dad a taste. He likes wine very much."

This is the first time he has heard Zhu Min talk about her family.

"Of course, as many as you want."

As for this female reporter with mysterious background, Chen Hao's requirements were met unconditionally, and she certainly would not charge for free. At the beginning, Zhu Min helped him once, which saved him hundreds of millions of yuan. In the future, he could contract Zhu Min's consumption.

Hearing this, Zhu Min is more happy, raised the goblet, two people touched, then Zhu Min will cup mouth close to red lips, drink a delicious grape wine.

The two chatted while drinking, and soon the topic came to the hottest woodpecker incident recently.

As a well-informed reporter, Zhu Min certainly knows that the woodpecker is protected. After doing so many illegal and immoral things, he is still at large, which makes the upright Zhu Min angry.

"It's true that I have reported so many secrets for nothing, but the leader has not published my follow-up report directly, and deleted all the news in front of me. I had a fight with him today. He is afraid of power and has no integrity of journalists."

But Chen Hao opened his eyes, laughed and advised her: "this is the society, but your leaders also have difficulties. If he doesn't comply, he will be laid off the next day, and even the whole staff of your TV station will be involved. Many people depend on this job to support their families, so you should understand him and try not to quarrel with the leaders. "

Zhu Min is also a journalism graduate who has just graduated for one year. There is a trace of idealism brought out by the school, so she complains.

When she heard Chen Hao's words, she thought deeply. She felt that Chen Hao's words were reasonable. When people get to a certain leadership position, they have more concerns. They should not only consider their own future, but also consider the subordinates who eat with them. They should not be as young and fearless as she is a single young woman.

Although he understood what the Taiwan leader was doing, Zhu Min was still indignant about it, and the delicious dishes were no longer fragrant.

Chen Hao advised a few words, also did not play any effect.

Zhu Min recalled in her mind that when she was in school, her teacher taught them that journalists should have pride, report the most real events, and not be afraid of power and violence. She vowed to abide by them at that time. Now that she has made certain achievements, she forgot her original oath.

"No, I'm going to make a phone call, or the food won't taste good. Sorry, wait for me for 10 minutes." Zhu Min put down his chopsticks, stood up and said.

Looking at her awe inspiring manner, Chen Hao somehow guessed what she was going to do, and immediately made a bold decision.

When he took the opportunity to open the door for Zhu Min, he glued a "button" on the back of her windbreaker. It looked like a button, but in fact it was the tracker he used when he caught a thief in the university last time.

This tracker has powerful recording function. Chen Hao wants to know the secret behind Zhu Min through recording.

It's very dangerous to let such a mysterious and powerful woman around if you don't know anything about her.

Of course, in order to protect Zhu Min's privacy, he would not record the call. He would just listen to it once.

Zhu Min walked out of the box and went outside the restaurant. Through the window, she could see her taking out her cell phone in a quiet corner.

Chen Hao also took out his mobile phone in the box. Through the real-time monitoring function of the tracker, he put on a Bluetooth headset to eavesdrop on Zhu Min's calls. Only Zhu Min's voice was monitored.

"Dad, I found a very good wine. I'll send it to you tomorrow."

"I'm ok, but I'm not happy with my work. Did you see my report? It's about the woodpecker group..."

"Hey, dad is the smartest. He can't hide anything from you, but it's true to deliver wine. When you drink, you should also ask about it, just a moment."

Speaking of this, I heard Zhu Min playing coquettish with his father on the phone. His sticky tone made Chen Hao realize that the fierce reporter also had such a coquettish side.