Chapter 470

Before long, Lai Wu came to join Chen Hao and took over the driver's position. He drove to the rental location, and Chen Hao didn't feel very happy at the door.

This is a group rental community. It's night now. People come and go. Many children are noisy in the yard. There are also aunts who come downstairs to dance square dance after dinner. The whole space is full of people. It's a terrible noise. It's like a vegetable market.

Seeing Chen Hao's expression, Lai Wu knew that his boss was not satisfied and said, "it's too noisy here. Do you want to look again?"

"Go up and have a look."

Chen Hao, noncommittal, took Lai Wu upstairs.

Wang Qiang talks with the landlord about 20 vacant rooms in unit 2. Chen Hao finds the landlord and, accompanied by the landlord, enters several of the rooms to check.

This is the setting of group rental houses. The decoration is very simple, the walls are painted white, and a small room with dozens of square meters is divided into three narrow bedrooms. There is no kitchen, a public bathroom, or even a balcony. The clothes are hung in the bathroom with a rubber band. It is estimated that the clothes will not dry in winter for a week, so we need to provide our own dryer.

Washing machine, air conditioner, electric light and water heater are the only electrical appliances in the room.

Chen Hao shakes his head, which is even worse than the condition of the house he rented at first. There are many people, and eating and drinking are all problems. Moreover, they are in the room, and all kinds of noises come from outside clearly. Workers can't have a good rest in this kind of environment.

The construction workers work in two shifts. Some of them have to work day shift and some of them have to work night shift. They can't sleep well when they are so noisy. How can they work seriously.

They went upstairs to check several rooms, almost the same structure, Chen Hao said on the spot: "it's not good here, better conditions."

The landlord showed a proud look: "my condition is not good? All around is such a configuration, if you want good, a month rent will be four or five thousand, used as workers' dormitory, not to die! You can't find a cheaper house without me. "

"You don't have to worry about that." Lai Wu coldly said to the landlord that his fierce eyes scared the landlord's neck. In front of him, the man was a social elder brother, which frightened him.

The landlord is beating the drum in his heart. A valet is so powerful. Chen Hao, the boss, must be more powerful. He begins to regret what he said and did just now.

Of course, Chen Hao won't bother with these ordinary people. He and Lai Wu leave, ready to go to other places.

As soon as they got on the bus, Chen Hao received a call from the person in charge of the temple street construction site, and his tone was very urgent.

"Boss Chen, our construction site has been complained that our construction noise disturbs the residents. Someone from above has come to investigate and understand the situation!"

"Well, I'm coming."

Chen Hao asked Lai Wu to drive to the construction site.

After arriving at Temple Street, there is already a law enforcement vehicle, and the person in charge of the construction site is communicating with the law enforcement personnel.

"The construction here has been approved, the noise also conforms to the industry standard, and there is no disturbance to the residents." The person in charge said that he was wronged.

"We are also in accordance with the regulations, starting tonight to carry out self-examination and rectification, and we can also strive to reach an understanding with the complainants, otherwise we will be punished according to the regulations."

Law enforcement officials said.

At this time, Chen Hao came and said that they would consider it and sent the law enforcement officers away.

"How did you get a complaint?" The person in charge of the construction site didn't understand.

When Chen Hao asked about the complainants, he wanted to solve the problem with them in private. The complainants were in a five story building not far from the construction site where he could see them.

"Let's go and have a look."

Chen Hao calls Lai Wu and goes to the place together.

When I got to the place, I found that it was a foot therapy shop. It was full of lights outside. A group of girls with heavy makeup were dancing in the square below. These were all foot washers in the foot bath shop. They had the chance to dance before going to work as live advertisements.

These foot washing girls also wear V-neck short skirts and black silk leather boots in winter, which is very suitable for some men's preferences, so many people stop to watch.

"Hot girl pedicure?"

Chen Hao saw the name of the shop, and the dress and style of those foot washing girls. He felt that the shop was not very formal.

"Boss, I'll go to their store manager to find out." Lai Wu said.

"Don't be busy. Let's go and see the actual situation first."

Chen Hao wants to go upstairs to experience it and see what impact the construction site will have on them.

They are all in line with the relevant regulations and should not be complained.

So they entered the store first. A cashier girl at the front desk saw Chen Hao coming in. She was very busy and said, "two bosses, do you want to wash your feet?"

"Yes, arrange for us." Chen Hao said.

"Do you want to wash them together or separately?" Asked the younger sister.

"Together." Chen Hao said.

"Well, we have five specifications here, 68, 88128158 respectively. The best one is 388 yuan, of which 388 yuan is imperial. All kinds of services are top-notch. It's quite recommended." The cashier girl said.

Laiwu is Menqing. As soon as he listens to this configuration, he feels something is wrong. He asks: "what specifications do you have here?"

"Single washing is the highlight of our store. On the basis of the five stalls just now, there are 588888 kinds of luxury single rooms and 1288 kinds of night package, as many as a dozen kinds of physiotherapy services." Cash girl said, but also toward the two people threw a coquettish eyes, obviously there is something fishy inside.

"Boss, what she said about one-to-one service should be what I used to do." Lai Wu whispered to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao frowned. He was an upright young man, and his impression of the store went from bad to worse.