Chapter 474

When Lai Wu saw the familiar woman, he called out: "Xiao Shao!"

"Fifth master, why are you here?" The woman named Xiao Shao was very surprised.

When Lai Wu saw her, she immediately had the music in her heart. She was on the third floor and asked her to wait for a while and come down from the window.

Lai Wu immediately told the workers to find a ladder on the third floor. Because the gate was blocked, the woman climbed down the ladder.

It turns out that this little Shao was the girl in red who had given Chen Hao door-to-door service at the hotel in Litong county because she heard the wrong door number. Unexpectedly, after she was dismissed by Lai Wu, she did not break away from this illegal business, but came to Baihe city to resume her old business.

Xiaoshao is her nickname. It doesn't mean high alcohol. Shao is a homonym of "Sao", which is in line with her style. Over time, her nickname has become Xiaoshao. Many of her subordinates before Laiwu had slept with her, but Laiwu never touched the women under her, so they were not greasy.

Xiao Shao has been working with Lai Wu for more than a year. He is still in awe of Lai Wu. He immediately comes to Lai Wu and waits for his orders.

"How long have you been here?" Lai Wu asked.

"About a week." Xiaoshaoda.

"Why are you still in this business?"

"I don't want to, but I don't have any other skills."

Xiao Shao is a little afraid of Lai Wu's questioning. He talks about his difficulties for fear that Lai Wu will teach her a lesson.

"Don't be afraid. Here's your chance to commit crimes and make contributions!"

Lai Wu immediately said what he thought and asked Xiao Shao to be a tainted witness to point out that Xu Lianshan was involved in illegal operation.

"I testify. Will I go to jail?"

Xiao Shao has no objection to this. Xu Lianshan is very unpopular. When Xiao Shao came to apply for the job, he used the reason of interview for free. His salary was also deducted. Of course, Xiao Shao would not work for him, but he was afraid of being involved.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure you're OK. I'll give you a lot of hard work after it's done." Five promises.

Lai Wu is very authoritative in Xiaoshao's heart. Anyway, she doesn't care about her reputation, so she nodded and said, "OK, as long as Xu Lianshan is arrested, I'll go to testify. I know where their account book is hidden, but you must protect my safety. This surname Xu is not a good fault."

"Don't worry, I'm boss Chen Hao. In Litong County, you don't see his ability."

When it comes to that day, Lai Wu is very proud. He doesn't mind losing his face at all. On the contrary, he thinks that it's worthwhile to get paid by the boss in exchange for a decent life. Otherwise, he will continue to sink, and the end will not be very good.

"The fifth master followed him

Xiao Shao immediately emerged that night. Chen Hao's strength gave her confidence, so she promised to be a tainted witness.

The witness's affairs are settled, and Xu Lianshan can't escape the disaster of prison.

Soon, several police vans drove downstairs. As soon as the workers saw it, they used excavators to remove the sand and stones in the way. They said that under their guard, none of the bad guys escaped.

Dozens of police rushed into the foot bath shop, controlled all the staff inside, and arrested a number of customers on the spot. The human evidence and material evidence were so strong that they could not deny it.

Xu Lianshan did not dare to blow up his hair in the face of a group of policemen. He was handcuffed, and most of those foot washing girls were taken away in police vans.

This hot girl's foot bath shop has been stewed in one pot.

Xu Lianshan came out with a drooping head, and saw Chen Hao standing at the door. He pointed to him in surprise and cried, "you!"

"It's me. I said you don't need an hour to do it. Now it's two minutes away and it's finished ahead of time." Chen Hao said lightly.

Obviously, copying his shop is just a very small thing, which is not worth mentioning at all.

"Who are you?" Xu Lianshan asked in horror.

He admitted that he had fallen into trouble and found a group of brothers to look for Chen Hao's bad luck. As a result, he was beaten and scurried around. He called the police and even his young lady to identify him. The account book was also found. He would not end well.

"It's no use asking. Our boss is someone you can't afford. You should inquire about Chen Hao's name in advance!" Lai Wu stood up and answered for Chen Hao.

"Chen Hao? Is it the one who killed brother snake? "

At that time, Xu Lianshan felt that his knees were sore. This time, he knew that he had provoked a evil star, which was his own sin.

He was with brother snake a long time ago. Later, he was sentenced to prison. After his release, he worked alone. A while ago, he heard that brother snake had been dealt with by a young man. He was still very unconvinced. He thought that brother snake was old. If he met that man, he would have dealt with him.

As a result, today I really met him, but he came to this end. It seems that he was too naive at the beginning. It was not that he was old, but that his opponent was too strong. Today, Xu Lianshan himself fully understood.

Xu Lianshan's face was as gray as death, and he beat his head with regret.

The policeman who escorted him thought that he was going to injure himself. He rushed to control it and forced him into the police car. It would be a severe punishment of the law to meet him.

It took the police more than an hour to clear the scene, take away all the people involved, and then put a seal on the door.

However, Chen Hao came up and showed his property certificate to prove that he was the owner of the landlord, and he entrusted others to report to the police, so he asked not to stick a seal, and he still wanted to use the building.

The police didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, they thank Chen Hao for providing clues, praise him verbally, and then leave.

"Boss, have you really sold this building down?" Lai Wu beside him asked in amazement.

"Yes, it's my place now." Chen Hao looked at the five story building in front of him and said calmly.

Lai Wuyi was surprised and said, "come here, come here." his boss is such a bull. Generally, he will buy the good things without staying overnight. This time, too.

I have to say that Lai Wu's observation is quite careful.

Chen Hao and Lai Wu went up and down in the building and saw that the decoration of the foot bath shop was OK. After all, they were in business and clean.

"Boss, what are you going to do with this building? Open a store? " Lai Wu asked.

"Don't you find that it's a good place to live?" Chen Hao asked.

Indeed, because of illegal business, many small rooms have been decorated to give guests overnight rest. The beds, toilets and bathrooms are ready-made, which can be checked in with bags. The water and electricity network is also complete.

"Do you want to change to a hotel? It's quite good. " Lai Wu's hasty approval.

Lai Wu's ability to handle affairs is OK, but his foresight is not so good. Chen Hao smiles and explains to him, "I promise the workers on the construction site to find a suitable dormitory for them. What do you think of this place?"