Chapter 502

Later someone came up for tea. The Third Elder martial brother was more polite and asked Chen Hao to wait a little. He said that his teacher would come soon.

While chatting, the Third Elder martial brother reported his name. His name was Hao duo, and he was the third disciple of the clan leader of Zhujian villa.

His master, long Xiaoyan, has five apprentices in total. The first two of them live in other places. He and the other three apprentices study at his master's side. The one who sent the post yesterday is the youngest of the five apprentices. He has gone to the confinement room to heal his wounds and fell a little hard.

Because in order to fight for fame and wealth, he provoked disputes, distorted facts and ruined good things, so master long Xiaoyan did not defend him.

Chen Hao sipped a sip of tea, tea fragrance overflowing, first bitter then sweet, is really good tea.

"It's Huangshan Maofeng Tea. I don't know if it suits Mr. Chen's taste."

At this time, a vigorous voice came from behind. Chen Hao looked back. It was an old man in his fifties.

The old man is radiant and energetic. He seems to be 40 years old, and he can't see any old state. Moreover, he is very big, and his right arm is especially strong. It may be caused by swinging a sledgehammer when he thinks of the name of casting sword.

"You must be the clan leader of Zhujian villa. Chen Hao is bothering you." Chen Hao stood up and said politely.

When the other party invited him for the second time, he showed great sincerity. Chen Hao was not a fussy person, so he was polite.

Hao duo introduced: "this is the master. Long Xiaoyan, the current clan leader of Zhujian villa."

"The dragon people are good." When the other party is older, Chen Hao also shows his respect according to the etiquette.

"Easy to say, easy to say." Long Xiaoyan's bright voice echoed in the room.

Long Xiaoyan laughed and then said, "I've heard some rumors about you recently, saying that you are brave, fierce and domineering. But I saw you today and found that the rumors are not believable."

"I don't know what the patriarch came to me mainly for. I think it's not just for me to taste the tea." Chen Hao doesn't like polite and straightforward inquiry.

"Mr. Chen is also a cheerful person. To tell you the truth, I am supported by my colleagues in the Wulin because of some false names. I was temporarily appointed as the president of the provincial Wushu Association. A few days ago, I heard that you defeated Lin Dayou, the chief disciple of the Lin family boxing, in Huacun, using a new kind of Wushu. As the president of the Wushu Association, of course, I would like to see you as a talent in our province, That's why I asked my little apprentice to invite you. "

As soon as long Xiaoyan's voice fell, Hao duo added: "as a result, my younger martial brother was too reckless and turned a good thing into a bad one, so today my master asked me to go to your house early in the morning and invite you here."

I see. I didn't expect that long Xiaoyan was still the president of the martial arts association. However, he had never heard of the association. This also proves that the status of martial arts has declined. If young people in this era don't study and get a good diploma, it is very difficult to have a good job. It will be a problem to support their families in the future.

This is also the helplessness of the times. In the new era, some old things will be eliminated, but new things will also be born. Chen Hao found that Zhujian villa had a good life and should have its way of survival.

Wushu is an ancient heritage of China. No matter how the times change, it will exist, but will not die out.

Chen Hao then said: "it seems that there is some misunderstanding. I was too heavy the day before yesterday. I hope I didn't hurt the disciples of the dragon clan leader."

"The injury is a little bit, but I drove him to Houshan to think about it behind closed doors. It's just the right time to recuperate."

Long Xiaoyan added: "I don't know what Mr. Chen likes. I'll have lunch at my house at noon. I'll have people prepare it. There are many people in my family and cooks of various cuisines. Just say what you want."

"I'm free." Chen haodao.

Since the other party is the president of the provincial Martial Arts Association, he must know many martial arts experts, so Chen Hao has the idea to get to know them. In the future, there will be experts to exchange Kung Fu, which is more conducive to the cultivation of Wuqinxi.

Then long Xiaoyan asked his most concerned topic: "Mr. Chen, what kind of Kung Fu do you use and who do you learn from?"

"The teacher who taught me Kung Fu didn't allow me to publicize it to the outside world, so it's inconvenient to disclose his name and taboo. I can tell you that the kung fu I used is Wuqinxi, which originated from Hua Tuo, an ancient doctor."

Chen Hao didn't say Hu Bo's name. After all, his old man is only a traditional Chinese medicine. If he is involved with these Wulin people, such as the reckless young man who sent the post, it may bring him some trouble. As for the name of Wuqinxi, there is nothing to hide.

"Oh? Wuqinxi, I've seen people use it for fitness. It's also recorded in ancient books that it's a kind of fitness method. Unexpectedly, it's also a kind of martial arts. " Long Xiaoyan said in surprise.

"Yes, I also began to practice according to the ancient books." Chen haodao.

"I'd like to ask if I can demonstrate it again. If it's true, I can add Wuqinxi to my martial arts category. In the future, you will also be a martial arts person in our province." Long Xiaoyan said.

Chen Hao said: "I'm not good at learning. There are five kinds of animal tricks in Wuqinxi. I've only mastered three of them. It's no problem to demonstrate them. I also want to learn more from all the experts and make progress together. I just don't want to join the Wulin. I don't like rules and regulations. I'm afraid I'll only increase my worries after entering."

"Mr. Chen may have misunderstood our Martial Arts Association. Well, the demonstration is not urgent. It will be noon soon. Let my three disciples accompany you to visit the village. I'll go to ask some old bones of our martial arts circles to witness Wuqinxi together."

With that, long Xiaoyan left with emotion.

Chen Hao is a little surprised. Long Xiaoyan wants to change his martial arts performance into a watching conference, but he won't be stage fright.

"Mr. Chen, please, I'll show you around Zhuangzi." The Third Elder martial brother Hao duo asked.

"Thank you." Chen Hao also wants to see what is famous about this sword casting villa.

Then Hao duo took Chen Hao to visit all parts of Zhuangzi.

Chen Hao found that he was still making cold weapons here, and some trucks in and out were pulling a lot of raw materials needed for metal making.

Hao duo's first stop is to take Chen Hao to the weapons exhibition room of their sword casting villa. From here, you can see that there are 18 kinds of weapons, as well as some rare and strange weapons. The weapons are stored in transparent display boxes, and there are led lights inside to set off the atmosphere. The visual effect is first-class.

The layout here is the same as that of the museum, which makes you feel solemn and grand.

"These are some weapons made by our villa. Please enjoy them." The Third Elder martial brother said.

Chen Hao came to a display cabinet and looked inside through the LED spotlight. The shape of a long sword in it was cool. The dark green shark skin scabbard was inlaid with various gems. The hilt was a dragon head and the guard was dragon claws. It looked similar to those swords in the game. The style was magical and exaggerated.

This is a typical modern style sword. It seems that the sword foundry villa keeps pace with the times, knows how to be flexible, does not stick to conventions, and has the courage to accept new things.