Chapter 519

"Mr. Li, did someone tell you something?" Chen Hao answered the phone and asked.

Mr. Li hesitated, but he hung up without saying anything.

Now it's certain that Yan Duoshou really stirred up the fruits of their hard work for most of the day, and this trip to the Olympic city seems to be fruitless.

However, this also shows the fact that Yan Duoshou is very influential in the local area, and most people want to sell him face.

But Chen Hao is not afraid. As a dragon crossing the river, he wants to fight with this local snake.

"I'm sorry. I'm the one who bothered you." Chen Hao is apologizing to Zhou Xitong.

"No, if you want to exchange dignity for those businesses, you can't do them. You're doing the right thing. If I were you, I would do the same. I can't just compromise with disgusting people for the sake of business. "

Zhou Xitong is very sensible. She doesn't care whether she makes money or not. She is very happy to come out with Chen Hao.

Although Zhou Xitong doesn't blame him, Chen Hao is upset. He plans to help Zhou Xitong get a big order, so as not to let her down.

However, can he negotiate business with Yan Duoshou?

Anything can happen in the world. Yan Duoshou is just a businessman. He can't cover the sky with only one hand. As long as someone is not afraid of Yan Duoshou and cooperation can bring enough benefits, business can be concluded.

Chen Hao stopped a waiter, gave him 500 yuan, and then asked him, "who is the most powerful in the meeting?"

Chen Hao's idea is very simple. He just needs to find the most powerful person in the local area. He will not be afraid of Yan Duoshou.

"Of course, it's the business officer of our Olympic City, Li Ying!" The waiter said with pride.

Chen Hao heart move, he took out his mobile phone to Baidu Li Ying's information.

Li Ying, female, 42 years old, is the chief executive of the Department of Commerce of Aocheng

In the profile, there are a lot of materials about her. She has a brilliant resume. She graduated from a famous university and has a doctor's degree in economics and sociology. She has always been close to the people and enjoys a high reputation among the people. The local residents all support her. She was elected the next chief executive. Therefore, the waiter has such a proud expression. Her feelings are Li Ying's iron powder.

"Oh? Chief Li is also at the scene. Where is she? " Chen Hao asked.

This made the waiter start to doubt: "you're not going to trouble officer Li, are you?"

"Of course not. I have a business to talk with Mr. Li."

With that, Chen Hao quietly stuffed 500 yuan into his pocket.

Money can make the devil push the mill, and Chen Hao's handsome and neat image is not like a bad man, so the waiter gives Chen Hao advice.

In the business meeting room upstairs, Li Ying called the owners of several pharmaceutical companies who participated in the negotiation meeting. There was some secret about it. As a waiter, he had sent fruit to them, so he knew about it.

"Thank you!"

Chen Hao then called Zhou Xitong and went upstairs to find the most prestigious lady in the area.

When he came to the door of the conference room, Chen Hao pushed the door open and heard the sound of a meeting inside.

There is a middle-aged woman in a light red dress, dressed appropriately, sitting in the chair, who should be Li Ying, but her brow is slightly wrinkled, it seems that the meeting process is not smooth.

"Is there really no way? Now the hospital is in urgent need of a batch of Cr vaccine, the price is not a problem. " Li Ying said.

Her voice has a sense of dignity. Chen Hao estimates that Zhou Xitong and others are older, and when they meet with their subordinates, they will also be the domineering president fan.

A male businessman said in embarrassment: "Mr. Li, it's not that we don't want to make money. CR vaccine is the latest vaccine developed in China, and it's safe and without side effects. Only one biological company can build a body, and its production capacity is seriously insufficient. All over the world are rushing to buy it. A batch of factory products are bought by people in the back office. We have contacted for a long time, and the manufacturers say that they are out of stock within half a year."

"Yes, Cr vaccine is needed all over the world now. The black market abroad has raised US $20000 each. We also want to make money, but we just can't get it." Someone echoed.

There was a lot of discussion among the participants. Generally, there was no way to buy the most popular CR vaccine.

Li Ying's brow wrinkled deeper.

"Why don't we buy some foreign vaccines to cope with this period of time?" Someone is proposing.

"No way!" Li Ying flatly denied, "many foreign vaccines have side effects. Their own rich people and politicians don't use them. Instead, they come to China to grab CR vaccines, and they will know which vaccines they have and what their quality is. We can't let people on the island use inferior vaccines. "

In this way, other businessmen are silent, some people fiddle with their fingers, some people look at their mobile phones, the atmosphere is very dull.

Li Ying suddenly stood up and bowed to the boss of the pharmaceutical company: "on behalf of the people of the whole Olympic City, I beg you to think of more ways. As long as you can come in with Cr vaccine within one week, I can reduce the company's tax for three years, and buy the vaccine at the factory price plus 50."

This is a very rich promise. The owners of pharmaceutical companies are very greedy, but they can only try their best, because they don't have a good way.

After hearing the news, Chen Hao immediately opened the 10 billion subsidy, searched the medical district for vaccines, and found the CR vaccine they needed.

Anti virus CR vaccine, produced by Tianxin Bioengineering Co., Ltd., with anti-counterfeiting certificate, 420 yuan per piece, subsidy price 20 yuan per piece, limited to 100000 pieces, delivery time 6 hours after the order, by SF air mail.

Now that he has the goods, Chen Hao has the confidence to push the door immediately.

"Sir Li, I can provide CR vaccine."

Chen Hao enters the conference room, and Zhou Xitong follows him.

"Who are you?"

The security personnel brought by officer Li are very nervous and come up to stop them.

Chen Hao opened his hands, lifted his coat and indicated that he had no weapons.

After ten years in office, Mr. Li also had the ability to know people. Seeing that Chen Hao was upright and didn't look like a liar, he asked him, "which pharmaceutical company are you representing? How much CR vaccine can be provided? When will it be available? "

"I'm from Zhoushi international. This is Zhou Xitong, President of Zhoushi international. The first batch can provide 100000 CR vaccines, which will arrive tonight. There may be more vaccines in the future."

As soon as he heard that there were 100000 vaccines, the boss of the pharmaceutical company at the scene called it "impossible". Unless Chen Hao is the top manager of Tianxin company, it is impossible to get the vaccines.

Chen Hao smiles, which means that if you can't get it, it means that other people can't get it?

"Zhou International? Where did you get the supply? Are you talking about the CR vaccine produced by Tianxin Pharmaceutical Group? " Li Ying asked uneasily.

"Of course, the source of goods is true. There are Tianxin company's certificate and anti-counterfeiting number. You will know whether it is true or not as soon as you check it. You can pay for the goods first and then pay for it when you have nothing to worry about. And I won't make a difference in the price of drugs for saving people at the ex factory price of 420 yuan. " Chen Hao said with a smile.

It's very bold to buy goods first and pay later. It also shows that Chen Hao has a lot of financial resources and is not afraid that the funds can't be recovered. Of course, Li Ying, as a local official with a good reputation, will not default on his debts.

"Let's talk next door."

Li Ying and her assistant went to the small room next door for negotiation, so the medical representatives in the meeting room were all fried.