Chapter 573

The director turns around the upstairs and downstairs of Chen Hao's villa, and decides the shooting plan in his heart. In the master bedroom where Chen Hao originally lived, a scenic spot is set up to shoot the scene of the princess lying in bed drinking.

Then in the living room and the garden corridor, each take a shooting point, this together live.

"Boss Chen, the shooting location is tentatively three. We need to move some furniture and prepare some new props. Maybe we need to change the original look." The director asked.

"No problem, you see, I have something else to do. Just talk to these six beauties."

Chen Hao gave the scene to six girls and drove away by himself.

Chen Hao went to Zhou's international building to find Zhou Xitong, but she was related to whether the advertisement could be shot smoothly. Moreover, he didn't know how to speak on the phone, so he said better face to face.

I don't know if Zhou Xitong will agree to shoot advertisements. After all, her status is unusual. When a CEO of a fortune 500 company comes to shoot advertisements of other companies, it's incredible just to think about it.

Chen Hao came to Zhou's international. After going upstairs, she went directly to Zhou Xitong's office. She was talking about work with one of her subordinates.

Chen Hao didn't disturb them when he arrived, so he just sat by and waited.

After the employee left, Zhou Xitong said with a smile, "Why are you here? You're still in Yunyang at noon. What's the matter with the advertisement?"

"Most of the advertising is done, but one thing is still stuck." Chen Hao said.

"What's the matter? Tell me. I'll help you out." Zhou Xitong put down his work and listened to Chen Hao.

"Only you can do it."

Chen Hao showed a mysterious smile and went to Zhou Xitong's back. He kneaded her shoulders to please her.

Zhou Xitong, after all, is the president of the group. She has a super intelligence quotient. She can't help but ask: "say it, I will try my best to fulfill your requirements."

"I want to invite my beautiful girlfriend to make an advertisement for the palace wine." Chen Hao stated his purpose.

"Yes," Zhou Xitong agreed directly, "how much advertising expenses do you have this time? I'll sponsor you out of my own pocket."

It turns out that Zhou Xitong misunderstood, but her promise is a little generous. It is conservatively estimated that this advertisement will cost tens of millions, and Zhou Xitong is willing to take it. It can only be said that Chen Hao has occupied a considerable height in her heart and has ignored money.

"You misunderstood," Chen Hao said with a smile, "I want you to take part in the advertising shooting and play the role of a princess."

"Ah? I shoot ads? But I've never done it. " Zhou Xitong was shocked, and she had no experience in this field.

Chen Hao said: "now that all the other actors have been found, there is only one candidate for the imperial concubine, and you, the president fan, can't be more suitable to go through the past and be in the imperial palace."

"But it takes acting." Zhou Xitong said.

"Try it again. Of course, I won't force you. If you don't like it, you don't have to play it. I have a replacement there." Chen Hao said sincerely.

"Well, when I get off work."

Zhou Xitong for Chen Hao, dare to pay everything, to shoot an advertisement is not a big deal, she is a big president, this confidence is still some.

Next, Chen Hao accompanied his girlfriend in the office to help her sort out the documents. He felt a little like reviewing the memorials in the imperial study in ancient times. He could judge the life and death of a project with a wave of his hand.

Chen Hao looked at several documents and found that they were trivial matters, which did not need much attention. However, a branch fund application report attracted his attention.

This is the application report of Zhoushi chemical company to put into operation the coking coal project, which needs to invest more than 20 million yuan.

"Tongtong, I think coal is a sunset industry. Now the focus of the state is on environmental protection, and coal, a fossil fuel, may be mined out within decades, which is not suitable for long-term operation."

Although he didn't have much money, Chen Hao expressed his opinion and gave Zhou Xitong a crossed report.

"You're right. My husband can stand in his own way. Can I take a vacation?" Zhou Xitong joked.

Chen Hao said: "I have college students who study chemical engineering. They only know a little knowledge of the industry. Other industries that they don't know are not enough. It's easy to talk on paper. It's still up to you to manage enterprises."

"I can't make up my mind about this document."

Zhou Xitong handed Chen Hao a document with a question mark at the beginning.

She said: "our Zhou's sub brand orange electronics company has produced several mobile phones, and the response is OK. The general manager of orange gave me a report, saying that we should seize the market share of mobile phones, increase investment, and develop our own mobile phone chips and operating systems. The follow-up investment may be tens of billions."

"The investment of this plan is too huge. Once the investment fails, the company may be in a slump for many years, but there is also a prospect. I don't know whether to fight in the mobile phone market."

Zhou Xitong told Chen Hao what she thought and wanted to hear his opinion.

Chen Hao thought for a moment, combined with the current situation of Zhou's international, and gave his own answer: "I think first of all, we need to make clear the general direction of the next enterprise development. Zhou's international is too big, but there are no competitive products, that is, it is broad but not refined. Every industry seems to have branches, but it is not well-known in the industry. I think mobile phone and quantum communication are two directions. The investment is a research and development cost of 10 billion yuan. You need to make a choice and determine the main direction of Zhou's international in the future. You can either bet on mobile phone or quantum communication and give priority to one project with limited funds. "

"Well, you're right. I've got it. The future of mobile phones is not clear. I'd like to choose the quantum communication industry that has made some achievements. We are participants in the 5g era, but I want to make our international communication products become the mainstream of the industry by the time of 6g."

Zhou Xitong strengthened his idea and said to Chen Hao, "thank you for your advice."

"What's the matter? It's all our own company in the future. It should be." Chen Hao picked next eyebrow, after hinting to marry, that Zhou's international and Haoran company must be one.

It is true that some rich people will notarize their premarital property before they get married, but Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong don't have to worry about their feelings. Neither of them is greedy for money, and Chen Hao is not bad for money. With 10 billion yuan of subsidies, the snowballing of funds will only be more and more. Sooner or later, they will surpass Zhou's international.

After that, they had a full exchange of views on various industries of Zhou's international. Other couples were all in love together. Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong were together to discuss the development plans of the top 500 enterprises. The afternoon life of business elites was so simple and flashy.

Soon after work, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a group of people came in under the leadership of a young man.