Chapter 582

As for the press conference, Chen Hao initially planned to hold one in Baihe city and another in the winery. After the two press conferences are held, the advertisements should be well done and can be seamlessly linked.

Chen Hao plans to hold a high-profile press conference to invite all the well-known media in the country, and invite a few stars on the same day to make it a little more beautiful.

In the aspect of live broadcasting, Zhu Min, a big reporter, was responsible for inviting the media. Chen Hao gave Wang Qiang to contact him. He was responsible for contacting the stars. The time was a little tight, so he had to give back the results tomorrow.

Chen Hao also called several friends who are familiar with the entertainment industry and asked them to contact the stars. The bigger the coffee seats, the better. The appearance fee is not a problem.

His friend was full of promise, and said to give the news as soon as possible.

It's true that we received news very quickly, but these are not good news.

Wang Qiang first called to report that it was the small media that received feedback. Some big media either contacted for many times but didn't respond or said they didn't care. It should be that they disliked the low reputation of Royal fruit wine and people were not interested in it.

"They don't want to come?" Chen Hao laughed, "it doesn't matter, as long as a few big stars are invited, those reporters are like flies smelling the smell, and they come here on their own initiative."

Indeed, where there is a hot spot, reporters like to appear in where, even do not take the initiative to contact, as long as enough stars can be invited to solve.

However, things are far from smooth. Chen Hao's friends who contacted the stars also got news that many of the stars they contacted refused to join the Royal fruit wine platform. At present, only some small stars who are not in the class can be contacted. They have played one or two supporting roles in the Internet, but the big stars really don't.

"How could that be?"

Chen Hao smelled out the smell of conspiracy again. It felt too familiar. It seemed that he had been targeted before. It was the same situation, all kinds of blockage.

This conjecture was soon confirmed. Zhu Min called Chen Hao and asked, "Chen Hao, have you offended any big people recently?"

Chen Hao's face moved and asked, "how do you say that?"

Zhu Min said: "in our media circle, it's said in private that we are not allowed to participate in the press conference of Royal fruit wine, otherwise we will be banned. I don't know where the source comes from. Anyway, I've received several pieces in my wechat group, saying that there are big people talking on it, and some colleagues who know me told me not to go to you. Fortunately, the director doesn't believe this, It means that the live broadcast will go on as scheduled. "

Chen Hao suddenly understood that someone must be targeting him, not only in the entertainment industry, but also controlling the media industry. This energy is not small.

If we talk about enemies, there are quite a few recently.

For example, Yan Duoshou, who won the other party's 1 billion yuan in Aocheng, was sent to prison by him before. Because the rowing case involved the Ouyanghai family, the tubular family, even George from abroad, or Zhou Xitong's enemies, such as Wei Tianyi, who was on the same boat with Zhou's international situation, could retaliate against him.

However, the other party has the energy to disturb the two industry circles, which can exclude a large number of people, but it can't identify who it is.

The press conference is about to start. The most important thing now is not to find out the enemy, but to prepare for the press conference.

If the enemy can not be found, it will not change there. As long as the press conference is well done, it can frustrate the other party's plot and make the other party angry. It's a good deal.

"I see. Thank you for reminding me. I'll deal with it."

The same key, Chen Hao told Zhu min.

"Don't mention it. I can only do my best to invite some colleagues who are not afraid of the powerful to join us. They may all be little-known small media. I hope you don't dislike them." Zhu Min said.

"Well, you are the greatest support to me." Chen Hao said with a smile.

When he hung up, the smile on Chen Hao's face disappeared. It's naive to want to ban his royal fruit wine.

Since the other side in the media circle and star circle to talk about blocking him, then Chen Hao decided to personally break the game.

First of all, the enemy anonymously told us that he didn't want the media to attend the press conference of Royal fruit wine. His influence was not so big that he could only cover the sky. Otherwise, he could directly target himself, and there was no need to target his company.

Since the other side's influence does not cover the sky with only one hand, if there are enough news hotspots, those reporters can take the initiative to come.

After all, news depends on timeliness and flow. If you don't report, but other news reports, the flow and heat will be missed, and the gain is not worth the loss.

As a result, the media is a wall grass. As long as there are enough topics, there will be no reporters. This is a point that can be used.

In today's society, what news can attract the most traffic?

That's definitely the star.

As long as there are enough big names in the press conference, it can attract reporters.

This brings the problem back to the origin. We need to invite big stars to join us, but the other side also tells us that the stars in the entertainment industry can't come. It's really a chain game. If it's an ordinary business, it may be a real loss.

However, Chen Hao has 10 billion yuan in subsidies. The stars in the world can invite them if they want. This is a blow to reduce maintenance, which is not under the jurisdiction of the enemy's ban order.

Before the opening ceremony of Haoran trading company, Chen Hao ordered a private custom-made celebration service from the 10 billion yuan subsidy. At that time, he didn't have many points. He spent 10 points to choose the senior celebrity option. At that time, he invited Dong Qing as the host and the head of Deyun society to talk about crosstalk. Several famous singers sang. The standard was high enough.

However, in order to get the explosive topic, these ordinary stars are no longer good. We must send out more famous first-line popular stars.

This time, with more than 200 points, Chen Hao can squander a lot. He chose the "super supreme Hall of Fame member" option. He only needs 100 points to find the top traffic stars.

Royal fruit wine is the key product of Haoran group in the future. It can also indirectly destroy the enemy's plot. The 100 points will definitely not be lost.

So Chen Hao decisively placed an order in the app, spent 100 points, and chose "super supreme Hall of fame members" to support the press conference.

With a good choice of time and place, we are waiting for the press conference. Chen Hao smiles, which is destined to be an extraordinary press conference.

When Chen Hao had the score in his heart, he said hello to Zhu Min, told her that there was a mysterious star group at the press conference, and asked her to inform her friends in the same industry to make sure they were worthy of their visit.

"OK, I'm looking forward to it." Zhu Min returned the message.

After Chen Hao's arrangement, she received a call from Cao Rui. She encountered the same problem. If she didn't come to the press conference, she would not be called a press conference.

"I already know that someone is aiming at me. Why don't you just cancel the press conference at the winery and come to me for a bigger one. I will let those arrogant journalists realize their mistakes." Chen Hao said firmly.

Cao Rui has unconditional trust in Chen Hao. Knowing that her boss must have a way to deal with it, she can rest assured that she is ready to book tickets. Then when she returns to Baihe City, she can see her beloved boss again.

Chen Hao looked at the 10 billion subsidy app in his mobile phone, with an enigmatic smile on his face: "I don't care who you are, you will know immediately that you have picked the wrong opponent."