Chapter 639

As a matter of fact, Zhou Xitong didn't wake up until the afternoon. As soon as he woke up, he frowned. His body was just like a broken frame, and he couldn't lift a trace of strength.

"Husband, I can't move." Zhou Xitong said pitifully.

"Here, take this medicine. It's the medicine I asked for from Hu Bo. It can quickly recover my strength."

It turns out that Chen Hao has already made preparations and brought a bottle of Peiyuan Dan he ate last time to feed Zhou Xitong.

"Ah, you won't tell Huber it's for me, will you?"

Zhou Xitong ate one and suddenly became shy.

"Of course not. I mean to buy it for my homeboy. He's addicted to cat pieces all day and needs Peiyuan Dan to make up for it."

At this time, we need brothers to carry the pot.

Zhou Xitong suddenly laughed and said, "that's not good. Qiuya man knows it, which affects the marriage of other people."

"I'm kidding. Hu Bo doesn't have such gossip." Chen Hao helped her up with a smile and brought her a brand new Chanel suit.

Zhou Xitong is dressed under Chen Hao's service. Of course, Chen Hao looks at Zhou Xitong thoroughly in the process, but their relationship doesn't care about this kind of Pediatrics.

It turned out that Zhou Xitong had to carry Chen Hao on his back when he changed clothes, but now he had no sense of astringency and faced it calmly.

Zhou Xitong took a rest. The medicine worked. He felt that he had physical strength. He was hungry and had no strength just now. After all, he tossed all night and slept for more than half a day. He hadn't eaten for more than ten hours.

Women's physical strength is always a mystery, recovery ability is really strong, such as shopping light day, men will be tired paralysis, and women are in high spirits.

After eating, Zhou Xitong got better. He mended his make-up. When he came out of the dressing room, he was the president of meimeida.

However, the president turned into a wild panther in front of Chen Hao. Chen Hao also showed her crazy appearance last night from time to time, itching in her heart.

But their physical condition is too bad to fight any more. In the evening, Zhou Xitong stays in the Chinese garden. Chen Hao organizes his family to have a barbecue party outside the home. It's not fun either.

Today, even if they have a day off, they don't go anywhere and leave the phone to one side, so as not to disturb their good mood.

When he went to bed at night, Zhou Xitong turned on his mobile phone, and his happy mood was broken.

"What's the matter?" Chen Hao asked with concern.

"I'm going to the hospital tomorrow, and my dad's going to announce his will." Zhou Xitong said in a deep voice.

"It's OK. I'll go with you tomorrow." Chen Hao said.


Tomorrow, the relatives of the Zhou family will be there. Zhou Xitong always goes to be bullied. Now with Chen Hao, she is not afraid.

Chen Hao is also ready. The wills of big families will not go smoothly. He doesn't care about more or less. However, if anyone dares to bully Zhou Xitong, Chen Hao will not be used to those snobbish relatives.

Chen Hao's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Because the next day to get up early, the two did not hold the candle night battle, on the quiet embrace and sleep, love to the depth, do not care about this kind of in-depth communication, more is the heart, that is the root of the second half of life.

That night, they both had a sweet sleep and recovered.

The next morning, they woke up almost at the same time. They all smile and say "good morning" to each other.

This kind of warm feeling, only a lover will realize, that night for the bride's heart is big or small, only a moment of happiness, get up afraid is only endless emptiness.

They help each other to get up. Regardless of her image, Zhou Xitong wears a shirt and tie around a bathrobe for Chen Hao, and dresses her boyfriend as a handsome man. Until she is satisfied, she goes to bath and change clothes.

At 8:30 in the morning, both of them packed up, put on their most formal clothes and were ready to leave.

In the parking lot, there are a row of vehicles, including Chen Hao's McLaren, Hummer, Rolls Royce, red flag, Lamborghini and so on. In addition, there is a popular Mercedes Benz concept car.

"Wife, you decide which one to drive today?" Chen Hao asked Zhou Xitong.

This is the trouble of the rich. They don't know how to drive that car.

"Just drive a new car."

Zhou Xitong used to keep a low profile, but today she decided to drive the Mercedes Benz to change her mood.

"OK, I'll drive it this time."

Chen Hao also wanted to experience the car, so when the beetle door was up, he sat in the driver's seat, and Zhou Xitong sat in the co driver's seat.

Chen Hao tried to drive in the open space for a while, and after mastering the method, he drove out all the way.

Many passers-by on the road saw such an exaggerated vehicle and asked what type of Mercedes Benz it was, but no one could answer.

The reason is that this car is a concept car. There are only two cars in the world. One is here by Chen Hao, and the other is collected by the headquarters for scientific research. There are only sporadic reports, which are completely unknown to the general public.

All the way to the hospital, Chen Hao parked his Benz in the parking space.

Zhou Xitong and Chen Hao went to the inpatient department of the hospital together. The two beautiful men and women, one handsome and the other gorgeous, attracted the strong attention of passers-by. Some people even bumped into the post in order to see them and didn't pay attention to the front, so they went directly to the emergency room to bandage them.

Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong, while waiting for the elevator, met an old woman who looked familiar.

"Oh, my arms are all around me. It's a real love." Said the old woman in a strange way.

This is Zhou Xitong's cousin. She has always looked down upon Zhou Xitong.

In the past, Zhou Xitong took care of her family and her false feelings and endured her sarcasm. Now, Zhou Xitong's mood has changed and he directly chooses to ignore her.

Chen Hao looked at the woman and said with a smile, "of course, I love you. What's your opinion?"

"I can have any opinion. President Zhou likes to have a white face. I don't care."

The aunt followed Zhou Xitong all the way. When she saw the car they were driving, she sneered: "President Zhou is getting more and more confused. He used to drive a carling banquet, but now he can only drive a Mercedes Benz."

In this person's opinion, the brand of Porsche, of course, is more advanced than that of Mercedes Benz, which shows how shallow her knowledge is. It is estimated that she is similar to the Madu celebrity.

Chen Hao wants to laugh very much. If the old man has a problem with his IQ, he won't have the same opinion with her.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong went inside. Aunt Biao also came in, and everyone took the elevator up the stairs.

In the elevator, my aunt deliberately revealed the gold bracelet she was wearing. She raised her head and focused on fashion earrings, then began to show off.