Chapter 641

Diao Renfeng and Chen Hao had no grievances in the past and no grudges recently. The reason why they came up against each other was that Chen Hao was helping Zhou Xitong come out.

Today is the day when Zhou Mingfa, Zhou's father, announced his will. Zhou's father has a son and a daughter, that is, Zhou Xitong and Zhou Xinan. Zhou Xitong has no support at home. It's much easier to deal with him and has a greater chance to win benefits for her son. That's why Diao Renfeng wants to get rid of the people around Zhou Xitong.

No matter who, as long as hinder her son Zhou Xinan to take more legacy, she will be against.

Chen Hao is now fully aware of the atmosphere of the Zhou family. Even he feels that he is too much. He really doesn't know what kind of cowardice Zhou Xitong had to suffer before. No wonder they just established a relationship and didn't even dare to make it public, just for fear that these relatives would chew their tongues.

"Outsiders, get out of here!"

"What are you doing in our Zhou family? It's not from the genealogy. "

Several relatives around followed suit, including the aunt who just came in.

As soon as Diao Renfeng spoke, she was echoed and became the hostess of the Zhou family. However, Zhou Mingfa's wife, Zhou Xitong's biological mother, did not appear today, which is ironic.

However, she is driving Chen Hao away, but she forgets that she is not right.

Chen Hao snorted a smile, and then said: "well, Ms. Diao, what's your status here? Should you go out first before you talk about me?"

This sentence makes Diao Renfeng change her face. She wants to scold, but her mouth wriggles twice, but she can't scold because Chen Hao has hit her soft spot.

Yes, Diao Renfeng was also an outsider in this ward. Although she was supported by many snobbish relatives of the Zhou family and became the de facto hostess of the Zhou family, she was not legally recognized.

So to drive Chen Hao away on the grounds of outsiders, she wants to go out alone.

"How can I talk to my sister-in-law! Security guard, security guard, come and blow this man away! "

Relatives clamored for security.

The main reason is that Chen Hao's body is too strong, and his suit is full of muscles. None of his relatives dare to come up and do it by themselves. He has no courage at all. No wonder he will be attracted by a small three.

When the security guard heard the voice, he came in and looked at the posture. He said that this is a contradiction within your family. Please solve it by yourself or call the police, and then he backed out.

So they were stiff. Diao nonfeng and a group of people wanted to drive Chen Hao out, but no one started, but they could only stare at him with anger.

Chen Hao is now protecting Zhou Xitong with his tall and straight body, which makes her feel very at ease. Otherwise, all the pressure will be transferred to her, and her heart will be cut like a knife.

It can be said that now Chen Hao is the patron saint of Zhou Xitong. With Chen Hao, no one can hurt her.

Just as the two sides were at each other's throats, Zhou's father on the bed opened his eyes and made a vague voice, as if he wanted to speak.

But he couldn't speak clearly. No one could hear him.


Zhou Xitong came to the hospital bed, holding his father's old hand like the bark of a dead tree.

Zhou Mingfa, the founder of Zhou's international, who used to dominate the business world, is now too old to speak.

Although the old man couldn't speak, he pointed to Chen Hao with his only active finger, and then pointed to the bedside to let Chen Hao stay. Everyone understood the old man's meaning.

Chen Hao touched his heart, and it seems that his father-in-law is the only one who supports him and zhouxitong on the scene.

In this case, Diao Renfeng and others can't say anything about driving people out. Although they don't like Chen Hao, they can only bear it.

Zhou Xinan is still missing at the scene. Only when he comes can he announce his will. Diao Renfeng can't wait to call his son.

"Come on, it's all waiting for you!" Diaoyenfeng changed the tone of tenderness in the phone. She had a gentle side only with her son. However, she changed her face to Chen Hao and zhouxitong.

"There's a traffic jam on Xi Nan Road. I'll be a little late." Diao Renfeng put down the phone and said.

Next, they need to wait, but it's hard for them to wait, so when they see Chen Hao, they want to make fun of him.

In the eyes of these relatives of the Zhou family, Chen Hao is a small white face who depends on Zhou Xitong for a soft meal.

These relatives are usually studying how to cheat Mr. Zhou and try to get more benefits from his will, but they don't care about current affairs. They don't know that Chen Hao is beyond their reach.

"It's shameless to have people who really eat soft food these days."

At the instigation of Diao Renfeng, the aunt whose mouth is the most damaged is mocking in the strange way.

Chen Hao was a little confused. He didn't know who she was talking about, so he didn't care.

He himself is the master of hard food. With his financial resources, he can re open a big company for Zhou Xitong. Of course, he won't eat soft food.

Seeing that Chen Hao didn't answer, other people thought he was counselled, so they all got high spirited, as if they had won.

Diao Renfeng misunderstood Chen Hao's strength, so she sneered and asked Zhou Xitong, "what's the name of the man you're looking for?"

"His name is Chen Hao." Zhou Xitong said.

"Chen Hao..." Diao Renfeng said with a playful smile, "is he going to come to our Zhou family?"

If they are soft eaters, according to their Zhou family's financial resources, the man will certainly have to be a burden. Moreover, when they have a child, they have to have the surname Zhou, which is the practice of the big family.

"No, I'm going to get married. Ah Hao will get married openly!" Zhou Xitong said firmly.

Meanwhile, she looks at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao calmly smile, holding Zhou Xitong's hand, admitted: "of course, I want to marry Xitong, never consider being redundant."

It's true that although there are a number of novels about husband in law on the Internet, it seems that husband in law is much more powerful than other men, but in reality, only when the woman is strong, the man will get married in the way of husband in law. After marriage, he usually has no status in his wife's family, and his life is generally oppressive, and he has to be instructed by others.

And Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong together, he is the strong side, Zhou Xitong is also willing to marry him, so absolutely will not marry in the way of husband.

Diao Renfeng sneered: "since I want to marry a matchmaker, I'll help her. How many betrothal gifts can you give me? Zhou Xitong can be regarded as the princess of the Zhou family, as well as the shares of the Zhou group. The betrothal gifts are too shabby, so don't be shameful! "

Diao Renfeng had a tough idea. Since Chen Hao wanted to marry Zhou Xitong, she had to get in.

In modern society, countless young people are forced to borrow money by betrothal gifts.

In Diao Renfeng's opinion, a soft rice man can't get the betrothal gift at all. Even if Zhou Xitong has poured out his financial resources, he has to find a way to get the betrothal gift. As the current hostess of the Zhou family, Diao Renfeng wants to keep the money in his pocket.

Chen Hao smile, said: "betrothal gifts, I will be ready before marriage, and then handed over to my future mother-in-law, you don't bother Ms. Diao."

He means obviously that in the future, there will be a gift for Zhou Xitong's mother, not her name is not the third.

Diao Renfeng's face is tense. She wants to accept the bride price. Chen Hao slaps her face mercilessly. Her anger rises and she plans to give Chen Hao some color.