Chapter 648

Inside the hospital, a little nurse in a white coat ran up and asked Chen Hao about his purpose.

As soon as she heard that they were coming to remove scars, she immediately took them to register, and then said that they could accompany the whole process.

Chen Hao paid 20 yuan for registration, and found that the whole hospital was cold and quiet, and there was no one. No wonder the little nurse was so idle and surrounded them.

Next, when I went to Dr. Jiang on duty, I found that she was a woman doctor in her thirties. When I saw them, I met them with a smile. When I learned that Lai Wu had come to remove scars, I warmly recommended the scar free set meal to him.

Dr. Jiang took the publicity materials to introduce to them: "we have the original scar free therapy here. According to your scar area, it can be done with a few hundred pieces, and give you a good-looking skin."

If it's a few hundred yuan, you can get rid of a big scar. The price is quite cheap, which can be called conscience. It's a little different from the black heart beauty hospital in the news.

But both of them are old-fashioned people. They won't come to a conclusion easily. Lai Wu said to think about it first.

"Oh, our plastic surgery technology is the best in the whole province, and it's the cheapest and most affordable. If you miss us, you will be slaughtered in other places, and the effect is not good. And those small hospitals don't pay attention to hygiene. If they don't disinfect the public needles, they will stick them on you. Do you think that if the person in front of them carries hepatitis B, AIDS and so on, will it be done? "

Dr. Jiang said it was horrible. Lai Wu looked at her performance with no expression.

If you are a young person who is not familiar with the world, maybe you will be fooled by Dr. Jiang. However, Lai Wu has never seen anything. Seeing her is like watching a kindergarten aunt coax a child.

Lai Wu can't cooperate very well. With such a straight face, there is a problem at first sight. Chen Hao touches his arm, and Lai Wu immediately looks scared.

"Don't worry, as long as you do scar removal in yilemei, you can make sure there is nothing wrong, and it doesn't delay your work. You only need laser treatment twice, and then you can apply our hospital's special ointment. Within half a month, the scar will disappear."

Dr. Jiang is trying to sell out. Seeing that Lai Wu still doesn't vomit, she said, "if you are still worried, you can try our ointment for free, and the effect is very good."

Chen Hao has never seen anything free in a hospital. He also knows that there is no free lunch in the world. Just like online games, games with the banner of free usually cost the most.

Lai Wu looks at Chen Hao and asks him what to do next.

Chen Hao gave him a wink, indicating to do it first.

Lai Wu agreed and promised to have a course of treatment first.

"OK, then pay first." Dr. Jiang smiles with satisfaction and asks them to pay.

Laser treatment costs 200 yuan a time, which is really not expensive in today's prices. After Lai Wu paid, he was sent to a medical room where there was another male doctor wearing a mask.

The male doctor asked Lai Wu to sit in front of an instrument and look at the 10 cm long scar on his arm. He told Balabala a lot about it, saying that he was handling ordinary scar removal service and could not cure such a serious scar.

Simple summary, is to remove scars, it is necessary to pay again.

"That's not what Dr. Jiang said. She said it could be cured with a few hundred yuan." Lai Wu said.

"I'm the actual treatment doctor. I'm the standard. You need to remove the scar and add 200." The male doctor said.

Sure enough, it's the same routine as in the online news reports. You'll be attracted to pay with a very favorable price. When you get treatment, you'll raise the price with various excuses. Some men even ask for more money when they cut half of the skin. Otherwise, they don't care. They've become fish on the chopping board. Patients have room for kindness and can only be forced to pay. This is the routine.

At this point, Chen Hao understood that the news reports were basically true. However, compared with tens of thousands of reports in a pit, their price of 200 yuan seems to be very low. Is it the conscience of the hospital?

It turns out that it's not. After Lai Wu agreed to pay for the treatment, the male doctor started to start the instrument and operate it on Lai Wu's arm.

Every time the instrument is touched, the skin will tingle and smell a little burnt. This instrument is similar to the laser instrument except tattoo. It can smooth the scar with destructive method. It has certain effect, but it is not as good as Dr. Jiang said. Lai Wu is very clear.

When a set of process is completed, Lai Wu's scar skin is a little red. The male doctor smears the ointment and gives Lai Wu the box of Kaifeng ointment, and the treatment is completed.

"To pay for it."

The male doctor gave Lai Wu a payment slip, which was written with a bunch of words that he couldn't understand. The original writing note was still used here, which seemed irregular everywhere.

"How do you feel?"

After waiting out of the medical room, Chen Hao asked Lai Wu.

"A little pain, it's not in the way. I think this kind of scar removal is similar to that of tattoo shop. I've washed my tattoo and I know that it's good these days, but the effect is not so good. " Lai Wu said.

Lai Wu opened and looked at the box of ointment. It seemed that it was the ordinary Vaseline ointment for treating skin diseases. It was a few yuan a box in the drugstore.

"Hard work."

Chen Hao can't let Lai Wu suffer in vain. He decides that it's over and sends him a big red envelope of 500000 at the end of the year. Anyway, he is also the head of an important department of his own. It's hard to find such a loyal and reliable subordinate.

On their way to pay, three security guards were following them. When they got to the charging window, the cashier girl saw the list and quoted an exaggerated price.


"How much?"

Lai Wu couldn't believe it. He just ordered the laser twice and applied some plaster. It would cost 3800 yuan, and what he said was only 400 yuan.

The cashier said, "3800 yuan, you have 400 yuan for deep treatment, but there are also equipment use fees, postoperative anti-inflammatory fees, equipment wear fees. The special scar removing ointment alone is worth 600 yuan."

"Isn't that nonsense? You two doctors said that a few hundred pieces can remove scars, and that the laser instrument can be used 200 at a time. How can you get 2000 here? " Lai Wu questioned.

"Yes," the cashier girl explained, "using the device once is 200, but in the process of treatment, you have started it 20 times, which gives you 50% discount. It's not enough. The original price of the device is 4000!"

It turns out that this is a common routine of yilemei, which uses a single price to falsely mark and arbitrarily charge.

Chen Hao laughs meaningfully. It seems that the wolf finally shows his claws and teeth, and the black hand reaches into his wallet. It costs 3800 yuan for this simple treatment. I'm afraid it's not crazy to think about money.

"Don't you charge indiscriminately? I want to complain to you! "

Lai Wu, of course, will not be the chief culprit. When he takes out his mobile phone, he has to call the relevant departments.

At this time, the three security guards came up. It turned out that they were the people who were sent to supervise Chen Hao to prevent them from making trouble. Now they just came out to intervene.