Chapter 902

"Tian Zhipeng, do you know why we are looking for you?" Chen Hao stares at the man at his feet and asks coldly.

Tian Zhipeng's face turned pale and understood the origin of Chen Hao. In fear and tension, he closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

The woman outside the bedroom screamed and then called the police.

However, Tian Zhipeng did not see the light at all. Instead of pretending to be dead, he quickly said, "don't call the police!"

Woman Leng, don't know how to take care of their own gold master is caught still don't call the police.

But the people in the room didn't care about her. Chen Hao directly asked Tian Zhipeng, "tell me, why did you betray Zhou's international?"

Tian Zhipeng knew that he had fallen into trouble, so he planned to settle it with money: "I'm sorry, it's my dereliction of duty. I'm willing to compensate 400000 yuan. I'll give you tea, and you'll let me go."

He has a good plan. Everyone here has a hundred thousand yuan, which should be enough to move people.

Zhu and others will laugh when they hear it. Who do they look down on? The boss pays them more than this, and they are more developed.

Tian Zhipeng found that several people who arrested him were staring at him and laughing. He guessed that the price was low, so he gritted his teeth and offered a new price: "then each person will give you 200000 yuan. OK, it's enough for you to earn several years."


Zhu couldn't listen any more and gave him a slap. This time, he finally recognized the reality.

"Boss, how much do you want?" Tian Zhipeng said.

Chen Hao hummed coldly: "it seems that you are greedy this time. Go back and let's talk slowly and take it away."

With Chen Hao's command, Zhu and others set up Tian Zhipeng and dragged him downstairs.

The woman beside dare not to speak, also don't let the police, she was very anxious, but can only watch a few people with her lover, down the elevator.

At the bottom, the waiting security guard saw that Chen haozhen had caught a man and immediately followed him to escort them to the car for fear that the "fugitive" would run away.

"Thanks, brother."

The pillar waited for humanitarian thanks, and then pulled up the door. The security guard saluted and watched the vehicle away.

The car was too small to be used. Chen Hao decided to air him, so none of the four people spoke all the way.

On the contrary, it puts a lot of psychological pressure on Tian Zhipeng. He can't figure out who Chen Hao is, and he doesn't look like a policeman. That's what he's most afraid of, because private people don't play cards according to routine.

All the way to the airport, Tian Zhipeng was also taken on the plane. He felt that something was wrong. He actually took a private plane to catch him. It must have been a big man. Most likely, it was his former owner, Zhou's international. When he thought about what he had done, others were already shaking with fear.

When Chen Hao saw that the time was right, he waved his hand. He went to a single room to have a rest. Here he gave it to Zhu.

They are all street hooligans. They are quite familiar with the process of torture. Tian Zhipeng, who is scared and has lost the will to resist, pours beans in a bamboo tube and tells them everything.

Rao Shizhu and others have seen a lot of dirty people, but they are also very angry with Tian Zhipeng. The indignant Zhu slapped him in the face and scolded: "you are very lack of virtue. If you are not a good deputy manager, you will become a Wuzai!"

As soon as Zhu receives the recorder, he goes to the single room and shows it to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao pressed the play button, which played the truth of Tian Zhipeng's confession before.

The fact is even worse than imagined. Tian Zhipeng didn't simply rely on fake and inferior raw materials for kickbacks. Instead, Tian Zhipeng accepted a 2 million reward from a general manager and owed a lot of gambling debts, so he dug his own grave and sold Zhou International.

At the instigation of the so-called general manager Feng, he deliberately made a batch of fake and inferior parts for sale. Then the day he disappeared, the news about defective parts was exposed by the media, and the result was self-evident. They were all set up.

Mr. Feng's message is that one of the companies providing fake and shoddy raw materials voluntarily spent two million more to sell hundreds of thousands of goods. Such a foolish behavior is absolutely to create today's situation.

Chen Hao doesn't even have to investigate the information of the general manager Feng, so he can guess that the person who is most interested in cracking down on Zhou's international is probably the one behind the scenes, that is Wei Tianyi of Feixiang group.

However, it also needs evidence of facts, which depends on his good friend. He can find something that can't be found by official data.

So Chen Hao called Xing zetao and asked him to check the relationship between Feng Zong and Wei Tianyi.

Then, how to deal with Tian Zhipeng? Chen Hao doesn't bother to beat him. It's just rubbish. Take it back to Zhou Xitong to vent his anger, and then he can go to prison to reflect on himself. Maybe the life in prison will make him repent.

Chen Hao then took a rest in a single room. When he got off the plane, he found Tian Zhipeng's face was black and blue. He seemed to have been beaten by fat. It must be the pillar that they couldn't see, so they retaliated against him.

Chen Hao thinks Zhu is good at handling affairs, so he will send him a big red envelope later.

After getting off in Baihe City, Zhu drove back to Zhou's international building.

On the way, Chen Hao received a phone call from Xing zetao. He reported to Chen Haohui: "brother Hao, you really guessed it. As soon as Feng Zong had contact with Wei Tian, there was no normal money exchange. However, they often spent together in the club, which can hide others and my reptiles."

The crawler that Xing zetao said is a kind of network program that he is good at using. Relying on the crawler, he found the tricky relationship between them.

"OK, I see." Chen Hao said.

"That letter is currently abroad. I will send you the scope of his and Wei Tianyi's activities." Xing zetao said.

"Well, man, it's hard work." Chen Hao said.

"I'm not polite. I'll keep an eye on them. I'll let you know if there's any change. I'll make a squeak if there's anything else."

The two ended their conversation, and the car drove to the place. They took the man to Zhou's international and escorted him to Zhou Xitong. Chen Hao told his girlfriend what he had learned.

"Mr. Zhou, please forgive me, I'm sorry for you!"

At this time, Tian Zhipeng seems to know repentance, kneeling in front of Zhou Xitong crying.

"You not only betrayed my trust in you, but also harmed all the employees of the accessory factory, making them swear!" Zhou Xitong's angry rebuke.

"Yes, I'm damned, I'm not human!"

Tian Zhipeng has a runny nose and tears, slapping himself in the face, begging Zhou Xitong's forgiveness.

After all, Zhou Xitong is a woman, and she doesn't want to continue to punish the traitor, so as not to be in a bad mood. She waves her hand, and Zhu and others take Tian Zhipeng away.

"Then send him to the branch." Chen Hao said.

"Well." Zhou Xitong threw himself into Chen Hao's arms to seek warmth.

Chen Hao patted her on the back to comfort her.

Tian Zhipeng, the traitor's inner ghost, is not worth tolerating. However, there is another initiator who can't be ignored. That is Wei Tianyi. He is the real enemy.