Chapter 928

Now that we have found that our opponents have started to take action, we will cancel the rest and take energy drinks for the first time. We won't rest today.

The effect of Panlong's energy drink is still very strong. It won't feel sleepy 12 hours after drinking, and it won't have too much load on the body afterwards. It's a necessary medicine for completing high-intensity tasks, but it can't be eaten continuously, otherwise it will do great harm to the body. No matter how good the medicine is, it can't change the normal physiological activities of human beings.

Chen Hao also drank a bottle of medicine, because he was the only person in the team who could find the bionic machine, so Chen Hao was involved and stood guard at the door.

Chen Hao is a martial arts practitioner and has excellent physical fitness. Standing at the post all night has little influence.

However, Xiangzhu still takes care of Chen Hao. Every hour or two, he secretly gives him some delicious fruits in his room.

At this time, Chen Hao waved his hand to refuse, and pointed to his teammates who were on guard at the same time. They were still there.

Xiangzhu is very insistent, directly to wash the car Lizi Chen Hao mouth, forced him to eat.

Chen Hao frowns. He doesn't like to be fed by girls, especially Xiangzhu's elder sister, who is obviously bigger than him. However, if he wants to entangle with her, Xiangzhu can't get off the stage and let his teammates see jokes.

As a result, the team mate suddenly turned over and turned the back of his head to Chen Hao. He didn't take the initiative to look and gave them enough space.

After all, Chen Hao's and Xiang Zhu's anecdotes have spread all over the base, but they don't know about them.

Fortunately, no one saw it, so Chen Hao opened his mouth and ate a cherizi from Xiangzhu.

Seeing that Chen Hao was willing to eat, Xiang Zhu was very happy and put a small bag of cherries into Chen Hao's hand, so she closed the door and went back.

Chen Hao smiles and shakes his head. The pig is in his twenties, but what he occasionally reveals is the little girl's temperament. It's really big.

But it's really sweet.

They held on until the early morning. After dawn, they did not encounter any attack. It seems that the killers failed once and then stopped.

However, the seasoned carp reminds you many times that the other party should be an assassin organization. If you take the business order, you will not give up if you fail. In that case, compensation and reputation will be a huge loss, and any underground organization can not afford it. Therefore, they will definitely come back. At that time, they will put all their eggs in one basket.

There are two hours to go before they hand over to the headquarters. These two hours are the real dangerous time. There are two reasons.

From yesterday's recovery of the princess's distress, it seems that the other party has been staring at them, specially picking the novice Chen Hao to act when he stands alone, instead of the usual early morning when he wants to pick a soft persimmon to pinch, but he never thinks about it. What he meets is the most alert Chen Hao.

In addition, the security force of the headquarters is many times stronger than that of their sub bases. Since the other side is sure to do something, as long as they have the brains, they will definitely choose the time when they are not handed over, instead of choosing the more difficult members of the headquarters to attack.

The other party didn't attack again all night, which means that the hotel is not easy to break through. Based on the above information, it's not difficult to draw a conclusion. It must be the best time for them to start on the way to the airport.

Carp said: "at present, the base is short of manpower, and there is no additional team members, so our team only has to see the move. Everyone's eyes are bright. If the enemy killer appears, don't be merciful. Even if you go out and make a big noise to disturb the civilians, it's better than the failure of the task."

"Got it!"

"Got it!"

The team members received the task one by one, and Chen Hao could not help feeling bleak before the war.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Princess Jessica had finished dressing up and put on her gorgeous princess skirt. She went out of the room and was ready to go downstairs to take a bus to the airport. There would be a special plane to take him to the capital, and the end of the carp team's escort was there. Only after the handover could she finish the task.

When the princess came out, she saw Chen Hao, but then she turned away and seemed to have some opinions.

Anyway, today is the last time we meet, and Chen Hao doesn't want to explain. He is now following the princess, concentrating on searching for possible dangers with his naked eyes.

This time, because the princess wants to take the elevator, in order to avoid passive hands and feet of the elevator, there are team members on the top floor and in the control room to ensure safety.

Xiangzhu, Princess and Chen Hao walk into the elevator together. This time, Xiangzhu and Chen Hao are prepared to carry a small individual thruster. If the elevator is out of control, they will start it at the first time and fly out of the elevator with the princess.

To do a good job of security, it is necessary to put an end to any accidents.

"Stop taking the elevator and leave immediately!" At this time, the snail on the top of the building issued a warning, because he scanned and found that the wire rope of the elevator had been tampered with, and he was not sure that it would break down this time.

"It seems that they are unscrupulous. Xiangzhu and Chen Hao are taking the stairs with their target." Captain carp issued an order.

"Ah? Take the stairs? "

Jessica is not happy. After all, she is wearing a princess dress. It's too much trouble to walk the stairs, and it will also stain the skirt. Moreover, the floor is too high to breathe, which is harmful to the image of the princess.

"I carry you on my back!"

Xiang pig is not vague, straight down, let the princess up.

At this time, Chen Hao wanted to carry Xiangzhu's back. The princess still had a problem with him and would not let him come.

"Forget it, I'm not that delicate."

Jessica called the female assistant, wanted to change her shoes, changed her high heels into flat shoes, and then began to walk the stairs.

One side Xiangzhu took her hand, and then the female assistant helped the princess with her skirt. In this way, with the help of two people, the princess went down the stairs.

Chen Hao opened the way from the front. At each floor, he checked the situation of the stairway in advance and released interference all the time to avoid being locked by guns and guided weapons. It can be said that he should not be careless at this time.

The princess's physical strength was not good. When she came downstairs, there were beads of sweat on both sides of her nose. Finally, when she got to the first floor, her legs were shaking.

"Princess, get in the car and have a rest." Xiang Zhu suggested.


Jessica puts on her high heels and walks to the hotel lobby under escort.

This time, the guard also had ordinary guards. A large group of people came out of the door of the hotel. Carp and others had been waiting downstairs for a long time, and the commanding heights around were on guard.

Carp made a safe gesture, and then Chen Hao took the princess to the car.

This time, Chen Hao uses his body to protect the direction of the door, so that Jessica can get on the car smoothly, and Xiangzhu also follows.

When the door was closed, Chen Hao got into snail's car in the rear, and then the team started. The configuration was similar to that of yesterday. Everyone in the team performed their own duties. As time went on, the tension in their hearts became tighter and tighter, because they all knew that the battle was about to start.

Chen Hao has opened the AR mode of 10 billion subsidies. Looking at the remaining charms, they may be used soon.