Chapter 978

"What kind of civilization pioneer, your car?"

Those young people looked contemptuous when they saw Chen Hao coming to stop them.

"This is my car."

Chen Hao came over and looked at them coldly.

Chen Hao can call up these young people at will, but his status is different now. He disdains to fight with ordinary people, so he calls the office director and asks him to deal with it for himself.

"I really owe you. For the car in this scenic area, you should report it and beat it?"

"I'll come out in my costumes. It's just two groups. What's the matter?"

These young people are not happy, jumped out of the car, came over in a fierce manner, a look like fighting.

"You must know well."

Zhou Xitong couldn't see it any more. He said a word of reprimand, hoping that the five young people would listen to it. Otherwise, they would be afraid of bad luck. She knows what kind of person her boyfriend is best. If someone doesn't offend me, I won't offend him. But if someone offends him, we'll see what happens.

As a result, Zhou Xitong's golden words were ignored by them, and two young men came up to push, and their hands pushed Chen Hao's upper body.

Chen Hao's body didn't move. He inhaled and expanded, and his muscles swelled at the same time. With the strength of his muscles, he bounced back the two young men.

"Oh, I dare to fight with my brothers. Let's do it together

These three young men are local youths. They usually gather together to be arrogant and domineering, and they often do a lot of things to make trouble. Today, they still make a fool of themselves, but they didn't expect to pick the wrong person.

Panlong stipulates that all members should not take the initiative to fight against ordinary people, but they are allowed to fight back in case of threats. Chen Hao will wait for them to fight. This time, he will seize the opportunity.

A young man in front of Chen Hao started to fight with his fist.

The speed of the fist seemed too slow for Chen Hao. He even had time to smile at the young man. When he was stunned, Chen Hao bent his middle finger and flicked at his fist. The young man cried in pain, covered his fist and jumped.

Today, Chen Hao's body is not as strong as steel, but it can also be regarded as a rock. Such young people can't even compare him with a finger.

As soon as he saw that his accomplice was frustrated, he ran up cleverly and kicked him. At the same time, he attacked from the side and grabbed Chen Hao's hair, which was a common tactic in street fights.

After all, Chen Hao was restricted by the strict orders of the Panlong organization, so it was not good to fight back. It was better to let them fight against each other, so he grabbed the youth No. 3 and used it as a shield in front of him.

Under the control of his great power, youth No. 3 has no room for resistance at all. In order to aim at the angle and cause maximum damage, Chen Hao specially presses down the head of youth No. 3 to make his face aim at the flying feet of youth No. 2.

So the youth No. 3 in the panic expression, see in front of a sole in front of his eyes instantly bigger, and then sincerely kick in his cheek.

The result was that No. 3 was kicked down, with a gray shoe mark on his face. Half of his face was numb, and No. 2 was not good enough to get there. Chen Hao used a skillful traction, and No. 2 couldn't hold his feet after kicking. He made a big split in the same place and finished the high difficulty dance of passive one word horse.

Ordinary people who haven't pressed their legs can't stand a horse. The hamstring of youth No. 2 was pulled, and the whole person screamed like a pig on the ground.

In just a few seconds, three young people, with one hand injured, one face injured and one leg injured, all fell well.

"What's the matter with you?"

The remaining two girls of their group are still giggling, holding up their mobile phones to shoot videos, trying to send their friends' fighting yingzi to the Internet to attract fans. As a result, in the blink of an eye, the young friends are wailing, and something is wrong.

They used to bully others. How can they hurt themselves today? This is obviously kicking on the iron plate.

"Beating people, there are group actors beating people!"

The two young girls began to shout by their necks, and then called 110, saying that Chen Hao beat them to occupy the commanding height of public opinion.

"It's no fun for you to play like this." Chen Hao felt that they were asking for trouble.

"Hum, it's reasonable to beat someone. Wait to go to the detention center and pay for the medical expenses again!" A girl scolded cleverly.

Chen Hao is too lazy to bother with women. Since they want to go through the official procedure, he will accompany them.

At this time, Chu Leyou, director of the studio office, and others came. When he saw that someone was in conflict with the boss, he immediately asked the security guard to surround the five young people and make an effort to fight them.

"Don't touch them." Chen Hao system stopped, and then ordered, "go according to the official procedures."

Director Chu understood, maintained the scene to collect evidence, obtained the surveillance, and then waited for the police to arrive.

A few minutes later, patrol 110 arrived at the scene and asked both sides what was going on.

The three young men pretended to be dying and pitifully showed the police where they were injured, saying that they had been beaten by Chen Hao.

"Did you hit them?" The patrolman asked.

This time, Chen Hao didn't have to show up. Chu Leyou immediately provided video evidence and played it on his mobile phone. It turns out that it was the three young people who provoked first, and Chen Hao didn't make any offensive moves, which were basically accidents.

What Chen Hao did was to play a middle finger and then pull a young man. It can't be regarded as hands-on. From the video, it seems that they were injured by mistake.

"They fake videos!"

The three young men insisted that they would not admit the evidence, but also clamored that Chen Hao should bear the medical expenses and mental loss.

"Do you want medical expenses? What about the damage to my car? "

Chen Hao's antique Mercedes Benz has some scratches on the black paint on the hood of the old Mercedes Benz because of the trample of these three young people.

"What about a scrapped car with some paint off? If it's a big deal, we'll go to the auto repair shop and repaint you, then we'll compensate each other for the loss. We'll be responsible for repainting you, and you'll have to pay for the medical expenses! "

There was a little girl who was very articulate and was reasoning in front of the patrolman.

"Compensation for each other's losses? Are you sure? " Chen Hao asked them in his spare time.

"Of course, compensate each other!"

The five young people all share the same opinion. In their opinion, the old Mercedes Benz is the filming prop of the film and television city. It is estimated that it is the scrap iron price. If they spray paint for a few hundred yuan, they will get a considerable amount of medical expenses. If they act like it, they can get tens of thousands of yuan.

This is a common trick of these local rascals. If they can fight, they bully others. If they can't fight, they cheat and steal money. Most people can't help but admit their bad luck.

Unfortunately, this time they met Chen Hao, who was doomed to tragedy.