Chapter 1005

Chen Hao cut across.

The reformer was stunned for a moment, and felt that his right arm was cold. When he went to look at it, he found that his arm with the high-pressure stick had fallen to the ground. He looked at his shoulder suspiciously, but found that only the severed limb was bleeding.

It turns out that Chen haogang's handsome knife has cut off his arm. Ape play is so flexible and fast.

The severed limbs are as flat as the mirror, thanks to the sharpness of the shock dagger, which makes it easier to cut iron like mud.


Until this time, the remoulder's pain hit him and he cried out.

But his scream came to an abrupt end because Chen Hao had already taken out the electric shock device and poked it directly into his waist and eye. This is a necessary prop for arresting and reforming people. He would faint directly, so as not to end it by himself like last time.

After confirming that the enemy was in a coma, Chen Hao quickly used a first-aid kit to help him stop bleeding. This is the first reformer to be captured alive, so he can't be let go.

Simply give him on the lock, Chen Hao reported to the captain of the war, however, the communicator came a murmur, and did not respond.

Chen Hao also met this situation. When Xiangzhu and Chen Hao met the level 2 remodel killer, they were also shielded by the signal, which indicates that there is a shielding device nearby.

However, Chen Hao searched the remodeler and found nothing. It seems that the shielding device is not here.

There is still a leader not caught, Chen Hao to find him, so to the depths of the forest March.

However, after two steps, his glasses lost tracking target, and the other side used some special method to block the detection of scientific glasses.

Chen Haomei frowned. He should be a man who knows a lot about scientific and technological weapons. On the contrary, he is far behind in this aspect. He doesn't know a lot about weapons. He joined Panlong for a short time and hasn't received any formal training.

Since technology is not working well, Chen Hao turns to metaphysics. Chen Hao opens the 10 billion subsidy VR mode and directly contacts the mysterious customer service.

"Mr. customer service, do you have any tools to track people in the field?" Chen Hao sent a message.

A few seconds later, the customer service replied, "yes, 40 points."

At the same time, he threw over a shopping link, which showed a cute little hamster with yellow and white fur, looking cute and cute.

Treasure rat: can be used to track, occasionally find treasure.

Chen Hao has a question mark, which seems to have been seen in Xiuxian novels. Those immortals release treasure seeking mice, and the mice will help the owner find the hidden treasure. He just didn't expect that there would be such a thing for such a science fiction thing as 10 billion yuan subsidy.

Chen Hao was never disappointed by the 10 billion yuan subsidy, so Chen Hao did not hesitate to spend 40 points to exchange for a treasure rat. The little mouse directly appeared on Chen Hao's shoulder. It sniffed East and West, disappeared in Chen Hao's clothes, and ran about on his body, making him itchy.

Chen Hao has some silly eyes. He can't drive the mouse at all. He tries to discuss with the treasure rat in language. As a result, the little thing doesn't respond at all. He still keeps running around on his body. He has already skimmed his coat, got into Chen Hao's pants, and went straight to his crotch. His name has come true. He really finds Chen Hao's "big baby".

"Be honest for a while."

Chen Hao directly reaches out his hand and holds the treasure rat in his pants. The little mouse squeaks in his pants, very dissatisfied.

Chen Hao can only continue to send a message to ask customer service: "how to use this treasure rat?"

"Drive formula 10 points." Customer service reply.

Chen Hao suddenly feels that this customer service is hateful and shameless, which runs counter to the high moral character of willful subsidies in the app. In the app, the price is clearly marked, but this customer service actually has a segment to induce sales. It's not good if you don't buy it, or the previous 40 points will be wasted.


After all, it's important to finish the task. He sent a virtual red envelope of 10 points to the customer service.

On the screen, customer service 9527 has received the red envelope, and then sent a pithy formula for Chen Hao to read.

The pithy formula of the treasure rat: "Jerry, go find Tom!"( When you finish the pithy formula in Mandarin, you can issue instructions. The treasure rat can understand people's words.)

The speechless rhyme of this kind of make complaints about Chen Hao's silence, which is obviously in tribute to the cartoon of cat and mouse, but Chen Hao has no time to Tucao, he read out immediately: "Jerry, go to Tom!"

As soon as he finished, the treasure rat suddenly got excited and took the initiative to get out of Chen Hao's trouser legs and look up at him as if he was waiting for orders.

"Is it really that amazing?"

Feeling funny, Chen Hao continued: "help me find a man with a clown mask. He just passed here."


The treasure rat barked twice, then began to sniff in the air, and then slipped into the southwest grass.

Chen Hao followed closely, but the mouse was flexible and moved fast in the forest, and soon disappeared.

Just after Chen Hao thought that the mouse had run away, and he was 50 points into the pit, the mouse suddenly climbed up a straw from a distance and reported its position to Chen Hao.

This little thing is quite psychic. It's very metaphysical to be able to understand people's words. But it comes from the 10 billion subsidy app. No matter how metaphysical it is, there is no such mysterious app. It's selling aliens. Chen Hao won't be surprised.

When Chen Hao passed the treasure rat, the little mouse seemed to be a little afraid. Instead of going forward, he went straight into Chen Hao's sleeve and hid in his clothes.

"Is the leader hiding nearby?"

Chen Hao's heart seemed to understand. He fell in the grass and looked around coldly.

What * s quiet is that there is nothing unusual about insects, birds and animals.

However, Chen Haojian believed that the treasure rat would not be like this for no reason. If the enemy did not move, he would not move, and he would be lurking here.

All of a sudden, Chen Hao's pupil shrinks, his whole body sweat hair stands up, and a familiar wave comes from a tree dozens of meters away, which is the energy gun storing energy.

In less than a second, before Chen Hao had time to think, he subconsciously rolled to the side, and then a white awn hit the place where he had just been, stirred up a mass of grass, and fell to the ground obliquely.

"Found it!"

When Chen Hao was attacked, he was not afraid. On the contrary, he was overjoyed. With the help of the treasure rat, he finally locked in his opponent. However, the enemy now has the means of long-range attack and is at a disadvantage. Just hold him down and wait for his teammates to rescue him.

Chen Hao is now hiding behind a huge rock, which is safe. However, in a few seconds, Chen Hao's eyelids are jumping again. It suddenly occurred to him that the explosion mode he chose when Xiangzhu exploded the prisoner's vehicle was that a car was blown up, and this huge rock could not protect him.

Chen Hao quickly used the ape play. He jumped on the ground, grabbed a branch and swung into the air. Then he heard a loud "bang" behind him. It seemed that the boulder had been hit by a shell. The whole rock was torn apart and the debris splashed.

When Chen Hao was in the air, the shock wave came. It seemed that he was patted by a big hand behind him, and Chen Hao flew out.