Chapter 1014

This time Xiangzhu explained to Chen Hao. After all, listening to AI teaching is far better than his teammates' words and deeds. AI can't teach with some actual combat experience.

In the science and technology classroom, Xiangzhu patiently explained to Chen Hao before the holographic projection: "the weapons in our base are divided into close combat and long-range. The long-range weapons are generally energy guns, and there are some special weapons, such as sonar guns. You just know it, because the non staff have no right to contact. As for the weapons of melee, they are almost the same, such as the charging gloves and shock dagger you used, and the laser sword used by the clown, which basically play an auxiliary role. After all, the general combat can be solved by long-range weapons, and there are few melee weapons. "

Chen Haoshen thinks that melee weapons suffer too much from energy guns. If they meet experts, they may not have the chance to get close to them. Even if there is the disadvantage of firing gap, they can also be made up by holding multiple energy guns at the same time. Therefore, in general, guns are more powerful than melee weapons.

At present, he is not a full member and can't receive energy weapons, so now he can only be greedy.

Xiangzhu continued to introduce: "other auxiliary items include shock bombs, various mines, grenades, etc., which are similar to those put by clowns, but our Panlong weapons are more sophisticated."

"Defense equipment is a kind of protective clothing which is usually worn. It can block ordinary bullets, stabs, short-term sudden cold, sudden heat, etc. it is much better than the bulletproof clothing on the market at present, and it is also full body protection. In addition, there is a special protective cover device for the energy gun. But the charging of this device is very slow. It is usually used by one-time equipment. It can be used to guard against 50000 Newell equivalent energy gun fire. For those beyond the range, there is no way

Chen Hao nodded. In this way, the shield is not omnipotent. So when technology reaches the level of Panlong, it's better to attack the strong and defend the weak. We still have to be careful. Otherwise, we'll be killed.

"In fact, you don't have to worry too much. Although the energy gun is strong, it also has weaknesses. Even the fastest firing mode has a charging process. If you practice frequently, you can perceive in advance, so as to evade or open the shield. You need to practice more." Xiang Zhu explained.

This science popularization has been going on all morning, but it's not over. Panlong, a mysterious national organization, has all kinds of black technology emerging in endlessly. It can't be finished in one morning. However, considering that you can't chew too much, you should come here first and have team cooperation training in the afternoon.

Team training is carried out in the outdoor training ground. There are all kinds of terrain to choose from. Because most of the tasks are carried out in the city, team leader carp chooses the city scene for training. There are some buildings and AI robots playing passers-by, which can be played by the team, which is very close to the real combat environment.

This kind of training team-mates often do, and the fighting is very fierce, but today mainly for Chen Hao to do demonstration, so they slowed down the pace.

The captain of carp enters the command and asks AI to act as the enemy and hostage. Then carp relies on the images provided by various reconnaissance equipment to teach Chen Hao how to analyze the war situation and how to choose the most reasonable attack method.

Here, Li Yu allows Chen Hao to put forward his own opinions. He does not simply refute them verbally. Instead, he lets Chen Hao be the commander of the team and direct the battle. In this way, once the actual battle is over, he will know which is better.

After all, Chen Hao is also a young man. He has character and pride, so he took up the challenge.

This is a training mission to rescue hostages. A dozen kidnappers have detained a hostage in the room. They need to rescue hostages and annihilate or arrest them.

According to the routine in the police bandit film, Chen Hao sent the most capable carp captain in the team to be the raider, and then other people used rope drop to enter the room where the kidnapper was, opened the way with a shock bomb, Xiangzhu acted as a sniper to take care of the overall situation, and he made a breakthrough in close combat.

According to Chen Hao's assumption, such a combination can be called the most powerful and should be easily won.

Other people have no objection, according to Chen Hao's command into the combat position, and then to a good time, they attack at the same time.

The front was very smooth. Most of the robbers were solved in an instant, but it was still a mistake. The leader of carp, who broke in first, was killed by the robbers played by AI. Besides, there were bombs on the hostages. Before they were all subdued, someone detonated the bomb. Chen Hao and the snail were judged to be seriously injured. The seal was slightly injured. Only the Xiang pig outside was in good condition.

At the end of the battle, the hostages were killed, our personnel were killed in one battle and three were injured, which is of course the worst f-level evaluation.

Chen Hao has a fever on his face. He realizes the importance of a qualified commander. He can fight alone, but teamwork is not personal heroism. He can't take it for granted.

When the war situation reopens, the carp captain teaches Chen Hao a lesson. He arranges seals to feint to attract the attention of the kidnappers. The strength of the attack is not strong enough to make the robbers feel that the situation is over, so they won't be caught dead. Then they break in from all points by surprise.

It's time to show the carp's micro operation ability in the next war. The team members have arranged where to shoot and which enemy to shoot. During this period, they have made full use of everyone's strong points. Because Chen Hao is fast enough, he flies forward with a protective shield to block bullets for everyone, so as to protect his team-mates.

When the last two AI kidnappers found that the situation was irresistible and wanted to detonate the bomb, they were immediately shot by the carp captain at the same time. The hostage was successfully rescued, and the kidnappers were all hung up. The mission assessment was a, and the formula was excellent.

Seeing this situation, Chen Hao admired the command ability of team leader Li Yu. No wonder he was able to be team leader and other people obeyed the command. He really had the ability.

However, Chen Hao noticed one thing, that is, the best result of combat rating was s. he thought that the team played very well this time, no one was injured, and the hostage was safe, so he was only rated A. Chen Hao could not imagine what kind of performance he needed to achieve in order to be rated s.

After the carp captain knew it, he said with a smile: "of course, our violent sudden rescue can only be a. if we want to make an S-level evaluation, we need level 2 soldiers to come over. If the kidnappers are not dead, they are all knocked out. The time is controlled within 10 seconds, and we can reach the S-level."

"Level 2 Warrior!"

Chen Hao's heart is filled with awe. Today Xiangzhu has popularized science for him. According to the strength level, the members of Panlong are ranked as the lowest non staff members, then the formal members of level 1, and then the elite members of level 2. Generally speaking, each level of strength can crush the members of the next level.

Of course, there are also members of the legendary Level 3 king, but in the legend, no one has seen them. Maybe no one can reach the level 3 strength now. In the records, they are all comparable to the existence of superheroes. It's hard to imagine the strength of physical bullet defense and unarmed penetration of steel plate.

Because Panlong doesn't have any level certification of a level 3 strong person, it should be just a fabrication. Even carp have never seen a level 3 strong person.