Chapter 1052

Mutual aid mission: search for Level 2 Escape experiment, located in the virgin forest 100 km away from mozhou city.

After Chen Hao finished the task, the electronic information was destroyed automatically and could not be recovered. This is a routine operation of internal confidentiality.

"Is the level 2 experimental body the same strength as the level 2 reformer?" Chen Hao's tone is dignified. If it's true, his strength is very difficult to deal with, and there will be great risks.

Xiangzhu said: "the strength is really equal, but this experimental body is our captive. It's a foreign force transformed from gorillas. The animal's intelligence is limited, and it has broken an arm, and it still has injuries on the body. Its strength is greatly reduced, which is equivalent to the level 1 transformed human level. But it escaped into the primeval forest. It's not easy to find it. It can only use the sea of people tactics. That's why mozhou base asked for help from other branches, while we sent a few people to Baihe base, which is far from enough. That's why the director thought of you. "

Chen Hao understood and escaped a prisoner from his own place. It's too humiliating to tell him. It's estimated that mozhou base was forced to find a way out, so he asked his colleagues for help.

Xiangzhu said: "even so, this experimental gorilla has level 2 strength after all, so your task is to find out that after meeting him, you can evacuate as soon as possible and inform your comrades in arms to go round up. They have good equipment."

It seems that the difficulty coefficient of this task is not big. As long as you are careful, there will not be too much danger. You can take it.

"OK, I'll take it." Chen Hao said.

"Well, I knew you would accept it. You can report to mozhou base tomorrow morning. As long as you open the call code within the contact area, someone will come to pick you up." Xiang Zhu asked.

"Yes, I remember." Chen Hao nodded.

Xiangzhu said: "we all have a mission, or we can go together. This time, you and other strange members will form a team."

"I understand. You should be careful when you go out to work. " Chen Hao said.

"Rarely care about me." Xiang pig is a little happy.

"After all, I'm a teammate. Of course I have to care about it." Chen Hao said with a smile.

After a brief chat, they hung up.

Chen Hao looked at the schedule, originally intended to leave the day after tomorrow, which disrupted his plan.

However, compared with his plan and task, it's nothing. After all, the class 2 experimental body is too harmful and must be solved first, so as not to endanger people's property and safety.

Since he is going to work tomorrow, Chen Hao will not stay up late. After playing Wuqinxi once, he will have a rest.

The next morning, Chen Hao tidied up, put on loose sportswear, and drove to the suburbs.

Under the guidance of the communicator, he came to the contact point, opened the call code, and soon a car stopped beside Chen Hao.

"Chen Hao, a non staff member of Baihe base?"

Two members of the team wearing the logo of mozhou base on the bus were slightly surprised when they verified Chen Hao's identity and found that he was a non staff member.

"What's the matter?" Chen Hao asked.

"Whether the communication is wrong or not, this task is to round up level 2 experimental body. It is required to be a full member, and non staff members are not allowed to participate."

"However, he has the task to take the sign, indicating that the above audit passed."

The two mozhou base members don't understand each other, but according to the procedure, Chen Hao meets the requirements, and they can only let Chen Hao get on the bus and go to the base first.

One of the high team members reported the abnormal situation and asked for verification.

After driving for a short time, the system returned to normal, and Chen Hao met the requirements of the task.

The tall man wondered, "it's strange, why does Baihe base send an extra staff member? The non staff of our base dare not let them participate. It's too dangerous! "

When Chen Hao heard this, he understood what was going on. Originally, as a non staff member, he was not enough for the task. However, this was appointed by the director of black leopard himself. He should go through special procedures. As the strongest non staff member in Baihe city and even the whole Panlong, he was strong enough to carry out the task.

As for the evidence, Chen Haomei has completed a series of tasks, as well as the grasshoppers and ants who were defeated by him in the duel arena. This is the strength of his official members.

Of course, Chen Hao doesn't boast that he is better than some of his regular members. When he is on duty, he will prove himself.

The car stopped at the base in mozhou City, verified its identity at the door, and then let Chen Hao enter the base.

Chen Hao scan around, found here and Baihe city base architectural style is similar, are mainly underground buildings.

After entering the base, the uniformed ground crew came to receive Chen Hao, a 20-year-old girl.

When she saw Chen Hao, she blushed unconsciously and was rather shy. This is the normal reaction of a girl to a handsome man.

"Excuse me, where do I get the mission equipment?" Chen Hao asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

The female ground crew realized that she had lost her temper and blushed like a monkey's ass. she took Chen Hao to the equipment hall, and then she ran away.

Chen Hao laughs bitterly and shakes his head. The style of the members of mozhou base is obviously different from that of Baihe base. Most of the personnel in Baihe base are older, but they lack such shy female ground crew. They are more likely to be gossipy uncles and aunts.

There are some basic equipment in the mission hall for free, but some big killers need to get their own points. Because the entire Panlong database is interlinked, the points are universal.

However, Chen Hao was just a non staff member. He couldn't equip big killers such as energy guns. He only hired two familiar melee weapons, shock daggers and impact energy gloves. With some auxiliary necessities, he took a suspension car to the airport waiting area to wait for the next flight.

"Chen Hao, member of Baihe base, you are assigned to team mz-27, with a total of 8 members. Your team number is No. 8."

Chen Hao's voice message came from the contact device in his ear canal. Soon, it showed his teammates' information. They were all official members of mozhou city. The seven men all brought luxury equipment, all of which were energy guns.

"With melee weapons? Or are they non staff? "

"No, how to assign us an extra staff member? It's not the task of bringing new people. Isn't it a pit for us?"

"Is there a bug in the system again? It's really more and more magical. Anyone will give it to us! "

These seven people know each other and see that no one asked Chen Haogen about his strength. They are very dissatisfied with the identity of his non staff members. After all, in their eyes, non staff members are synonymous with rookies.

Looking at these seven teammates' disgusting eyes, I feel that I have to do something. If my teammates have this attitude, they can't cooperate.

"Ladies and gentlemen, although my No. 8 is a non staff member, it will not delay you." Chen haolang said.

"Beautiful words are very good. When you leave, you'll stay in a safe place, and we'll thank God!"

"Yes, so that you don't have an accident, and we won't be affected."

All these people are not optimistic about Chen Hao's appearance.