Chapter 1092

The news of the car building has already spread. We are going to make preparations.

The truth is that it is easy for a thousand troops to get a general, but hard to get one. A company must first determine the general leader, so as to ensure the unity of government and order. It is an important business to invest more than 100 billion yuan in car building, and the leader must be selected.

Recruitment of an unfamiliar person, Chen Haoxin, however, to say that the ability and trust are complete, only the old classmate Wang Qiang.

Wang Qiang is currently in charge of Haoran auto sales company, which is the original Yuantong company. Although it is also related to cars, it is a sales enterprise similar to 4S stores. It can integrate with car manufacturing, which is just the relationship between upstream and downstream.

After such a long time of experience, Wang Qiang's management ability has been developed, which can be competent for a heavier burden.

That night, Chen Hao went back to Yunyang city to talk with Wang Qiang. They were in a small box of Xiaoxia restaurant, eating and talking.

"Well, you'll have to carry up the business of making cars." Chen Hao poured him a glass of wine.

Although they are now the relationship between the boss and the employees, their previous feelings are as solid as those in the school.

"I'm not familiar with car building. It's better to find a professional to manage it."

The future car factory, with an investment of more than 100 billion yuan, will certainly have a better development than the auto trading company. If it were ordinary people, they would have agreed excitedly long ago. However, from the perspective of friends, Wang Qiang hopes that Chen Hao can find a more powerful person to take charge of the car industry for him.

"No, I can't. at present, there are no factories or trademarks. It's not urgent. You can learn about the car industry slowly and give you half a year. Is that enough time for you to study?" Chen Hao asked him.

Wang Qiang suddenly killed a glass of wine and said boldly, "OK, since you can trust me, then I'll go all out for more than 100 Jin."

"That's right!" Chen Hao hit him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Between good friends, it doesn't need to be too much. The CEO candidate of a luxury car company will be determined in this way.

However, Wang Qiang is a management talent. He doesn't know how to build cars. He also needs to recruit a series of related R & D talents.

"I'll give it to you. If you want money, I'll give it to you. You can dig for anyone you like. I'll give you my full support." Chen Hao said.

"Then you can give me a clue. How much is the price of our luxury car?"

Wang Qiang asked a key question, which is related to the formulation of his work plan. If it's an entry-level luxury car, like Maserati's, it's about two or three hundred thousand, and it's cost-effective. If it's a Lamborghini, Ferrari, etc., it's a mid-range luxury car, if it's a high-end luxury car like Bugatti, Aston Martin, Rolls Royce, That's another way to create corporate culture and design.

The emphases of these three kinds of cars are completely different, and they must be determined at the beginning of the construction of the factory.

Chen Hao said: "of course, take the high-end route. If we pursue cost performance, why do I build luxury cars? Why don't I build vans and old men's music

"I guess you just want to play high-end. When we did extracurricular practice together before, you would rather lack than abuse." Wang Qiang said with a smile.

"We don't want to produce cars this time, but we want to make high-quality ones. They're unique and rare. If we can't buy them elsewhere, we can price them at will." Chen Hao said.

"OK, but it's hard. It may take a long time to develop." Wang Qiang pondered.

Chen Hao said mysteriously: "it doesn't matter. I have secret weapons. You build up the team first. I have a way to make our luxury cars have epoch-making design!"

Wang Qiang's eyes brightened and asked, "like a lathe?"

Chen Hao nodded with a smile.

"OK, I'll be relieved if you have the backing. Come on, do it! Don't get drunk today Wang Qiang clinked his glasses forthrightly.

Drinking with his old classmates, Chen Hao didn't take antidotes, so naturally, they both drank too much and collapsed on the table.

"Really, why drink so much!"

Xia Jing, the hostess of the restaurant, came in and saw that they were both drunk. She asked the waiter to take them upstairs to the guest room to have a rest.

"I'm fine... I'm fine..."

Chen Hao was so drunk that he was sent upstairs by two men.

Xia Jing has been off work, put on a small T-shirt and hot pants, the exquisite curve, let the man see can't help but blood.

She didn't like a man full of wine. When she came to Chen Hao's room, she was just afraid that he would vomit.

After taking off his coat and shoes for Chen Hao, the delirious Chen Hao feels a fiery body around him, arousing his instinctive memory. He thinks it's Cao Rui, so he drags Xia Jing into his arms.

"What are you doing? You smell like wine. It's killing you!" Xia Jing chuckles and punches Chen Hao on the shoulder.

"Cao Rui, I love you..." Chen Hao talks about drunkenness.

Xia Jing suddenly a shock, suddenly got an explosive news.

As soon as Xia Jing's eyes turned, she squeezed her voice to imitate Cao Rui's gentle voice and asked, "where do you love me?"

"Love everywhere..."

Chen Hao hugged more tightly at this time.

Xia Jing asked again, "shall we sleep together?"

She wants to take advantage of Chen Hao's words to see if Chen Hao and Cao Rui are insincere.

As a result, Chen Hao could not hear what he was saying clearly. Later, he did not respond to what Xia Jing said. He snored slightly and fell asleep completely.

"Big astringent wolf, you must be carrying me and Cao Rui on the back!"

Xia Jing angrily frees herself from Chen Hao's arms. She turns Chen Hao's ears, but Chen Hao knocks Xia Jing's hand off with a wave of his hand. However, it makes his upper body stretch out, revealing strong muscles. Shark muscles prop up his shirt.

Xia Jing's eyes were straight. She had always liked muscle blocks. In addition, she loved Chen Hao. Looking at his "jade Chen Heng" appearance, she swallowed her saliva and unconsciously reached for it.

It doesn't matter. Xia Jing feels more and more thirsty. She feels a fire burning in her heart. Then she has a bold idea.

"It's a good chance from heaven. I'll cook mature rice with you today. You dare not want me!"

Xia Jing has a sly smile on her face, and then she takes off her clothes in a couple of seconds. However, she has smoked all day and got sweat stains, which makes her smell really bad.

After all, girls love to clean, do not want to let their first time so dirty, they quickly into the bathroom, wash up.

When Xia Jing quickly washes the fragrance and blows her hair in the bathroom, the door of the room is opened with a "drop", and Cao Rui comes in with a spare room card.

She was relieved to find that Chen Hao was well dressed.

Xia Jing blows the whistle melody of "love cycle" and walks out of the bathroom briskly. When she intends to sacrifice herself, her body trembles, because in the room, Cao Rui is staring at her with fierce eyes.