Chapter 1169

"Ouch, let go, let go!" Yu Baocheng begged for mercy.

"Still beating women?" Xiangzhu asked.

"Dare to move Yu Shao, seek death!"

At this time, around Yu Baocheng's supporters, there are more than 30 people rushed to the Savior.

But at this time, Chen Hao stood in front of Xiang pig and kicked two of the most arrogant followers. If he dared to move Xiang pig, he had to ask him whether Chen Hao would like to.

At this time, Chen Hao's staff also ran to protect the boss, and the group of Yu Baocheng supporters confrontation.

When the two sides were at each other's throats, another team of people in security clothes stood in the middle and separated the two sides. Cui Yongbing came out at this time and appealed to everyone to calm down.

These security guards were from Cui Yongbing. He knew for a long time that no matter who won this competition, there would be conflicts. So he organized his staff ahead of time, and they really came in handy. Now those supporters can't stand up.

"Get out of the way, or I'll find someone to scrap it. Do you believe it?"

Some young people yell at the security guards. They are used to bossing ordinary workers. They don't know that these security guards are protecting them. If they really want to fight with Chen Hao's people, they will know the consequences. Mozhou Sanhu knows this best.

"Enough, stop for a while!"

At this time, Cui Yongbing came out and roared, and these young people gradually became honest.

Because these people usually do business in their families and have a little business, they stay around Yu Baocheng and hope to have a good relationship with Yu, so that they can make some profits through Yu's family. Cui Yongbing is the president of a provincial chamber of Commerce and has a lot of contacts. The children of these small businessmen can't provoke this big man and can only become good men.

On the other side, Yu Baocheng is actually a soft bone. When he bullies others, when he meets a hard stubble, he has nothing left but to beg for mercy. He is cured by Xiang pig and has already called his sister.

"Elder sister, you let go of my hand. It's killing me." Yu Baocheng cried and begged that there was no arrogance before.

"Still beating women?" Xiang pig asked coldly.

"No, you'll all be my sister. No, you'll all be my aunt."

Yu Baocheng burst into tears in pain. He was a spoiled rich second generation, but he had never suffered this kind of pain. In order to avoid suffering, the generation of Xiang pig rose sharply.

"Get out of here, you woman. Don't hit Yu Shao!"

At this time, the beaten cosmetic girl came to tear Xiangzhu, blaming her for being unfavorable to Yu Baocheng, making Xiangzhu a little suspicious of life. She ignored the past and helped her female compatriots to come forward, but she was not.

"I don't care about you!"

Some women just don't love themselves. No wonder they have to be beaten.

Yu Baocheng ran back to his F1 and wanted to leave.

"Well, have you forgotten something?"

Chen Hao suddenly went to the car and knocked on the car body.

Yu Baocheng was surprised, and then he remembered that the bet also included the participating vehicles. If he lost the car, the F1 would belong to Chen Hao.

"I, I'll compensate you for a Bugatti. This F1 is really my treasure. I can't live without it!"

Yu Baocheng looks sad and discusses with Chen Hao.

"Yu family boy, it's stipulated in the gambling agreement. Do you still want to break the debt? You signed the contract before, but you did it by hand. "

Cui Yongbing also arrived at the scene. He looked serious. As a middleman, he had the right to help Chen Hao with justice.

"Uncle Cui, I don't want to default, or I'll discount 20 million at the market price. I'll give Mr. Chen 15 million to buy my F1."

Then he discussed with Chen Hao: "Mr. Chen, you can see that you have such a powerful Mercedes Benz. You can't see my F1 at all, can you?"

After the education of Yu Baocheng and Xiang Zhu, he became a little wretch. Now he is not arrogant. Chen Hao is not interested in playing with him, just like bullying a child.

To tell you the truth, it's useless for Chen Hao to ask for F1. He planned to win the car and reward it to Beibei. When he got the car for the company's injury, he had to sell it to Beibei. It's better to ask for cash directly.

But it's not good to send money directly to your subordinates. You need a proper name.

"This condition is OK, but the car needs to be impounded. When will you transfer the money and then come to my men to pick up the car?" Chen Hao said.

Yu Baocheng's bitter gourd face is very long, but at this point, he can only agree, so he reluctantly gets out of the car and goes back to take someone else's car.

"Yu Shao, wait for me!"

The beauty of plastic surgery immediately ran after her.

"Don't follow me. It's bad luck for me to know you!"

Yu Baocheng dumped the girl directly, got into a fan's car and quickly drove away from the scene.

Just as the owners are gone, those fans are gradually dispersing. The car racing scene, which was still hot just now, is now in the cold.

The environment is cold, but the next thing is hot. Cui Yongbing gives Chen Hao the property right document of the original address of the triangle Lathe according to the gambling agreement. Later, he will supervise the transfer of ownership. Liang Yu Baocheng dares not to sign it. As a result, the land goes back to Chen Hao's hands, and it doesn't cost him a cent. It can't be called a big profit, That's "blood special money"!

"Chen Hao, please contact me if you have any questions. I'll go first!"

Cui Yongbing shakes hands with Chen Hao to say goodbye, and then he takes people to leave the scene, so there is only Chen Hao's group left.

Everyone gathered around to celebrate, and some of the staff had already prepared fluorescent sticks and waved them to celebrate, which was a little festive.

It's really festive. This time, the car made a lot of land worth 1 billion, plus the 15 million cash exchanged by F1, which is enough to celebrate.

Chen Hao asked him to come north and give him the property right book. Later, the factory of triangle Lathe will be his own. He can move in as planned and be responsible for the transfer procedures to the north.

As for the factory area that mozhou heavy industry has bought, you can keep it. In the future, if there are any big enterprises, such as car building projects, you can build a factory here. As a famous heavy industry city in China, mozhou has many auto parts suppliers, which have unique resource advantages. It's a good choice. Do you want to build a factory, We need to wait for a few more places to investigate before making a decision.

"All right, boss, I will finish the task." North Road.

Chen Hao said: "in addition, if you drive this car back, Yu Baocheng will give it to him if he takes 15 million yuan in a month. Otherwise, you can go to Wang Qiang and ask his contact person to sell it. The money you buy is your salary in the next year."

"Mr. Chen, it's too expensive!"

North shocked, this car 15 million, his annual salary is about two or three million, which has increased several times.

Chen Hao said: "it's OK. Your injury is just for the company. It can be regarded as compensation for you. I hope you will make persistent efforts in the future. You will be absolutely satisfied with your salary."

"Thank you, thank you, boss!"

Bowing to the ground northward, he was deeply moved. In his life, he recognized Chen Hao.

"You're welcome." Chen Hao helped him up with a smile. The 15 million yuan was a "gift" from Yu Baocheng. He borrowed flowers and offered Buddhas. He made Beibei so heartfelt that the car was too valuable this time.