Chapter 167: Wild Grass Ear

Chapter 167: Wild Grass Ear

The leader of the Green Tribe was stunned as soon as he entered. He looked at the two rows of houses that seemed to appear out of thin air, unable to find words to express his amazement. He vividly remembered that when the flowers were in full bloom during the Joyous Celebration, this prosperous neighboring tribe did not have those two buildings whose purpose he couldn't fathom. Still, his intuition told him they must be valuable.

How much time had passed since then? During this period, he and his tribe had been busy with food. His diligent efforts were not in vain, as the tribe had accumulated a considerable amount of long-lasting food. At this rate, even if the early snowfall arrived, there would be no risk of starvation in the tribe.

However, now he was witnessing everything before him. In the same period, this prosperous tribe significantly raised the strange wall that protected them and constructed two enormous structures. What surprised him the most was that, while creating so many things, their food collection did not lag.

On top of these peculiar structures, there were white and delicious fishsomething he discovered after a closer look. Initially, the Green Tribe leader overlooked this detail, but when he realized those were skinned game animals hanging on the wooden pegs attached to the earth-made wall,' his eyes widened in amazement.

How could they create so many things in the same amount of time? The Green Tribe leader was shocked again when entering for the second time. Alongside this astonishment, a strong sense of frustration arose, even more intense than the previous occasion.

The rest of the Green Tribe members also opened their mouths wide, finding it incredibly hard to believe. Humans could create magnificent structures besides hunting, gathering food, and making simple tools!

Not only the Eldest Senior Brother but also all the members of the Green Tribe had reactions that pleased the hearts of the members of the Green Sparrow Tribe. They were filled with pride and satisfaction as they looked around at the things they had built with their hands.

Regardless of where their gazes wandered, they all ended up at the cave entrance, where a figure was jumping around with a dog by its side. Their eyes were filled with admiration and eagerness.

It's the Divine Child! This revolutionary change is all because of the Divine Child!

The leader of the Green Tribe, ever calculative and fond of taking advantage, after recovering from the intense shock, felt quite depressed. However, he began thinking of how to take advantage again, believing it would ease his mood.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

He told the Eldest Senior Brother they had traveled a long way, becoming both tired and hungry. They gave up hunting time to come for the trade and received less food. Therefore, he hoped that the Green Sparrow Tribe could treat them to a delicious fish soup again.

The Eldest Senior Brother remained unmoved, shaking his head and pointing to the food brought by the Green Tribe, then pointing to the salted fish drying on the roof. He refused to give in.

After a primitive bargaining session, the leader of the Green Tribe had to give up the idea of enjoying a delicious fish soup.

Although he missed the taste of the fish soup, exchanging food for something they used to enjoy for free was impossible.

Moreover, he had a bit of self-awareness about the food they brought this time. After exchanging for such a delicious fish soup, it would not be easy to use the remaining food to trade for large pottery jars.

Endure it for now. After all, their tribe would soon have those large pottery jars suitable for cooking food.

In due time, their tribe could enjoy a continuous supply of delicious meat soup!

The leader of the Green Tribe calculated this in his mind.

Since the Green Sparrow Tribe was unwilling to provide free food again, the leader of the Green Tribe naturally didn't want to stay here longer. It was autumn, and he needed to lead these adults to gather food quickly.

Thus, the material exchange meeting between the Green Sparrow Tribe and the Green Tribe, without any deliberate promotion, directly entered the main agenda.

The leader of the Green Tribe had someone lay out the food they brought. Without waiting for the Eldest Senior Brother to speak, he pointed to the large pot often used by the Green Sparrow Tribe for cooking, then pointed to two smaller clay pots. After some consideration, he gestured to the bowls used for serving rice, indicating that he wanted these items.

The Eldest Senior Brother felt a bit angry as he watched. The food brought by the Green Tribe this time mainly was fruits and strange things like spikes made from wild grass that the eldest senior brother had never seen.

It would be strange not to be angry if they wanted to exchange these items for so many pottery jars from their tribe."