Chapter 3005

"This matter is not surprising. We still have to wait for Lin Yunliang's father to explain it. This guy does not belong to the origin of this continent, so it is naturally a little unclear."

Chen Ping stretched out his hand, touched the scales on the opponent's body lightly, and couldn't help but be amazed.

He always felt that something was wrong with this mermaid, but when he touched the opponent's scales, he realized that the mermaid's scales were much stronger than the dragon's.

By chance, Chen Ping once got a piece of dragon scales, but there are no dragon scales. This mermaid is so old that even the mermaid scales can change various shapes freely, which is a bit surprising. .

"If this scale is used to make a weapon, it is definitely the best treasure. Not only can it attack and receive, but it can also..."

Before Chen Ping could finish his words, he heard Lin Yunliang's father cough violently. It seemed that he was not in a good condition.

"You brat, show me how that fish is doing, this guy is no ordinary fish, it's a mermaid I got by chance!"

"According to ancient books, in a world from the gods, there are many similar existences. Their strength should not be underestimated. They are all guys who can turn their hands into clouds and turn their hands into rain!"

"I think this mermaid is so beautiful, it's probably something like a mermaid princess. If you can please the other party, then you can naturally achieve your future!"

Lin Yunliang's father had always been well-versed in poetry and books, and knew a lot about many legendary things. After seeing his son so indifferent to the mermaid's situation, he was so angry that he almost died on the spot.

"Mermaids? Is it possible that it's the nonsensical stories you always told me when you were a child, and Mommo thinks that they really exist, and you can even find them?"

Lin Yunliang opened his mouth in surprise, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

"God's world is beyond our reach, let's let this mermaid go!"

When he thought of the stories his father told him when he was a child, he felt very scared and felt a little panic in his heart.

The affairs between the gods are not something that ordinary people like them can participate in. If the gods are upset, they may be turned into a puddle of powder in minutes.

In the face of absolute power, they are just a group of younger brothers who have no right to speak.

"You are really too smart!"

Lin Yunliang's father was so angry that he almost had a heart attack. He couldn't help but praise his stupid son, and then slapped him on the head fiercely.

"Don't touch this mermaid casually. You should find a way to establish a connection with this mermaid and try to recognize the master. Otherwise, don't blame me for not recognizing your son!"

When Lin Yunliang's father mentioned this mermaid, a nervous look flashed in his eyes, but he couldn't forget how terrifying this mermaid was.

At the beginning, he just salvaged this mermaid floating on the bottom of the sea, and he was already subdued by the other party.

The mermaid's toxin directly infected his body along the fishing net, causing him to lose consciousness in an instant.

Chen Pingrao looked at the old man with interest, and he could tell that this mermaid was indeed highly poisonous, otherwise his elixir would not be effective.

Lin Yunliang's father was also a smart man. He knew that Chen Ping had saved him, so he bowed his hands to Chen Ping very seriously, and a trace of respect flashed in his eyes.

"Lin Xiaotian, I am very grateful to this hero for saving my life. If it weren't for you, I might have died long ago!"

After Lin Xiaotian said this, he started to cough violently again, looking extremely embarrassed.

"You don't need to be too grateful to me. I just temporarily slowed down your life. I can make you live for ten days and a half months at most, but I can't help you heal the wound completely yet. .”

Now the other party is cautious and poisonous, Chen Ping doesn't know much about mermaids, so he doesn't dare to boast casually, he can only give the other party a general name of the situation conservatively.

Even if Chen Ping was 100% sure, he would never speak so clearly.

As soon as these words came out, a helpless light flashed in Lin Xiaotian's eyes.

It seems that he already has plans to appoint.