CH 9

Tan Mi’s expression went blank for a moment.

Jiang Baiwan finally remembered to eat dinner. After taking a bath, she wore the pajamas that Tan Mi lent her, hugged Tan Mi unhesitatingly and kissed her on the side of the face, then bolted towards Shu Lan’ers house.

When Shui Lan’er saw Jiang Baiwan, she still had that teary-eyed look, and until Jiang Baiwan finished eating, Shui Lan’er barely smiled. But Jiang Baiwan had always been big-hearted. She even helped wash the dishes afterwards before returning to Tan Mi’s house valiantly.

When Tan Mi saw her, she didn’t say anything more, and just let her wash and sleep. Jiang Baiwan was indeed tired. Her eyelids were fighting to remain open that she almost failed to brush her teeth. She fell asleep on the bed and soon began to snore happily.

Tan Mi couldn’t help but smile. After today, her impression of Jiang Baiwan change a little bit. It’s just that when she thought about the things that Jiang Baiwan did in the past, Tan Mi’s original good feeling was suppressed again.

It’s also true that for the camera, one must create a different image to be able to attract fans. In the darkness, the corners of Tan Mi’s mouth tugged down, before finally laying down beside Jiang Baiwan.

When Jiang Baiwan opened her eyes the next day, she was still a little dazed, and only after she yawned did she wake up a bit. Tan Mi had already gone out. Jiang Baiwan was the only one left in the room. She climbed down from the bed and by the time she tidied herself up, it was already noon.

Jiang Baiwan touched her stomach. “Director, isn’t apologizing with just words too light?”

The director broke out in cold sweat. “Then…… does Miss Jiang need anything else?”


When Chu Yunhan arrived, he heard the shouting of a woman before he could even get out of the car.

“Ahhhh, my fish! My fish is getting away! Stop it quickly!”

“They said one good smash will knock it out! Lies! They are all big pig’s trotter[1]!”

What’s all this mess? Chu Yunhan opened the door with a frown and got out of the car.

He came today as a special guest in order to be able to accompany Shui Lan’er who was on the show. Heaven knows how distressed Chu Yunhan was when he saw Shui Lan’er on the live broadcast—— His Lan’er was so nice, it’s really hard for her to be in this kind of show.

Originally, Chu Yunhan could tolerate it, but when he saw Jiang Baiwan making things difficult for Shui Lan’er, he couldn’t bear it anymore.

When Assistant Xu entered the office, he saw his boss staring at the laptop screen frowning, but the corners of his mouth were raised, an expression of wanting to smile but restraining it, which gave people goosebumps.

“……President Ji, these are the documents that just came in.” Assistant Xu pretended that he didn’t see anything.

Ji Chen responded coldly and his expression quickly returned to its original state. He pressed the laptop computer off very naturally, then took the document in Assistant Xu’s hand and put on a serious working appearance.

Assistant Xu went out respectfully, but the moment he closed the door, he didn’t forget to roast in his mind:

——Boss, just watch Miss Jiang’s live broadcast if you like. It’s not as if someone will laugh at you.
