CH 1


1. 声吗 shēng ma: squeak, make some noise, basically a classifier of sounds.

2. 小白脸 xiǎo bái liǎn: little white man, pretty boy(usually derogatory), gigolo

3. 但你敢做的事情,老子会不敢做: basically, he means that if you, a weak pretty boy can dare to do something, how can I be scared of doing the same thing when I am a BiG mAn

4. 些清隽 xiē qīng juàn: xiē some; few; qīng clear; distinct; quiet; just and honest; pure, juàn significant, meaningful;

5. The phrase used here is 长大 (zhǎng dà) which means to grow something, and the actual phrase would translate to “growing a mouth” which doesn’t make a lot of sense. However, it’s supposed to be horror so who knows, maybe the pretty little ghost did grow a mouth on the spot just to scream and welcome these ‘guests’

6. It can also mean “holding his cheeks” but I thought this phrase seemed smoother. It’s basically the hand on cheek posture.

7. 点头如蒜: nodding as if pounding garlic. (Nod very fast). A similar idiom to chicken pecking on rice. In ye olde days when grinders and blenders hadn’t been invented, garlic and chilli were pounded by hand using some kind of mortar and pestle (idk). It’s fast and it’s supposed to mean that she was nodding really fast.