CH 15

“It’s a good thing you didn’t leave the studio door just now.”

The group of people had already walked out, but at this moment Bai Hua suddenly spoke to the career woman, Mu Rong.

“Why did you say that?” Mu Rong didn’t like Bai Hua much from the start; she was the straightforward type, and subconsciously felt that although Bai Hua was a good-looking and clean person, he was far too twisted to be genuinely liked by people.

“Have you forgotten? The rules of the game in this movie are that anyone who screams or cries out of fear will be wiped out by death.” Bai Hua smiled, “I thought you were dead when you screamed so loudly just now. But from the looks of things, maybe the game only begins officially the moment we leave the studio.”

“What an unpleasant child.” Mu Rong frowned slightly, then took in a deep breath.

“But he’s got a point.” Qin Guan lit a poor quality cigarette next to him, which smelled a bit pungent, “And without Bai Hua, we might not even know what the rules are and could easily get killed.”

To reinforce his “cowardly” persona, Su Qingxing was the only one among the others to walk forward with his eyes closed. Because the corridor was so long, Su Qingxing fell flat on his face once …… which led to their current posture of him reaching over to put his hand on Qin Guan’s shoulder and getting guided to walk forward with his eyes closed.

The man who claimed to be a detective offered to let Su Qingxing rest on his shoulder and slowed down his pace so that Su Qingxing would not have to walk too hurriedly and nervously.

After listening carefully to what the three people said with his eyes closed, Su Qingxing nodded silently in his mind. Although the appearance of the God of Death just now was handsome and the words spoken were imposing under the background music, they only said some seemingly random words and did not detail the rules of this trial at all.

If Bai Hua hadn’t jumped out to explain it, someone might have gotten killed in a moment of carelessness before understanding the rules of the trial, thus failing the trial automatically.

“But Bai Hua you’re really something.” Su Qingxing heard Qin Guan’s voice again, “Your senior Su and sister Mu are scared to this point, yet you can still be so calm.”

“Everyone is scared because of the red lights here, right?” There was still laughter in Bai Hua’s voice, “But in my eyes, it’s like a corridor covered in red roses, a corridor of roses prepared for me by Lord Death! Hahaha, just kidding of course.”

Although Bai Hua mocked himself at the end, Su Qingxing felt that he was most probably serious.

From the start of the trial until now, although Mu Rong acted nonchalant, she had believed the words of Bai Hua concerning the rules of the game from the tone of her voice, while Qin Guan had even directly acknowledged Bai Hua’s merits.

This team didn’t have any senior players, but each of them looked like they had a strong ability to adapt.

Su Qingxing had just come to this conclusion when he heard Du Wei, the art teacher behind him, say, “Hahaha, you guys are really serious, I still think this is a TV station prank. Maybe the moment we walk out of here, there will be a lot of flashing lights and cameras pointed at us, won’t that be fun?”

Su Qingxing: ……

“You sure are an optimist.” Qin Guan’s voice, “But it’s fine if you walk in the front, don’t worry. And don’t turn around.”

“Ah, what’s wrong?” Du wei’s voice sounded a little confused.

“It’s that red T-shirt under your denim.” Mu Rong spoke up as well, “It’s blinding under this lighting!”

“Uh ……”

“I can see the exit!” Just at this moment, Bai Hua suddenly spoke up, “It’s a door!”

Even Su Qingxing immediately opened his eyes.

They were still in the red-lit corridor, but a dark wooden door did appear at the end of their sight. Although the original color of the door could not be seen under this dazzling light, to everyone who had been walking for so long, it was clearly like a life-saving straw!

All of them tried desperately to speed up their steps, but only Qin Guan was still walking forward slowly.

So Su Qingxing withdrew his hand from Qin Guan’s shoulder and deliberately lowered his head and said, “Mr. Qin, let’s hurry too, and leave this place quickly.”

“Don’t push yourself if you’re very scared.” Qin Guan’s tone was still a little casual, “If what Bai Hua said is true, then you need to learn to relax yourself as well. After all, the most we can do is to lend you a shoulder, other than that, you have to learn to support yourself.”

“……” Su Qingxing froze, then nodded vigorously, “Thank you, Mr. Qin.”

There was only one Bride of Death, which meant that only one of the five trialists could survive. Those who were still willing to help out in this kind of situation where your survival depended upon the death of others, deserved to be respected no matter what.

Qin Guan turned his back on Su Qingxing and waved his hand indifferently, then together with Su Qingxing, he quickened his pace to catch up with the three people who had already run a long way ahead.

“Why aren’t you walking?” Qin Guan and Su Qingxing walked for a while before they saw that Mu Rong and the others had stopped at a certain spot and did not continue to move forward.

“I……” The expression on Mu Rong’s face was a little embarrassed and she could only glance at the side of the corridor with her eyes.

Su Qingxing followed her gaze and found that there were two more doorways on the side of the corridor, one labeled as “men’s restroom” and other as “women’s restroom”.

However, the door of the men’s washroom was sealed with many wooden strips and could not be opened at all, while the door of the women’s washroom….. had disappeared.

“If you want to go, then go.” Qin Guan’s voice had a hint of teasing in it, “It’s not like the four of us, we don’t have a chance to go even if we want to!”

The men’s restroom next to it had been sealed off, so it was true that there was no way for them to go there even if they wanted to.

“I…. doesn’t look very assuring.” Mu Rong was a little hesitant.

In Su Qingxing’s opinion, the women’s restroom that had appeared in this place was indeed a bit scary. Although he only gave it a cursory glance, the interior of the restroom did not look neat and tidy, and the interior was fitted with the same red lighting as in the corridor. Except that it was flickering, recreating something like a scene from a horror movie. Although it was clichéd, it wasn’t enough to frighten people.

Zhu Sha was a big fan of the classics, so rarely did he discard these classic routines. Apart from a guide like Su Qingxing, who had been through many, many trials, there was probably nobody in this world who would be able to identify so many classic elements added into the worlds built by Zhu Sha.

“If you don’t dare to go in, then don’t go in.” Qin Guan casually provoked Mu Rong a little.

“Who says I don’t dare to go in!” However, Mu  Rong immediately widened her eyes, “I’m not falling for your provoking tactics, I simply don’t want to be looked down upon by a roadside detective like you!”

With that, Mu Rong tossed her long hair, stepped on her high heels and walked in.

When she stepped inside, amidst such flashing lights, even if she had already worked up enough courage, it was a test of guts for Mu Rong who was already a bit lacking in courage. She stopped near the entrance, turned her head towards the few men outside the door and said, “Actually, we are the only ones here, so if you can’t hold it in and want to come in…..I won’t laugh at you guys either.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll just stand at the door.” Unexpectedly, Qin Guan didn’t butt heads with Mu Rong this time, “Just go to the first cubicle and close the door, we’ll be here and we won’t leave.”

“Mm.” Mu Rong nodded, inhaled deeply, lowered her head and held her breath as she rushed past the dirt filled mirror at the bathroom door and then entered the first cubicle.

The cubicle was fairly clean; it wasn’t messy enough to the point of it being unbearable to Mu Rong, except that the gap under the partition was a bit too large, easily reminiscent of some images in horror films that caused some discomfort.

Mu Rong took another deep breath, and as no one else was present, she simply covered her mouth and closed her eyes to prevent herself from screaming out due to any sudden ‘surprise’.

At that moment, she heard some rather heavy footsteps coming through the doorway, followed by the opening of the door to the cubicle next to hers. There was also a packet of tissues in her handbag, making Mu Rong feel as if the situation was not quite as bleak as it could have been.

“After all that cool talk just now,someone couldn’t resist the urge.” Mu Rong felt a tiny bit more at ease, guessing that it was one of the several men standing outside the door.

“Um…… uh …… uh ……”

A strange sound suddenly came from the cubicle next to Murong. It repeated again and again, refusing to stop.

“What’s wrong with you?” Mu Rong couldn’t help but ask, “It’s not constipation, is it?”

“Mmm …… mmm …… mmm …… mmm ……”

“Hey! Are you really constipated?” Mu Rong wanted to laugh a little.

“Mu Rong.” At this moment, Qin Guan’s voice came from the doorway, still casual, but it made Mu Rong’s sense of security skyrocket.

However, Qin Guan’s next words knocked Mu Rong’s mood into the icy ground.

“Who are you talking to, Mu Rong?” Qin Guan’s tone was unprecedentedly serious, “Just to be clear, all of us are outside the door and no one has ever entered.”

The first thing Mu Rong did was to cover her mouth with her hand, and after packing up as quickly as she could, she grabbed her bag and rushed out.


The door was blocked! Although she didn’t know what the reason was, no matter what Mu Rong did, she couldn’t get the door to open!

“This broken door won’t open!” Muyong said loudly, then started banging on the door while covering her mouth.

It was then……

“It’s not constipation ……” a sultry female voice came from the gap below the cubicle.

Although she knew she was bound to regret it, Mu Rong couldn’t resist glancing down.


Mu Rong’s pupils instantly shrank, and if she hadn’t already firmly covered her mouth, she would have been unable to stop herself from shouting out. Right at the gap in the partition, was a woman with a face full of wounds and blood….. A female ghost had squeezed half her head into the cubicle!

“I’m stuck, it hurts …… mmm ……” The female ghost stared straight at Mu Rong with her eyes popping out of the partition, “It hurts ……”

The female ghost desperately tried to push through, but the gap was apparently too small, resulting in the addition of some dark humor into the frightening situation.

Immediately after, the accident happened!

“Go to hell! Who cares if you’re a human or a ghost! Peeping Toms should get the hell out of here!” The second after she saw the female ghost, Mu Rong’s eyes widened and her foot, which was clad in a super-thin high heel, stepped viciously on the female ghost, who was poking her head out, and stomped down heavily!

She stomp …… stomped on it!

“Ahhhhhhhhh!” This time the one who let out a miserable scream was actually the female ghost?!

When Mu Rong1Mu rong is the kind of heroine I demand to see in horror movies thought about it, she felt that this was perhaps the craziest thing she had ever done in her life, and even though she did the entire series of actions subconsciously, she had to lean against the partition to catch her breath when she stopped.

“Mu Rong, step back!”

As Qin Guan’s voice came, although he didn’t know what he had grabbed, he smashed it through the lock of the bathroom partition with a loud bang.

When Mu Rong pushed the door open, the first thing she saw was Qin Guan’s bearded face that was in front of her, a poor quality cigarette in his mouth and a broken ax in his hand.

The somewhat pungent smell of smoke seemed to inspire a sense of security at that moment.

“Whew! For the first time since meeting you, I think you’re quite a good-looking piece of shit detective!” Mu Rong saw that apart from Qin Guan, Du Wei, Su Qingxing and Bai Hua were also standing outside the cubicle, and at this moment she suddenly felt her eyes warm up, “If it weren’t for the fact that my sister is a famous woman, I might have been generous enough to give you my contact information.”

“I can’t afford it.” Qin Guan said, opening the door to the second cubicle again, “What did you see just now?”

“A ghost.” Mu Rong replied as she continued to walk out, her high heels clattering on the floor, “The Trial of Death is real, and the rules of the game should be real too.”

Behind Mu Rong, there was no female ghost or blood; it was as if nothing had happened here.

“Looks like that ghost has disappeared.” Qin Guan nodded to the others and together they followed Mu Rong out, heading straight for the door in front of them, “Miss Mu, how on earth did you scare the ghost away, with your face?”

“You think you’re the only one with weapons?” Mu Rong walked forward without stopping for a second, “Remember not to mess with women in the future, especially women in high heels.”

Gazing at the woman who looked calm but actually had disheveled footsteps, Qin Guan smiled helplessly.

Whether she could be messed with or not was unknown, but her mouth was quite tough anyway.

Perhaps it was because of the aura shown by Mu Rong, Su Qingxing could feel that the atmosphere of the entire team was quite pleasant.

The dark wooden door was pushed open by Mu Rong, who was at the front, and the whole process went surprisingly smoothly. After seeing the door open, Du Wei and Qin Guan also rushed to Mu Rong’s side first.

Immediately afterwards, they were struck by a burst of bright light!

Everyone closed their eyes because of the sudden luminescence, feeling that the world, that had been red until now, had been instead enveloped by a white light. Unexpectedly, their bodies relaxed under the radiance.

Then the light dissipated.

Before Su Qingxing could open his eyes, he heard all sorts of loud noises, chatter and laughter as well as the sound of various phones ringing and printers working all around them.

“This is …….”

Su Qingxing opened his eyes and what appeared in front of them was …… an oversized office!

A bright area with white collar workers in professional attire came and went, some handing out information, some answering the phone and some busy in front of the computer.

“This is my…. my company?!” Mu Rong showed an incredulous expression.


Just then, Su Qingxing saw a familiar white, fluffy figure rushing towards him.
