CH 19

“Du Wei! What are you doing?” Qin Guan’s voice came from outside the opaque door of the office, full of anger, but trying to keep it down.

“Qin Guan, take it easy, those monsters are being attracted to the sound.” Du Wei’s voice was still heartless, “Bai Hua is right, one less competitor and we have a better chance of surviving.”

“Du Wei, you’ll get what’s coming to you!” Mu Rong’s voice came through gritted teeth.

“This is something that will benefit everyone, and I don’t think you all should target Bai Hua too much.” Du Wei had obviously sided with Bai Hua, “It’s a certainty that Bai Hua has come back from the dead, so he’s the only one here who can get us out.”

“You bastard! Hand over the remote control!”


“Oops, sorry, I stepped on it by accident.”


The sound outside the office was oppressive and noisy, but that sound could not affect Su Qingxing’s mood inside the office at all.

Or rather, no matter what it was, at this moment nothing could affect Su Qingxing.

The wind in the office was still swirling wildly, the blinds were blowing loudly, and it was unknown if the people outside the door had heard it.

“I can’t remember how many times I’ve been killed.” Su Qingxing almost unconsciously placed Si Si on Mu Rong’s desk, perhaps confiding in Si Si, perhaps talking to himself, “Stabbed in the heart, had my neck slit, pushed off the rooftop, thrown into a horde of ghosts …… Humans will always think of all sorts of ways to survive. “

“I’ve been working as a guide, and if I’ve seen thousands of dead souls, only a few dozen are finally brought back to the ghost town.” Su Qingxing could not hear the movement around him, “but as many as hundreds were sent to hell.”

“Mother said that as long as one did not harbor evil thoughts, one would not be hurt. Father said that the only way not to get hurt is to become strong, for all beings naturally fear the strong.”

“Perhaps Zhu Sha is right, I should take a good rest.” After Su Qingxing said this, he surprisingly just sat down against the wall and closed his eyes to recuperate.

“Awoo!” Under Si Si’s watchful eye, the office’s fierce wind did not stop, but Su Qingxing, who had just closed his eyes, opened them again.

It was a pair of …… unseeing eyes; eyes with the purest blue pupils.

There was no gentleness, no forbearance.

Nothing could be seen in those eyes.

It was unknown when the short black hair had turned silver, long enough to drag gently on the floor. “Su Qingxing” got up and casually tied it into a knot that hung behind him.

“Su Qingxing” then looked towards the office door and slowly stretched out his hand ……

The wind in the office seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

“What’s wrong?” At this moment, a taller figure appeared beside Su Qingxing and instantly grabbed his arm.

In an instant, the wind in the office disappeared.

All the papers and the furniture fell back to the ground, and the office turned eerily quiet ……

The figure in the black uniform was standing right beside Su Qingxing, holding on to his arm and not letting go.

Silver hair, gray scarf, and a face that was constantly praised by Zhu Sha …… it was the same appearance the God had donned when they had met during the ghost city inspection.

The one who appeared beside Su Qingxing was undoubtedly the God of Death. However, it was definitely not the “model” that Zhu Sha had constructed, but the real…… God of Death of the Underworld who had quietly come here for Su Qingxing.

At the same time, the little snow wolf that was originally placed on a desk in Mu Rong’s office was nowhere to be found, as if he had never existed.

If it was the usual Su Qingxing, he would have tried to avoid the God of Death, but at this moment Su Qingxing seemed a bit strange …… he just stood facing the door without even turning his head to look at the Death God.

But at the same time, Su Qingxing heard the question asked by the God of Death and then replied in a cold voice that he had never heard before, “I’ll finish the current job and then go back to rest.”

The god of death seemed to have thought of something and his face looked a little nervous. Such an expression actually rarely appeared on the face of this Underworld big shot, but when facing Su Qingxing, all these conventions seemed to have become meaningless.

“You, how long have you been working without a rest?” The God of Death didn’t dare to let go of Su Qingxing’s arm at will, for the fear that in just a moment’s time, the power that would burst out of Su Qingxing would be enough to obliterate all four people outside the door and wipe out their ashes!

“I don’t remember.” The “Su Qingxing” in front of the God of Death had no emotion on his face, no emotion in his eyes, and no emotion in his words, but he was surprisingly responsive to the questions asked.

“Maybe it’s ten days, maybe it’s twenty days, maybe it’s thirty days …… A guide doesn’t need to sleep, so naturally he can keep on working.” Su Qingxing’s consciousness had fallen asleep from exhaustion, leaving only his subconscious and instincts in action.

“You need to rest.” Si Shen could feel Su Qingxing’s power growing stronger and stronger, so he had to use the same amount of power to keep it down.

“That is why the work must be finished as soon as possible.” The words Su Qingxing spoke were as if they were programmed from the start, “Wiping out the target of the job altogether is the fastest way to get the job done.”

“You don’t know what you’re doing.” The God of Death still didn’t let go, a rare slight frown on his handsome face, “If you wake up, you’ll regret it.”

“Already abandoned.” Su Qingxing’s voice was devoid of sorrow and joy, “It doesn’t matter.”

“It’s actually hard every time, isn’t it?” Si Shen1 pulled Su Qingxing into his arms with force, “But only when you lost consciousness from exhaustion did you speak from your heart.”

The reason why Su Qingxing had become like this was simple, because he had been working hard for a long time and forgotten to rest, causing his body to be drained and exhausted to the extreme.

But even so, Su Qingxing didn’t seem to have forgotten about his work.

“It’s not hard.” Even though he was already in the arms of the God of Death, Su Qingxing’s expression remained unchanged, his hollow eyes staring straight at the god of death in front of him as if he was looking at a complete stranger, “The job of a guide is to be an irrelevant bystander, and only when you are killed and abandoned again and again will you feel that the eighteen levels of hell are not cruel enough for some dead souls. “

“You, still like in the centuries long past, act like nothing matters, but keep things hidden in your heart.” The God of Death grabbed Su Qingxing’s arm with one hand and looped it directly with the other, “You only speak out when your consciousness is blurred.”

“My work here is not yet done.” Su Qingxing’s face remained expressionless.

“Yes, this movie is not finished either.” Without further ado, Si Shen simply guided Su Qingxing into disappearing from this room, leaving only an empty office behind.

And in another corner of this trial world, in the cinema hall that Su Qingxing and the others were very familiar with, the figures of Si Shen and Su Qingxing slowly appeared.

The God of Death just held Su Qingxing’s hand and sat down in the middle of the cinema hall, looking at the curtain that was gradually lighting up in front of them like a couple who had come to the cinema.

Su Qingxing, whose consciousness was blurred, was particularly obedient, and did not struggle or object. But if it were not for the fact that Si Shen had suppressed Su Qingxing’s power at the moment, no one knew what the world would have become.

On the curtain of the cinema hall, images that did not originally exist gradually appeared.

The interior of the originally spacious office was littered with blood, and some human-looking monsters were gnawing on each other’s bodies, and their hungry cries echoed endlessly in the theatre.

The scene gradually shifted, and the exterior of Mu Rong’s office appeared in the picture. Mu Rong, Qin Guan, Bai Hua and Du Wei were still standing at the entrance of the office, in silence.

“The door can’t be opened anymore, can it?” Du Wei, who had just trampled the remote control, lowered his voice and said to Mu Rong and the others with a smile, “You can use an ax to smash all the glass, but then those monsters should rush over when they hear the sound, right?”

Mu Rong and Qin Guan tried to talk to Su Qingxing, but the shutters were tightly closed and the office door was completely opaque, so they had no idea what was going on inside.

“He’ll rush in.” Sitting in the studio, Death held out a finger pointing at Qin Guan in the picture, “He took you all the way out of the studio, and he won’t leave you behind this time.”

“No way.” Su Qingxing stared straight at the curtain, “In that case, they would die.”

The monsters that were gnawing away at themselves would be attracted by the sound and there was only one way to rush into the office, and that was to smash the glass wall.

“Make a bet. If I win, You’ll have to…… remember my name.” Si Shen turned sideways to look at Su Qingxing, his black eyes full of seriousness.

Su Qingxing did not answer.

“I forgot, you won’t remember anything when you wake up.” Si Shen glanced at their hands that were clasped together, “Will I always be the only one who can remember all this? My dear, betrothed.”


Si Shen’s gaze returned to the movie curtain in front of him.

“Let’s go.” The Bai Hua on the screen seemed to be in a good mood, “Perhaps it would be safer for Su Qingxing to stay here than go with us.”

But in the next second, Qin Guan raised his ax high in his hand and swung it towards the glass wall without hesitation.

At this very moment, the God of Death sitting beside Su Qingxing moved his finger slightly.

“Ka-ching.” The office door that was originally locked suddenly opened.

Realizing this, Mu Rong immediately pulled Qin Guan backwards, almost causing the unsuspecting detective to stagger and fall to the ground, but because of this, the man-eating monsters prowling around were not alerted of their presence.

Su Qingxing had already been taken away by the God of Death, so naturally Mu Rong’s office was empty.

It was as if Su Qingxing had simply faded from this world.

When Mu Rong and Qin Guan walked out of the office, they beat up Du Wei in a state of grievous fury. But even though Du Wei was already bruised and swollen, with several high heel marks on his arms, Qin Guan and Mu Rong didn’t end up throwing him straight into the herd of monsters.

“We’re not you, and not as shameless as you either!” Qin Guan hated that he could not smash his ax directly on Du Wei’s body, “Where exactly did Su Qingxing offend you!”

The image on the screen began to shift to Bai Hua’s body. The teenager who had pulled Du Wei’s strings had a smile on his face and said indifferently to Qin Guan and the others, “Isn’t it great now? Su Qingxing is out without any pain.”

What the teenager did not know was that somewhere in the cinema hall, Su Qingxing and the God of Death were watching their every move as if they were watching a movie.

“I won, even though they knew they were going to face a monster, they still rushed in.” The God of Death said softly while looking at the curtain, “My name is Shen Si. One day, I will tell you that name in person once again.”

Su Qingxing still did not respond to anything, although his eyes were looking at the curtain in front of him, his pupils were hollow and unfocused. Obviously, he hadn’t yet regained his consciousness.

In the picture, Mu Rong and Qin Guan were divided into one group, and Du Wei and Bai Hua were divided into another group. There was a clear divide between the two teams, one might even say they hated each other.

It was under such a complicated atmosphere that the group cautiously walked through the large office and towards its entrance.

Before, there seemed to be a wall blocking the entrance, making it impossible for anyone to leave the company.

But now, instead of a wall, a familiar red corridor had appeared instead.

The group breezed through the corridor, only this time there was a teenager missing from the corridor, the one who had once walked while hugging Qin Guan’s shoulder, eyes closed due to fright……

After walking for who knows how long, another door appeared at the end of the corridor. Qin Guan was the first to open the door and what appeared in front of them was a modest classroom.

A dozen students were sitting in the classroom, practicing their drawings on the drawing boards set up in front of them.

“This is my art classroom!” Dewey immediately shouted out.

“The work isn’t done yet.” Looking at the enlarged face of Du Wei in the picture, Su Qingxing got up from his seat in the studio.

But because he was being held by the God of Death …… Shen Si’s hand, Su Qingxing, who was still in a daze, leaned forward and fell directly into Shen Si’s arms!

The long hair that was casually tied in a knot was scattered between the two people’s overlapping legs as they looked into each other’s eyes.

Su Qingxing was unconscious, but Shen Si’s consciousness was very clear.

Embracing the young man who had fallen into his arms, Shen Si almost stopped breathing.

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Awwww my babies are so pure!!! Also, movie date yahooo!

I saw the rating and reviews on NovelUpdates (if you like this story and haven’t yet visited the page, Here’s the link, please leave nosebleed-chan some nice ratings OwO) and I realized that many people came here expecting a proper thriller unlimited flow with an op mc who clears trials. I am sorry to let you know, but this is not that kind of story. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a good story! Please try to stick around for at least the first 30 chapters, I promise it’s not a bland or a simple feel-good, brainless story! The MC is also not useless or powerless! Many good stories need a few starting chapters to lay the groundwork for a beautiful tale, and I hope y’all can give this one a chance….

Reminder: Si Shen means God of death. This is NOT his real name, just a title. His real name is Shen Si. They sound similar but they have different characters