CH 22

“You pass.” The dead Zhu Ting cocked his head to reveal the hideous wound on his neck, but mouthed words that left everyone with some disbelief, “You can leave this place now.”

“What?!” A look of ecstasy appeared on Bai Hua’s face.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a door appear on the blank wall, which meant that everyone could leave the art classroom!

They didn’t know what was waiting for them, but at least they were still alive!

“Yes.” The expression on Zhu Ting’s face was something similar to a smirk.

“Zhu Ting, I didn’t expect you to help me even after all this!” It was as if Bai Hua had discovered a new world, “You appeared in such a horrible manner; you really scared me.”

“Ho ho ho……1” The smile on Zhu Ting’s face was stiff and odd, “I like you so much, how could I harm you? Not only will I not harm you, I will accompany you out of here! Ho ho ho ho ……”

“What do you mean?” The first thing Bai Hua did after he found himself capable of getting up from the chair, was to escape to the front door which was near Mu Rong and Qin Guan.

But after Bai Hua, who was wearing a skirt and lipstick, ran over, Qin Guan and Mu Rong immediately moved a few steps aside in disgust.

“Don’t worry, I’ll always be watching you from afar, just like I did when I was alive.” Zhu Ting’s head tilted to the side again, giving the illusion that his neck was about to break, “I’ll …… always ……always……be following you …… until I see the end of you, Bai Hua, ho ho ho ho ……”

At that moment, Bai Hua really had a creepy feeling, so he grabbed the door and rushed into that familiar red corridor without any hesitation!

Qin Guan and Mu Rong also had no intention of staying in the art classroom, so they also turned around and left right after him.

The moment they left, they seemed to see the students in the classroom smiling and waving at them from the corner of their eyes. Their arms waved at the same frequency, and there was no difference in the curvature of their smiles.

The three surviving trialists ran along the corridor for a long time.

When they occasionally looked back, they could see the ghostly figure of Zhu Ting following them from afar, his head cocked to one side, smiling at them under the red light.

It was still as creepy as ever.

Bai Hua ran wildly down the corridor. Although the hair on his head had grown back, the red blood on his lips and the white dress on his body were both still present, which added a bit of a bizarre comedic undertone to the teenager’s desperate rush for life.

“Why are you following me!” Bai Hua shouted impatiently at his back.

“Aren’t we good friends? I’m the one who helped you complete the blood sacrifice, and I might even be the best man at your wedding to Lord Death, ho ho ho ho ……” The ghostly Zhu Ting’s voice came out in hushed tones, “Don’t worry, Bai Hua. I promised you that I would find you wherever you go.”

“It’s the door!” Mu Rong saw another door appear at the end of the corridor.

The three humans immediately pushed the door open and rushed in, and what appeared before them was a place that looked both familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiar, because it looked like the same cinema hall where they had first met. Whether it was the lighting, the walls or the film curtain in front of them, it looked exactly the same as the original cinema hall.

But it also felt unfamiliar, because all the seats in this cinema hall had disappeared and it was completely empty, as if it was some kind of indoor sports ground.

“Mu Rong, look over there!” Qin Guan suddenly pointed to a certain corner of the cinema hall.

“That’s ……” Mu Rong rushed over with an expression of surprise and disbelief. The pointy heels of her high heels remained steady on her feet even when she stepped on the carpet of the cinema hall, “Qingxing? Su Qingxing!”

There was a wall somewhere in the cinema hall, where Su Qingxing, who had been missing for a long time, was leaning against with his eyes closed, seemingly having been asleep for a long time.

And by Su Qingxing’s side, lay a familiar little snow wolf, silent and obedient as if it was standing guard for Su Qingxing.

“Qingxing!” After rushing over anxiously, Mu Rong squatted down in her tight skirt and put her fingers under Su Qingxing’s nose first, and only after finding that the teenager’s breath was still very stable did she breathe a sigh of relief, “You’re really alright, it’s really great!”

“I told you, he’ll be fine.” Qin Guan was also much relieved.

“But why isn’t he waking up?” Mu Rong looked at Su Qingxing who looked completely unharmed, “It seems like he’s sleeping very well.”

“How is it possible …… how is it possible ……” On the contrary, Bai Hua, who was walking at the back, had a face full of disbelief, “How could he be alright!!! “

“Maybe he’s the one who was favored by the God of Death.” This time, Qin Guan and Mu Rong both guarded in front of Su Qingxing, blocking Bai Hua’s line of sight.

Both of them felt that Su Qingxing had been locked up and left behind before because of their mistakes and nonsensical words, so it was inevitable that they would blame themselves when Su Qingxing went missing.

So this time, Qin Guan and Mu Rong decided that before Su Qingxing woke up, they must strictly watch out for Bai Hua, lest he cause further trouble.

Only after that did all of them notice the curtain that was still playing a scene in the cinema hall. The image in that curtain seemed to be of the studio they were currently in, and Qin Guan and the others could even see their own figures appearing in the image, like a real-time surveillance video.

It was also through the curtain in front of them that Bai Hua found the ghostly creature that had been standing with a crooked neck at the very back of the cinema hall, smiling at them all the time.

Upon noticing Bai Hua looking up at the curtain, the ghostly creature even waved at Bai Hua in a slow motion.

“Hmm?” Su Qingxing, who had been sleeping against the wall for an unknown amount of time, also opened his eyes at this time, and although he felt that his head was still groggy, his mood was not as bad as before.

“Qingxing, you’re awake?” Mu Rong and Qin Guan immediately noticed Su Qingxing’s movement and both of them looked at him with concern.

“Why am I here?” Su Qingxing subconsciously hugged Si Si beside him into his arms before rubbing his eyes, “I seem to have been locked up in the office by Du Wei barely a few moments ago.”

“Sorry, it was an oversight on our part.” Mu Rong smiled at Su Qingxing, “Next time someone bullies you, I will use my high heels to stomp hard on their head2!”

“It’s nothing.” Su Qingxing shook his head and a smile bloomed on his face, “Although I did feel angry before, I don’t know why but my whole body is really relaxed now. It’s as if I’ve vented my feelings and then had a good sleep. Now I don’t want to be angry at all.”

After saying this, Su Qingxing noticed that he was actually in the original cinema hall and could not help but ask curiously, “Why am I here? What exactly happened?”

Although Mu Rong didn’t know what had happened to Su Qingxing either, but because what had happened in the art classroom earlier was so exciting, Mu Rong couldn’t help but tell Su Qingxing the whole story in an excited manner; her tale was even more vivid when describing what happened to Du Wei and Bai Hua.

“It’s amazing that so many things happened.” Su Qingxing was also wide-eyed, but when he looked towards the back of the studio, he really did see a ghostly creature with a crooked neck standing there, staring at Bai Hua motionlessly.

“What happened to all the seats here?” Su Qingxing cocked his head and looked at the entire empty cinema hall in confusion.

Lord Death who had turned back into a snow wolf: “……”

The light in the cinema hall suddenly changed, Su Qingxing and the others subconsciously looked in the direction of the cinema hall screen, and then they saw it flicker for a few seconds, until a new image appeared.

That image shown was not of the cinema hall, but a very strange looking street. It should be late at night, but there were plenty of street lights on the street, enough to see the movements on the street clearly.

“This ……” Looking at the image on the screen, Qin Guan was suddenly a little confused, “Something looks familiar in this picture.”

The image was getting closer and closer, and even Su Qingxing was able to identify that the street in the image seemed to be at the entrance of a certain community, and the gate posts and flower beds could now be clearly seen.

“There seems to be a sneaky person behind the telephone pole.” Su Qingxing held Si Si with one hand and pointed one finger towards the corner of the screen.

There really was a person dressed in black hiding behind that telephone pole located in the corner, and that person’s figure swayed and soon wiggled out from behind the pole. Holding a bottle of poor quality white wine in one hand and a mobile phone for taking photos in the other, he walked towards the entrance of the community step by step.

“That’s me.” Qin Guan pressed his forehead with a bit of a headache, “I remember that day, because the detective agency couldn’t get any business, I agreed to take a job investigating an affair from a wealthy person who had just returned to China. But I was so drunk that day that my memory is vague to this day, and I don’t remember exactly what happened later.”

Strangely, Mu Rong, who was standing beside Qin Guan, did not say a word. Her expression was somewhat complicated as she looked at the picture on the screen.

In the screen, Qin Guan had been crouching at the entrance of the community with a bottle of wine, watching the cars and the people coming and going.

In the next second, the image on the screen zoomed in again and Su Qingxing saw a figure in high heels walking out of the community in a hurry.

That was Mu Rong.

The Qin Guan on the screen immediately picked up his mobile phone and took a picture when he saw Mu Rong walking out. However, because the drunk Qin Guan had forgotten to turn off the flash, the burst of light immediately caught Mu Rong’s attention.

“What are you doing!” Mu Rong’s voice echoed in the studio, “Even you’re laughing at my awful mess, aren’t you?”

The Qin Guan on the screen was so drunk that he kept swaying even while standing, so he just let out a laugh and said, “Sorry, I was just opening the door to do business3, that’s all.”

“Doing what business, that person surnamed Liu said that someone would be secretly filming at the door, was it you?!” Mu Rong immediately took off her high heels from her feet and swung them at Qin Guan, “I’ve already broken up with that bastard surnamed Liu, understand?!”

Although Qin Guan was drunk, he wasn’t drunk enough to just stand there and take a beating, so he hastily grabbed his bottle and ran in the opposite direction.

And Mu Rong kept chasing after him, with her high heels still clutched in her hands.

“Tell that Mrs. Liu to keep an eye on her man!” Mu Rong cried out as she chased, “Her own dog was not tethered properly and ran out to wreak havoc on innocent people, is it all my fault now?! I’m also a victim, okay!”

Mu Rong and Qin Guan silently watched the image of a chasing and a fleeing figure.

It was only after a long time that Mu Rong said, “I told you, I’m not compatible with you, a drunkard.”

“I remember now.” Qin Guan stared blankly ahead, “I remember now that…… I seem to have died.”

No, please, don’t laugh like this….. I’ll never see Santa the same way again….. Woe is me, woe is my innocence hence lost~(>_<。)\!

Istg I love Mu Rong so much she is absolute mommy material. I offer my knees to this goddess

开门做生意 kāi mén zuò shēng yì: Opening the door to do business: Do something you were paid for, basically he’s saying ‘I’m just doing my work’