Chapter 262

But Han Yang still firmly shook his head.

Although the beautiful woman doctor was very rude to her just now, Han Yang didn't mean to retaliate.

He understood that although the other party's tone was not good just now, it was also for the sake of Komatsu's good. He was also a bit reckless and almost caused a disaster.

He just wanted to keep a low profile.

If this medicine is really given to Cen Qianxue for research. If anything happens, for Han Yang. It's another pile of trouble.

What happened to reserple last time, he was in a mess.

He doesn't want to be watched any more.

"You! What kind of person? How come it's not good to bring this thing out for the benefit of the public? Stingy

CEN Qianxue is also helpless because of Han Yang's refusal.

Who the hell is this asshole! Yes, Han Yaru. Even my own teacher was so generous just now. How could I not get to my side?

If you want to say that this guy is greedy for beauty, but in terms of appearance, he is no worse than Han Yaru.

"I'm a layman. I can't do anything to benefit the public. Sister Han, take care of Komatsu first, and I'll go!"

But at this time Han Yang, see things have been done, is to say hello with the people, directly turned to leave Shi Shi ran.

"Well, then. Goodbye

Han Yaru was also a little overwhelmed by the series of divine operations of Han Yang just now.

Even that Xu Yang, now see Han Yang's back is also a confused.


A few days later, Han Yang, who is playing games and drinking happy water from fat house while air conditioning is blowing in the rental house, unexpectedly receives a call from Zhou Yuan.

"What's the matter. Fat man, I'm going to report to my big shareholder! "

Recently, it is probably because of the holiday that more primary school students are matched in the game. Han Yang, who has lost three times in a row, is really not in a good mood.

Recently, I don't know why, that mysterious girl hasn't been online for a long time. This makes Han Yang, who lost in a row, even less interested.

"Oh, come on, I'm a little depressed today. I want to have a drink with you! "

Zhou Yuan's tone on the other end of the phone seems to be a little decadent. He seems to have encountered something unpleasant.

"Oh, what happened to our big week? It's not like your style

Han Yang at the end of the phone is also a little curious. Zhou Yuan has become the vice president of the new company recently. He called himself a few days ago. You talk with wind.

"Oh, stop talking nonsense. Do you have time or not

"Time, yes. Well, it's the same place. You wait for me over there! "

Han Yang also knows about Zhou Yuan. This guy is not the kind of person who can't get by. He won't be like this. Anyway, he's OK, so he'll have a drink with him.

Before in the company, Han Yang and Zhou Yuan had the best relationship. They often like to have a few drinks when they have nothing to do.

And they said the old place, that is, a big stall not far from Zhou Yuan's home.

And they said the old place, which is a big stall not far from Zhou Yuan's home, is a little far away from where Han Yang lives. So by the time he arrived, the other party had been waiting for him there.

"Come on, come on, the dishes are ready for you!"

Although Zhou Yuan became Vice President, today's dinner for the two is still the same. One is the combination of flower and hair, the other is the shooting of cucumbers, and then there are dozens of strings.

"What's going on? What's wrong with the company?"