Chapter 587

Ye Fei also joined in, "you said so lively, don't you forget me? I also want to invest in it. Just now I heard Han Yang tell such a wonderful story. I also think the play will have a very good result, if I can. I hope to be a shareholder of the show this time. What do you think? "

Long Zhan and Daniel Denzel are both desirable. After all, ye Fei has long been famous. If you can cooperate with her, you will not only have a lot of financial support, but also get help in all fields. For example, the Ye family are experts in media publicity and program promotion, and they will certainly provide more help.

Wang Bingbing is immersed in the shock of the story and can't come out for a long time. At the moment, he is also staring at the people's talk, thinking about the details of the story. Now he catches Han Yang and keeps asking.

Han Yang said with a smile, "you're still a little too anxious. I just have some preliminary plans for the plot. What I'm talking about at present is nothing but carelessness. I haven't worked out the details yet. It needs further writing. It's going to take a lot of time. "

Bingbing exclaimed, "I just want to know how you came up with the ideas just now. I have seen the drafts of the two foreign screenwriters. They are very rough. After you changed them. The logic of the characters is much smoother, and the drama is also greatly enhanced. In particular, the final battle between snow and the Zombie King is breathtaking, which is no less than the decisive battle in those classic masterpieces. "

"You're so flattering. I'm just addicted to making up stories. I don't want to make it to the extreme. Of course, if it can reach the level you said, I will be very happy. "

Wang Bingbing said with a very positive tone, "I believe you will complete this matter successfully. Because your story making ability is so good, I don't know what to say now. In a word, I'm in a very urgent mood. I hope the last season of this play can be shot as soon as possible. "

Han Yang pointed to the people in the hall and said with a smile, "look at the current personnel structure. There are two top foreign producers. There are big stars and investors in China. And I'm a gifted screenwriter. Are you afraid this play won't work well? "

All the people who said this laughed.

At this time, the most embarrassing are Du Qing and hood. Before they boast Haikou and Hanyang PK, the result is a total failure, just Hanyang said those contents they listen to in the ear, heart already shocked in a mess!

I didn't expect that the other side, who had never been in touch with the field of screenwriting, could write such a thrilling story, and the emotional drama was also very moving. The structure and realm of the whole story were far beyond their comparison.

At this time, Han Yang came over and asked with a smile, "do you two have anything to say now?"

Du Qing and hood suddenly fell to their knees with two plops. Han Yang was shocked!

"What are you doing? I'm scared out of my wits all of a sudden. You should be responsible for that! "

Du Qing said respectfully, "we have just discussed it. It's just the so-called" there are people outside. ". There is a day outside. Before meeting Mr. Han, we are very proud of ourselves. We always feel that we are the best in the industry. But after seeing your skills, I found that I was far behind in the field of screenwriting. I need the guidance of famous teachers and the support of smart people. Therefore, we solemnly want to learn from you. I hope you can accept us as apprentices! Don't worry. As long as you become your apprentice, we will go through fire and water whenever you encounter any difficulties in the circle! "