Chapter 889

Han Yang laughs, "of course I'll help you, but it depends on how far our relationship has progressed."

Wanda naturally understood the meaning and said with a smile, "I'm just cooperating with you? Yes, since boss Han has provided enough collateral to show his sincerity. Then there will be no problem in this matter, and our cooperation will officially begin! "

Of course, Han Yang is very happy. He said, "it's not enough just to promise verbally. We have to sign an agreement right now, otherwise I'm afraid there will be a change in the way."

Wanda said with a smile“ Impossible. I always mean what I say. Besides, boss Han is generous. Both the amount of investment and the mortgage are sincere enough. I have no reason to refuse you! "

Ruyun started to draft the contract at this time, and said with a smile, "Han Yang's worry is reasonable. After all, things are not on the paper. Anything can happen. I'll finish the contract now and sign it later!"

Wanda smiles“ That's OK. Anyway, we'll do it today. I also want to find a strong partner, so that my new product can be completed as soon as possible, and then put into the market. I believe everyone will get a happy ending! "

Said Ruyun“ Don't forget that there is no final conclusion on this matter. Let's not be blindly optimistic, because there are still many things worth discussing for such a large cooperation project! "

Wanda nodded in agreement. "My sister is right. This matter really needs a lot of details to be discussed and deliberated. For example, what is the final split of accounts? There are also patent rights of technology, which need more finalization! "

Han Yang said with a smile, "it's easy to say. In a word, it's certainly not a big problem to make money together, but I still hope you can give an explanation about that trade union organization! "

Wanda said with a smile, "that's not a big deal. What can I explain? I just want to know about the internal situation of various enterprises in Donghai city. I just take this opportunity to send some people to various enterprises to collect some information. At the same time, it also helps the service personnel in this industry to improve their treatment, at least to ensure that their jobs are not removed at any time. That's a good thing. One thing. I'm a philanthropist

Han Yang wry smile, "what you say is understatement, but how much trouble is this matter, do you know?"

Wanda looked surprised. "I don't think it's too much trouble. You're talking about it from the beginning to the end. If you really don't like the trade union, I'll just dissolve it!"

She said lightly, Han Yang felt more terrible. In front of her, this woman is a very difficult person to deal with. You must be careful when you cooperate with him, or you may fall into the trap she designed at any time!

Even in the face of such a difficult partner. However, Han Yang still decided to cooperate with the other party because Wanda's technology of mirage company is really good, especially the virtual reality technology, which is so good that it can even build a powerful virtual Empire if the conditions are enough., Attract hundreds of millions of consumers to come to spend!

How large a market will that be? The prospect is very attractive!

Therefore, despite the negative factors, Han Yang decided to cooperate with Wanda without hesitation. No matter how difficult the process is, he must complete it!

Knowing Han Yang's concerns, Wanda repeatedly expressed his determination to him, saying that as long as the cooperation is successful, the two sides will definitely not engage in intrigue, and will work together to face the common enemy!