95 Reading books gives you more experience! 95th episode

The students who picked up herbs from the mountain began to gather. There's about an hour left before it's five o'clock, but the kids who have already finished their medicinal herbs come down the mountain.

One by one, the students sat quietly with their mouths shut.

And among those students, assistant teachers were watching.

It is to prevent children who have not been able to collect herbs from others.

And to prevent people from asking about the herbs they have collected.

Of course, if you've shared and kissed each other in the mountains, I can't help but......for the time being, it's up to you.

And the students lined up five by five and went forward. Before them, Bourne and his sophomore assistants examined the herbs with a small desk in front of them.

As soon as the student asks the name of the herb and says the medicinal effects and cautions for it, they mark it.

And the professor in charge stood behind and watched it, and if there was a problem, he pointed it out and asked additional questions again.

Jong-seok, who was standing in line in the order he came first, went forward when it was his turn.

"Take out the herbs."

Jong-seok began to take the herbs out of his bag when his instructor said something that seemed a little tiring.

"You've seen a lot, haven't you?"

The talking assistant glanced at the stalks.

"Didn't you tell me that it's not good to have a lot of money?"

"You did."

"Ho! So you're confident."

Jong-seok smiled quietly at his assistant's words and took out medicinal herbs. When the assistant looked at it in a pile of herbs, Jong-seok carefully took out a bag.

"Is that a herb, too?”


Then Jong-seok carefully put down the bag and began to unwind.

"You're gonna leak me. Give it to me."

"I'll do it."

"Aigo! You're good at medicinal herbs, too. Give it to me."

Jong-seok hurriedly said, as his assistant was catching a bag with a horse.

"Brother, it's a wild ginseng."

At Jong-seok's words, the assistant stopped his hand for a moment ago.



"Can you see wild ginseng?"


Jong-seok's remark was greeted by his assistant, who began to unwrap the bag carefully.

"Didn't you dig up the wrong cirrhosis?’

However, the assistant's hands were cautious, as it was precious even if it was a brainchild.

'Just try not to be a mountain ginseng.'

muttered inwardly, the bag came loose from the assistant's hand.


When I untied the bag, I saw the moss again in it.

"You've taken care of it.”

Whether it's wild ginseng or cerebellum ginseng, it's better to spread moss and cover it up to prevent moisture loss and wounds.

"Thank you."

The instructor, nodding his head at Jong-seok's words, gently took off his moss.

"It's wild ginseng."

The assistant's face was young with bewilderment and surprise, and the assistant and the students next to him looked at Jong-seok in surprise.

I've been looking at Jong-seok with curious eyes ever since he said he was a mountain ginseng, but his assistant confirmed it.


Then came the professor, who was looking at the herbs brought by the students from behind, with surprised eyes.

Then the professor looked at the wild ginseng.

"What a wild ginseng?”

The professor looked at the ginseng with surprised eyes and carefully lifted it with both hands.

"How old is this?"

I'm not asking because I don't know. It is to check if Jongseok knows.

"It looks like 40 years."

At Jong-seok's words, the professor glanced at him and nodded.

"That's right. What's the difference between wild ginseng and wild ginseng?"

"The iliac crest has a slightly longer shape and...….”

When Jong-seok said the difference between wild ginseng and wild ginseng, the professor nodded again.

"That's right. Do you remember where this was sold?”

The professor thinks the same thing as Jong-seok did. Only one wild ginseng blooms.

The seeds of wild ginseng are blown away by the wind and grown again. A wild ginseng that has been raised in one place for forty years will have three fathers or three children around it.

"Yes, but I looked around and there was no other wild ginseng."

"Because I don't know for now. Give details to the herbalist elders."

I mossed carefully again for the professor to use. Then the professor looked at Jong-seok as if he was a little worried.

'What do you think?

Sometimes there were precious mushrooms or herbs that were about ten or twenty years old.

In that case, I gave him an allowance of between ten and twenty for his kindness. That did not mean that the professor would take the herb.

Although it was a herb from herbal medicine, it was handed over to the owner of the mountain, Heo Ga-won, because it was done as part of a class.

Then does Heo Yul take all these herbs? Not even that. Heo Yul also donated the herb to the oriental medical school by making money according to the market price.

Then it is used by the student council in addition to the department's operation.

Anyway, this is how it went....now this wild ginseng was not the amount of money to cover.

Wild ginseng is at least six to seven hundred won, although it is lower than Jongseok thought.

The professor, who had been agonizing for a while, opened his mouth.

"Leave and finish grading."

At the professor's words, the assistant picked up other herbs and asked Jong-seok a question.

And Jong-seok began to answer without being stuck.

Looking at it, the professor called Heo Yul.

"Professor Heo."

[Professor Chae]

"Not anything else...I'm in an outdoor herbalist class today.... Huh! A student peeled a wild ginseng."


"It looks like it's been 40 years old.... what shall we do?”

Forty years would be about six or seven hundred.]

"I suppose so.

[It's from our mountain, but...]... I'm caught not giving anything to the student who picked up the wild ginseng. However, it seems that there is a problem with equity with other students when I pay for all the ginseng.]

"Yes, that's why I'm calling. I don't know what to do.….”

If you give all the money to a student just because you have expensive herbs, it will not be balanced with other students.

They don't pay for the herbs that other students have found. This class is for education, not for making money by digging up herbs.

[Then why don't you give a million won scholarship to students and have them dine out for an outdoor class?] There were about 230 students, right? So each one of us gets paid for the dinner...... I guess it'll cost about 6.9 million won for a company dinner if I set it at about 30,000 won.]

"Then isn't it more than the price of wild ginseng?"

[I can pay for the ginseng from our mountain] I feel good anyway. A student at my school took a wild ginseng and it's our mountain.]

Heo Yul's voice was good. If wild ginseng is released, it can be interpreted as meaning that the atmosphere of the mountain is not cloudy yet.

[But who did?]]

"Lee Jong-seok, a freshman in the art department."

[Jongseok?] [Jongseok?] Is he on the phone......no, I'll get on the phone.]


Chae Byung-soo, a professor of herbal medicine who cut off the phone with it, looked at the wild ginseng with a relish.

'How many herbalists are here, and what hasn't been discovered in forty years' is the student's eye?'

When Chae Byung-soo thought of that, he approached the herbalists on one side of the table with the herbs in a plastic bag.

All the herbs taken by the students are handed over to the herbalists who are employed in licensed clinics.

The cell phone rang when I handed the herbal bags over to the herbalists.

Jong-seok picked up the phone when he saw the caller.


[I heard you're cutting wild ginseng?]]


Professor Chae must have a headache because of that.


[Why, because you picked up too expensive medicinal herbs, yes.]

"Don't you take all these herbs from the licensed clinic?"


"That's fine, then.

[Are you okay? 40 years of wild ginseng would be six to seven hundred?]]

"You're not going to eat this wild ginseng grandmother?"

[Why do you think so?]]

"I don't think he'll sell these wild ginsengs."

[That's true, too.]

"So I'm fine. I thought it would be good for my grandmother to eat it when it's hot, so I did my best. I didn't pay for it."

[Aren't you sad?]]

He laughed at Huh Yul's words.

"If it was too bad, I'd sneak it into my bag. You're not even going to check my bag?”

[That's true, too.]

Heo Yul, who had not spoken for a while, opened her mouth.

[Thank you for thinking that way. However, you still think that you should be compensated to a certain extent because you are the one who has a connection with wild ginseng.]

Along with the horse, Heo Yul talked with Professor Chae. Jong-seok nodded when he was told that he would offer a scholarship of 1 million won and a dinner for students.

"Then I'll be fine."

[Yes, thank you. So you want to come home? It would be nice if you could give it to your mother yourself since you're a wild ginseng.]

"Then I'll go to school and go straight to the licensing clinic."

They say they're having a get-together, but you can go to the licensed clinic and come back to the get-together.

[Yes. And thank you.]

I didn't mean to thank you for digging up wild ginseng. Jong-seok was grateful for his mother while digging for wild ginseng.


Jong-seok was thanked as it was.

'Because the heart is received.’

And when all the grading was over, the professor put the wild ginseng that Jong-seok had dug up in front of him and said,

Today, Lee Jong-seok, a freshman, took a wild ginseng. It's a very precious experience to see real wild ginseng, and it's also a very important experience, so come forward three by three, smell the incense, and remember its shape."

At the professor's words, the students took a look at Jongseok and went out three by three to see the mountain ginseng.

When all the students looked at the ginseng, the professor looked at the clock.

"It's been delayed a lot of time. Professor Heo Yul said he would give us a get-together to celebrate the harvest of wild ginseng at school."



"Because I've already made a reservation for the cured pig in front of the school. Anyone who needs to get out of it talks to his assistants. Everybody gets in the car, and the assistants make sure no one's missing."

When the students started getting into the car, the professor beckoned Jong-seok.

"Did you talk to Professor Huh?”


"Then did you hear about the scholarship?”


In Jong-seok's answer, the professor took an envelope out of his pocket and held it out.

"Tell the kids you've got pocket money."

"Thank you."

"It's not like I'm giving it to you...... say thank you to Professor Huh."


"Get in the car."

At the professor's words, Jong-seok put an envelope in his pocket and got into the car.


When I arrived at Seoul school, it was past seven o'clock. The students immediately headed for the "hard pig," while Jong-seok took a car driven by Heo Pyung-ji and Heo Yul, who came out to meet him, to Huh Ga-won.

The tea was full of three strong scents. Wild ginseng was wrapped in moss in boxes made and sent separately by herbalists.

"Good, especially one small root that doesn't go bad."

"Grandmother, you're going to eat, you're going to have to dig."

"Thank you."

Heo Pyung-ji, who was smiling, carefully covered the lid of the box.

"These days, it's not easy to see a proper stroke. There are some wild ginsengs who bring ginseng to their own.….”


"In the eyes of strangers, ginseng also looks like wild ginseng.”

"But I was surprised that wild ginseng came out of the mountain. It's a licensed mountain, so I thought all the wild ginsengs were already taken."

Heo Pyeong-ji shook her head with a smile at Jong-seok's words.

If fate doesn't reach us, we won't know even if there are wild ginseng in the front yard. This wild ginseng came out of my land, but you are the master."

"I'm the one who can, but she's going to eat it, so the owner is the grandmother. Maybe San showed me to help her eat."

"That's a possibility. The mountain is a place where we have medicinal herbs for generations."

Soon as they talked about it, they could arrive at the licensing clinic.

And Jong-seok, who was just up there, met Im Ae-hee.

"Did you eat?”

Lim Ae-hee seemed surprised when she first saw Jongseok. I didn't get a call to come, but I came home late in the evening.

I kept it a secret from Lim Ae-hee.

"I have something to give you."

"What? Gifts?"

When Im Ae-hee said with a smile, Jong-seok smiled and slipped out the box.

"I went to the mountains for herbal medicine class today and picked some herbs."

"Oh! It's already.

Lim Ae-hee, who knew how to use Heo Ga-won Mountain in herbal medicine class, nodded and received a box.

"Did you eat? If you haven't eaten, I'll set you up.”

"No, and these days, it's the trend to solve it as soon as you get a gift."

"Really? Well, let's see what kind of herbs you've dug up...….”

Lim Ae-hee's eyes widened as she opened the box while talking.


"I dug it up for my grandmother."



With a smile, Jong-seok held Lim's hand.

"San must have accepted my desire to live a long life. When I went up there, it looked like it was greasy."

Lim Ae-hee, who was staring blankly at Jong-seok's words, smiled.

"Thank you."

Lim Ae-hee's voice was filled with sincere gratitude.

It is not because of wild ginseng, but because of its heart to give it to itself.

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