Chapter 73

In the evening, Li Jingjing and Yao Na sleep in the same room.

And because the time is too late, Su Chen also did not go home, directly prepared in the living room sofa, make do one night.

Although Yao Na is a little rich woman, her life is very simple.

With her assets and strength, although she can't live in a top luxury house like Yunwu villa, it's more than enough to live in an ordinary villa or a high-end apartment.

However, she has always lived in a small apartment.

On the one hand, it may be the memory of their parents, on the other hand, it is also to better help those tenants at the bottom of the society.

This is to let Su Chen want to help each other..

At this time, Li Jingjing, who is sleeping next to Yao Na, listens to the rhythmic breathing of her partner, but her heart is extremely restless.

This evening, whether Su Chen sent her to a party to help her resolve her embarrassment, or the other party asked her to take care of Yao Na, they are all incomparable gentlemen!

Relatively speaking, saying that her mother is a villain and a gentleman doesn't wronged her at all.

It's Wang Aiping who helps her design the way to pursue and seduce Su Chen, which makes her feel embarrassed.


Before that, Zhang Li went back to Pujiang District in a Volkswagen car that licked the dog.

Along the way, Zhang Li was cold, as if someone owed her a million dollars. During that time, licking the dog said several words to her, but she ignored them.

"Here we are, Lily..."

To the gate of Jincheng District, licking the dog said with a smile.

"OK, I'm going home. You can go..."

Zhang Li coldly dropped a word, did not look at lick the dog one eye, then turned to leave directly.

Lick the dog

But Zhang Li came home and slammed the security door.

After graduation, she lived with her boyfriend, who helped her rent two bedrooms and one living room in Jincheng district.

Naturally, all the rent is borne by his boyfriend..

But later, she broke up with her boyfriend, so the rent was borne by her alone.

In recent years, she also talked about several boyfriends intermittently, but none of them became her long-term meal ticket. As for the expensive rent, most of the time, she had to rely on herself.

Some time ago, it happened that her best friend Liu Qianru broke up with her boyfriend and moved out of the love nest, so they naturally shared a house together.

Zhang Li deeply felt that she had enough fun. She was responsible for 3000 yuan of rent, while Liu Qianru was only responsible for 2500 yuan.

However, what she didn't expect was that this time, she was ruined by Liu Qianru.

In her opinion, if not for Liu Qianru, she might have gone to see Su Chen at that time!

In a rage, Zhang Li goes directly to Liu Qianru's door and kicks it open.

At this time, Liu Qianru, who had just taken a bath, was lying in bed with a cool pajamas and tiktok.

She brushes the voice, and even opens the WeChat from time to time, tiktok and Su Chen's dialog box.

From the end of the meal to now, she has sent 70% or 80% news to Su Chen, which is absolutely a loyal licking dog.

But let her incomparably depressed is, Su Chen from beginning to end, did not reply her at all.

When Liu Qianru watched the funny video, she couldn't help laughing.


With a loud noise, the door of her room was kicked open.

Startled, he sat up from the bed and thought there was a thief in his house!

When she saw Zhang Li standing at the door, she could not help sighing and frowning, "lily, are you back from the classmate party?"

"Liu Qianru, I ¥%... * +"

Zhang Li burst into a big curse and rushed to Liu Qianru like a mad dog, gritting her teeth and saying, "Liu Qianru, you fox, Su Chen, who is on a blind date with me, is your local tyrant classmate. You know he is rich, but you deliberately mislead me, you bitch! You just can't see me, OK! "

Liu Qianru's heart moved. She didn't expect that it would be exposed so soon.

Her face showed a sneer, said: "of course I want to mislead you, Su Chen, he is my God, I will get him!! He's mine!! What's more, you're the fool who stood others up. Do you still want to blame me? "

Zhang Li was infuriated and continued to curse: "Liu Qianru, you don't take care of yourself by peeing. Just like you, Su Chen, a god like you, will take a fancy to you? You dream!! Stupid

"Su Chen, if he doesn't like me, he certainly doesn't like you. Do you think you look good? No, it's also like a pair of crooked melons and cracked dates. Besides, you've talked about more than ten boyfriends so far. You're a ragged shoe. It's all black. Su Chen doesn't collect rags! "

Liu Qianru stands up from the bed and spits at Zhang Li.

"You say, I am a broken shoe? Hehe, I have talked about more than ten boyfriends, but you think you have talked about five boyfriends, and you are not a shoeshine. Just laugh at them with fifty steps. I ¥%... * + "

"If you don't move, you'll get dirty. Do you think you're the only one who can swear? I'm ¥%... * +"

For a moment, the two began to use various male and female organs, crazy greetings to each other's family, female and eighteen generations of ancestors, and finally the two were fighting together.

Because of the noise, even the neighbors were shocked.

At last, someone called the police. After the police came, they broke up and separated them.

Because they were fighting each other and the situation was very bad, they were directly taken back to the police station and detained for 24 hours.


In the twinkling of an eye, it was the next day.

The warm sunshine shines on the earth again.

When Su Chen opens his eyes, the first thing that comes into his sight is a perfect shadow that is preparing breakfast.

Bursts of fragrance, but also poured into his nostrils, teasing his taste buds.

In the twinkling of an eye, Li Jingjing has prepared a rich breakfast.

Smelling the fragrance in the air, the greedy insects in Su Chen's stomach were almost hooked up.

He suddenly felt that although he was rich now, living in a luxury house and driving a luxury car, in a certain sense, he was still living a single dog's life..

Although with his financial resources, he can hire a team at any time to take care of his food, drink and play.

But comparatively speaking, there is still a virtuous woman like Li Jingjing who gives herself everything and seems to be happier.

More than seven, the hangover of Yao Na also woke up.

After breakfast, Su Chen sends Li Jingjing to the company.

At this time, Yao Na also sent the data of the unscrupulous developer to Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at the information sent by Yao Na, and the expression on her face suddenly became wonderful.

Lu Hongtai, chairman of Hongtai real estate!

Isn't this the father of Lu Ziming, who has been out of the country for a few days and is shouting "the moon abroad is rounder than the moon at home"?