Chapter 625

The Western alliance also pays close attention to the trend of the eastern alliance all the time, and news will be an important source.

All the people of the Western alliance watched the picture on the screen in front of the TV. Some people couldn't believe how the people of the eastern alliance caught more than a dozen powerful beasts from the Western alliance.

The human beings of the eastern alliance can't believe it, even the power beast can't believe it, and the every move of the power beast in the picture is quite real, absolutely not like a fake.

What's more terrible is that the journalists of major news media are from the Western alliance. They are also watching the trend of the scene. They will soon understand whether it is true or false.

If it's false, you should also see some clues when the power beast is blown up.

This is the human and monster of the Western alliance. How can you think that the degree of the eastern alliance has reached the ashes level.

Even when the power beast is killed, there will be very realistic pictures that will never be seen by the people of the Western alliance.

Su Chen personally commanded the experiment, and after shouting 123, a mecha launched a nuclear attack on more than a dozen powerful beasts.

These powerful beasts were instantly gray and disappeared, and huge screams and applause broke out at the scene, which meant that the experiment was a complete success. Even some scientists commented on the event and said everything vividly.

In a connected program, academician Shen also appeared on the camera in person.

"Academician Shen, today's experiment was a complete success. Almost everyone knows that the Oriental alliance has had advanced mecha since then.

No longer afraid of the attack of the new generation of powerful beasts of the Western alliance, can Shenzhen talk about the profound impact of the future war mode? "

"Hello, host, the war mode in the future will be completely reversed. We are no longer the passive party to be beaten. Although the new generation of power beasts are powerful, they are powerless in the face of our super mecha.

We have also seen the previous explosion tests. More than a dozen monsters are just garbage in front of our super mecha,.

It can be said that the other party will destroy as many as they come.

Moreover, although the number of mecha is small, the production line has been opened up, that is, if we want to produce many mecha in the future, there will be many mecha.

I would like to make a special statement here, that is, the Oriental alliance must unite, and we will win the final victory... "

The Western alliance has been completely encircled by both humans and powerful beasts. Is this true.

However, no one knows what these more than a dozen powerful beasts are, and how the eastern alliance that was transported to the eastern alliance caught them unconsciously.

The final battle originally arranged stalled, and even exploratory attacks were stopped, because the Western alliance was completely disturbed.

If the news event is true, then arranging the next war will undoubtedly be a great failure, which no one dares to carry out rashly.

Su Chen's heroic words were realized, and the Oriental alliance once again had breathing time.

Academician Shen organized young scientists to fight day and night on the first line of science, hoping to improve the mecha. On the one hand, Su Chen is also doing another thing, that is, going to the production line.

Because time is running out, even if we develop super mecha, we can't do anything without a strong production line.

You know, it is impossible for a mecha to win the final victory if it wants to face thousands of troops and horses.

Since the ten thousand nations invaded the earth, the war between the two sides has not stopped. This is a relatively quiet period, and the people can breathe.

However, this quiet period soon passed, and after about three months, the Western alliance could no longer tolerate this fake war.

The so-called fake war means that neither side can know the details of the other, but now the wanzu have a basic judgment.

That is, if the eastern alliance really had very powerful mecha, it would not wait for the attack of the Western alliance, but would have launched an active attack to press the border against the soldiers of the Western alliance.

So far, this is not the case, which means that it was just a cover before.

The real purpose is to win time. If so, if the Western alliance does not take the initiative to attack, it will really fall into the other party's plan.

The Western alliance finally made up its mind to send a tentative team to attack the eastern alliance.

If there is strong resistance, then plan again. If the attack group can march forward and win, there will be a large-scale attack, which will doom the eastern alliance.

But it was too late for the Western alliance to return.

With the dedication of academician Shen and Su Chen, dozens of mecha have been produced, and they definitely deserve super weapons.

These super weapons have been greatly strengthened, which can be said to be much larger than the previous attack capability.

As long as a small nuclear bomb can kill two or three monsters, this team is not enough.

The monsters of wanzu carefully touched the position of the eastern alliance and made a big attack. They were also afraid. After all, the other party may really have mecha.

Unexpectedly, everything went quite smoothly and soon entered the forefront of the Oriental alliance.

If the other side still doesn't launch an attack, this team will set off a huge wave in the Eastern League.

More than 20 mecha under Su Chen's command have been fully on standby. They will attack as soon as the other party enters the forward position.

Before the power beast door could reflect more, it was blinded by a sudden attack, and these mecha really appeared in front of them.

Each mecha has a man in control and attacks them in place.

As before, the powerful beast launched an attack, but he didn't expect it. It was just over in a few minutes.

In the past wars, power beasts were only killed three or five at most.

But this time it's completely different.

All the mighty beasts that dared to attack the eastern alliance were completely destroyed.

Although it was a victory in a small-scale war, it was a complete victory.

No enemy came back alive and the news could not be sent out. Later, all the Oriental people became boiling. Everyone thought that this would be an epoch-making progress.

Since then, humans, especially those of the eastern alliance, have changed from passive defense to active attack.

Let's have confidence to recover the lost land slowly under the command of Su Chen. From then on, the whole earth will return to all mankind again.