
Leng Fei had already made up his mind. It was precisely because of the danger that made this challenge possible, "You guys can play, I'll go back first. There's no need to send me back."

Jing Fei felt helpless and could only watch as Leng Wufei left. No way, he was worried.

The moment Leng Feishou returned, he immediately began to concoct pills without stopping. With the success of her first time, she was now even more proficient in it. In terms of time, she still had a good grasp of her usage and the strength of her spiritual flame.

On the morning of the second day, Leng Feishuang got out of bed. He had packed up everything he needed to do last night, so he walked to the door of his room and stretched.

Those big guys never thought that Leng Feidi would come so early. They still had two people who did not come.

Leng Fei Shuang had his hair tied up high in a ponytail, and was still dressed in black. There was a Resurrection Lily embroidered on the hem of his dress, and a white jade lotus hung from his waist.

"Little girl, where is your weapon?" The uncle who had competed with her previously said.

Leng Feishuang took out the dagger at his waist, waved it in front of his face, and then put it away.

That big guy was surprised for a moment, but then he threw out a dagger, "Little girl, do you know where we are going?"

"The Black Forest," Leng Feishuang said indifferently.

"Alright, my name is Wu Si. I'm really sorry for the last time. If there's anything I can help you with, feel free to tell me." Wu Si patted his chest and said.

Leng Wufei smiled, "It's fine, I understand. I will thank you here first."

At this moment, a heavily bearded man wearing leather armor walked over. "Is everyone here? I'm Xue Qi, the Company Leader of this time's mercenary group."

A total of 30 mercenaries had already arrived and stood by the side, while Leng Feishuang and Wu Si stood together.

"Since everyone is going out together this time, then we should help each other. We won't give up on anyone in the face of danger!" Xue Qi said loudly again.

This person was worthy of respect. Right at this moment, a woman in red walked in from the outside and saw Xue Qi hurriedly walk over. "Eldest Cousin."

Xue Qi frowned. "Let me introduce you here. This is my cousin, Xue Keke. She will also come with us this time."

The moment Xue Qi said this, everyone looked at each other. Leng Feibiao glanced at the woman. Her standard oval face could also be considered a beauty. It gave people a feeling that it was difficult to get along with her.

"Alright, let's go now," With that, he walked outside in large strides, with Xue Keke obediently following beside him.

Outside were the thirty-one horses that had been prepared and galloping nonstop. It would take them about two days to reach the outer perimeter of the Black Forest.

"Here, ride this one." Wu Si handed the reins of a horse to Leng Feidi.

Leng Fei gave a smile of gratitude and jumped on his horse. Wu Si also jumped on his horse with a smile.

"Let's go!" Xue Qi shouted loudly and rushed out first, then the others followed suit. Leng Feishuang and Wu Si walked at the back.

Leng Fei knew that Wu Si was walking at the back intentionally. His heart warmed. Why were there always outsiders that were good to her?

The sound of the horses' hooves pierced the ears like thunder. The people on the street stopped and stood on both sides of the road.

Gradually, they left the crowd and came to a small alley. Leng Feishuang followed behind the team leisurely. He was neither too close nor too far away, and he would occasionally take a rest along the way. The day passed just like that.

Xue Qi pulled the reins and the horse stopped. "In front of us is the Misty Swamp, which is the only way to get to the Black Forest. Be careful, everyone." After speaking, he got off the horse.

Leng Feishuang also dismounted from her horse. The Misty Swamp was known to be a bad place just by hearing the name, and she knew that once she fell in, it would be very difficult to get out. In addition to the fog surrounding them, she would step into it if she wasn't careful.

"Alright, let's go now. Everyone will pay attention to each other from time to time." Xue Qi said in a loud voice and took the lead.

Xue Keke tugged on Xue Qi's sleeve. "Eldest elder cousin. I, I'm scared."

Xue Qi was very helpless. If his mother hadn't forced him to bring this cousin of his with him, he wouldn't have brought her here. "It's not too late yet, if you know now that you're scared, then you can go back.

Xue Keke shrunk her neck back. "No, elder cousin, I have to go with you. You'll protect me, right?"

From the looks of it, this Xue Qi really did like Xue Qi, right? Although Xue Qi looked a little rough and rough, his face was very resolute, and if he shaved his beard, he would also look like a handsome, masculine man.

The group of people slowly entered the bog. As soon as they entered, a wave of cold, dark air came out from nowhere. It was so dark that they couldn't see five meters away.

Leng Feishuang vigilantly observed the surroundings for any movement, this kind of place would usually have hidden dangers lurking around.

"Ahhh ~ ~ ~" Xue Keke's screams rang out in front of them. Leng Fei frowned. This idiot, did she not know that maintaining silence might wake up things that were sleeping in the dark?

"Shut up, what's wrong?" Xue Qi said in a deep voice. He shouldn't be soft-hearted. Bringing Xue Keke along would just be a burden.