Chapter 870: Framing

Ostolovsky's words changed the expressions of all the masters, and even King Chuang looked strange.

He had agreed with Su Yan about the time before, and the meeting began at ten today to discuss the death of Grandmaster Cang.

However, Ostrovsky came to such a hand, meeting in advance, then they are not passive.

It was only eight o'clock, and Su Yan had to be there for two hours, and these two hours were not as good as expected.

Once the two sides are arrogant, then it may be a contest, and the people headed by Chuangwang must be at a disadvantage.

Ostrowski also sneered at the change in King Chuang's face.

"Why, is there anything uncomfortable with Mr. Wang?"

But the other masters, who don't know the reason, looked proudly angry at this moment.

"Advance in advance, afraid of you!"

"That's good, it's good to get things resolved early, isn't it annoying."

Seeing that Zongshi Zhou and others had already spoken out, there was no way to Chuangwang, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree, hoping to delay it until ten o'clock.

The two people sat on two sides of the long table according to their respect, and King Chuang and Ostrovsky naturally sat in the middle.

But Navaria was so arrogant at the moment, he didn't pay attention to everyone, and stood alone at the door smoking a cigarette.

King Chuang looked angry when he saw it, and he yelled, "Ostow, are your people too unruly?"

Ostrovsky smiled and glanced at Varia, before Varia pinched the cigarette and walked over with disdain.

"Well, since everyone is here, we should understand the death of Master Cang in the martial arts world."

King Chuang murmured, his face was solemn, and the opponent's person was also solemn, no one had a hippy smile.

"My forest city martial arts community also deeply regrets the death of your Master Cang. We sent an investigation team in the first place. After unremitting efforts, we finally found the truth."

All the masters in the northeast are all looking cold, waiting for the next.

"This matter has nothing to do with my forest city martial arts world."

"Fart, obviously one of you killed it!"

Master Zhou jumped up on the spot, furious.

Valia also stood up, his eyes were extremely blushing, and he looked at Zongshi Zhou and said coldly: "Don't think this is your realm. If you say another word, believe it or not, I cut your tongue!"

At any rate, Zong Master Zhou was also a decisive fighter. How could he shrink from being so threatened, even if his realm resisted Varia.

But King Chuang waved his hand and said, "Zong Master Zhou, wait for them to finish speaking."

Ostrovsky's smile remained the same, and he did not change his color because of the anger of Master Zhou.

"Master Cang escorted a batch of goods through Forest City. At first they were intact, but when they were about to leave Forest City, they encountered a surprise attack."

Ostrovsky looked at King Chuang and continued, "We found this at the scene."

Ostrovsky threw a dart out, and everyone present looked over, with strange colors in their eyes.

Grandmaster Zhou was even more furious, and his spiritual power poured out, and he wanted to attack.

"Dare to slander me and die!"

The spiritual power of Master Zhou gushed out and directly attacked Ostrovsky, and the entire building trembled.

Ostolowski didn't care, the spiritual power appeared in his hand, easily resisting the spiritual power of Grandmaster Zhou, and the majestic power shook Grandmaster Zhou out of blood.

Both sides stood up and stared at each other's eyes, not weak at all.

King Chuang also stood up now, looking at Ostolowski with his eyes like bullseye.

"I don't know if what you said is true or not, but you actually rewarded me, Master Zhou in the martial arts world, how can I ignore it!"

"King Chuang, he is disrespectful at first. Anyway, I am also the dean of Forest City. He is such a thing, dare to do something against me!"

Ostolovsky's eyes also sharpened, and his red hair was as bloody, and it was full of spiritual power.

Ostrovsky was right. After all, Grandmaster Zhou took the lead in this matter, and he still shot towards Ostrovsky. It was like the feeling of committing the following.

"You said that this dart was found at the scene, and the evidence is shown."

"You can go check it, and compare the fingerprints to see if it's Zhou Zongshi's."

Now the anger of the crowd seemed to be suppressed by something, because Ostrovsky was right, and it was reasonable to check.

Chuang Wang immediately contacted authoritative scientific researchers, took the most advanced equipment to extract fingerprints, and finally compared with Zhou Zongshi's fingerprints.

"Chuang Wang, the two fingerprints are the same person."

Zong Master Zhou was surprised, and said anxiously: "Fart, your mother's stinky fart!"

Chuang Wang waved his hand, and the scientific researchers left immediately.

"Chuang Wang, things have come to the ground."

"No, framed, they framed me, how could I kill Grandmaster Cang after I have never been to Forest City."

Everyone in the martial arts world in the northeast is silent. In fact, everyone knows that Grandmaster Zhou and Grandmaster Cang are on the surface, but in fact undercurrents are surging, and the two sides are fighting for territory. This is also the reason for their silence.

"King Chuang, you have to believe me, I definitely didn't kill him."

Zong Master Zhou's eyes were wide, looking at a group of red hairs, his eyes bursting.

"This group of people is extremely vicious. I have a grudge against Grandmaster Cang, but even if I want to kill him, I will fight him very brightly, and I won't start when he goes to Forest City."

"Facts speak louder than words, and the evidence here is pale and weak."

King Chuang clenched his fists tightly and made a creaking sound. He knew that the matter was not as simple as it was on the surface, and that Grandmaster Zhou would not really kill Grandmaster Cang. This matter must be blamed on this group of red hairs.

But now he has no evidence, but others have produced evidence, and this can only be done right now.

"Since the truth of the matter becomes clear, let it go."

King Chuang wanted to calm things down, but the others did not object, only Zhou Zongshi was reluctant, but unable to.

But Ostrovsky was smiling at the moment, even laughing.

"King Chuang, the matter is already clear, but you have wronged us."

King Chuang had a black face and said nothing. He hadn't thought of the end of the matter, but he had no way.

"After all, people died in your place, and we suspect it is understandable."

"Yeah, I just blame this broom star for coming to us. It doesn't matter if he is dead, and it made us almost back the pot."

The other red-haired sons all smiled, which made the masters very aggrieved.

"Then let go of this meeting, please, please."

King Chuang clearly wanted to chase off the guests, and he was also holding it back at the moment, afraid that he couldn't help but shoot directly.

Ostrovsky looked at King Chuang, still with that mean smile on his face, and said, "Wait, the matter has not been settled yet."