Chapter 1985: patrol

Su Yan didn't know what terrible things would happen, but he must guess that it must be related to dirty things.

Such a celestial phenomenon must declare a kind of uneasiness, the storm is about to come!

But all this is unstoppable, and it is impossible to dissolve it in advance, because the dirty stuff has become a trend and it is impossible to stifle it.

They have existed on this earth a long time ago. It is possible that in ancient times, auras existed. They may be the rulers of this place, or they may exist in opposition to the rulers of this place.

This kind of thing that existed in ancient times can no longer be said to be strangled. They just regained consciousness and possessed very terrifying strength.

In fact, there is no way to say exactly what the dirty things are, because they have not seen their true colors.

They just lodge in the bodies of various creatures, dominate their bodies, threaten mankind, even kill mankind, and want to destroy the world.

It may be just a kind of bacteria, or even a tiny cell, or it may be a powerful will.

The former is not so scary, after all, bacteria exist in this world, but the latter is scary, and it can be shuddering.

A strong will, this can't be done by ordinary existence, even Su Yan thought of this, there was a hint of coldness in his heart.

Calm was restored in the Jiangbei land, and all levels of masters and monks in the martial arts world joined the battle against the dirt.

This is a fierce battle, full of danger, and must not be taken lightly.

The most frightening thing about the filth is that he not only lodged in many dead creatures, but can even lodge in living people, which brought difficulties to many monks and difficulties in finding them.

To find these dirty things and recognize them from the crowd, some special forces must be used.

For this reason, Su Yan also gave a lesson to many deities and taught them a secret technique that can easily identify dirty things.

After this group of masters returned, some of them passed on to other monks.

This is not an attack or defensive technique, but a search technique derived from a certain characteristic of dirty things. It is of no use other than finding dirty things.

This group of masters did not hide their privates, and gave them all their money, allowing many monks to master this secret technique.

Martial law was enforced in various places for a time, and the most severe investigation in five years began.


In the dead of night, there is a slightly remote residential area, a few kilometers away, and a large cemetery.

For this reason, the housing prices in the residential areas in this area are not very exaggerated, attracting many people to buy.

The cemetery is nothing but the cemetery. Many people don't believe in the nothingness at all. It's just that the traffic is a bit crowded every year on Ching Ming Festival.

However, this place is located in the famous ancient capital of the thirteen dynasties, with rich cultural heritage, and there are many ancient ruins around it.

In this remote residential area, ordinary people have already fallen asleep. After all, the working hours are fixed every day, and most of them don't stay up late and are very regular.

The whole place is quiet, with only a few pedestrians passing through, and the street lights are a little dim.

On the avenue outside the residential area, several men in martial arts uniforms came towards this place. They received an order today to conduct a thorough investigation of this place.

Headed by the person in charge of the local martial arts office, the strength of the master in the early days, and several master-level monks followed him.

"Boss, what are you talking about? You check everywhere these days, day and night."

A monk complained a little.

If you want to check once or twice, they don't say anything. They have been around a dozen times in this community, and they haven't seen fart before.

"Do you dare not comply with the task posted above?!"

The person in charge of the martial arts office said coldly, his eyes kept looking forward.

"Hey, no way, who made us just the grassroots."

"I thought that if you entered the martial arts, you could reach the sky in one step, but I didn't expect it to be the same."

The person in charge of the martial arts office frowned and said, "You guys are endless, is it not enough to complain about so long? If you don't want to do it, you can take off your uniform!"

Obviously these people's complaints made the person in charge angry.

Although they are at the grassroots level in the martial arts world, they are treated much better than ordinary people.

Their salary is dozens of times that of ordinary office workers, and they also enjoy many welfare policies. They don't need to spend money on housing or anything.

The martial arts community specially built villas for them for them to live in, and some even can develop side jobs, not like civil servants who are not allowed to do business.

This is already a great job for them, and complaining is just envy of being stronger than them.

In today's society, monks are popular, and the higher the realm, the higher the power, and they can get the best treatment and enjoyment.

This is normal, after all, powerful monks also bear the responsibility of guarding their own territory.

The demonic capital cracked, and the few masters had sacrificed their lives.

If there is no such order and complete chaos, the monks will not be too bad, at least much better than ordinary people.

But in that case, they can bully ordinary people, but they have to be bullied by stronger monks at will.

The person in charge understands this very well, so there is no complaint.

The person in charge became angry, and the others didn't dare to say anything, and started investigating separately.

The entire residential area is very large. If you continue this investigation, you will definitely not be able to rest tonight.

But let's talk about it, complain and complain, but they are still very clear in their hearts that this is definitely not a joke.

Of course they know about the dirty things, and they are terrified of the dirty things, and they want to clean it up.

Especially the person in charge, he has really seen dirty things and knows its scaryness, so he is serious.

A group of people, a group of two, separate investigations, so that the speed is faster.

The reason why I chose to act at night is that on the one hand, there are few people and most people are resting. On the other hand, it has something to do with dirt.

Whether it is the dirty things that are lodged in the dead creatures or the dirty things that are lodged in the human body, they all have a common feature. They must come out to kill humans, and even livestock such as pigs, horses and cattle will not be let go.

Just like a vampire, it will come out to **** blood every once in a while, and the dirty stuff will come out every once in a while to find a hunting target.

On the contrary, changes are rarely seen, and only some flooded places will appear on a large scale.

Those places, like the last days, have died of unknown people, but now they have been suppressed by powerful monks in the martial arts world.

Like these ordinary places, there are also dirty things, but it's not a lot, so the grassroots monks in the martial arts world are allowed to patrol.

Of course, they also learned the secret technique of distinguishing dirty things, otherwise even if they saw the dirty things, they might not know it.