Chapter 3806: Tathagata

Chapter 3806: Tathagata Buddha

Su Yan couldn't help but smiled. The Peacock Palace Master was afraid that he would be wrong. Su Yan's current realm is indeed only a small golden immortal. Compared with the cultivation level of the Buddha, the gap is too large to measure.

But this does not mean that Su Yan has to show absolute weakness in front of Tathagata Buddha. Some things that Su Yan grasps are enough to ensure that he can make equal transactions with Tathagata Buddha!

But now is not a good time to explain, Su Yan can only go by Princess Kong Qian.

Guanyin Bodhisattva continued to lead the way and entered the Buddhist hall.

The square outside is paved with gold, and with the sunlight in the sky, it has been considered very magnificent.

But after entering the Daxiong Hall, I only felt more golden light!

There is no dome inside the Daxiong Hall. The sun and the moon and the nebula above shine together, which is the most typical sun and moon.

Under the same glory of the sun and the moon, eight hundred bhikkhus were sitting in eight directions. Before the eight hundred bhikkhus, there were five hundred arhats of different shapes. Before the five hundred arhats, there were four great bodhisattvas.

After Guanyin Bodhisattva was placed on his lotus platform, he also revealed his solemn and solemn image, holding willow branches and a jade bottle.

Above the Four Bodhisattvas, there is a kind-minded and kind-eyed Venerable who holds a rosary in one hand, and the other hand is pinched into the shape of an orchid finger, with a smile on his face.

His eyes were deeper than anyone Su Yan had ever seen. Wisdom condensed into a colorful Buddha light behind him, covering all the rays of the sun, moon, and stars in the sky!

Although he has supreme wisdom, he is not arrogant at all, but is full of the greatest peace and happiness in the universe.

Although the power is extremely powerful, there is no sense of oppression at all, just like the air and sunshine, which makes people feel extremely natural.

There is no difference between the monk clothes on his body and the monk clothes worn by the bhikkhuni below. The rosary in his hand was originally just the most ordinary Bodhi child, but after his blessing, this rosary is about to break through to the level of the innate spiritual treasure. Count it!

This person is the true master of Western bliss, the master above all Buddhas-Tathagata Buddha.

In this western Lingshan, only Buddha Tathagata can have this kind of atmosphere, and the remaining six Buddhas have absolutely no such skills!

This is the first time Ji Ruxue has seen Buddha Tathagata, and she has a lingering shock in her heart.

Moreover, this shock is difficult to express in words, as if after seeing the Buddha, it is like seeing the ultimate place of the universe.

Ji Ruxue reacted and knelt down after Master Long Kneeled and declared the Buddha's name low.

Only Su Yan and Princess Kong Qian did not choose to kneel down.

Su Yan was the reincarnation of the Great Emperor Xianwu, and he dare not say that he was sitting on an equal footing with the Buddha. He would never kneel down.

Princess Kong Qian can better explain that she is the identity of the Buddha. According to popular saying, she is the godmother of the Tathagata Buddha. Where is the reason for a godmother to bow down to her son?

Without waiting for the Dragon Slayer to speak too much, the Buddha Tathagata has already said: "Tu Long, you release Lu Shakya’s body, and Venerable Samantabhadra will send him to the Medicine Master Buddha for treatment. The Emperor Kui once learned Buddhism from the Medicine Master Buddha. The sacred scriptures, in which a very evil kind of true energy is realized, once in the body, it can continuously absorb the host's immortality and vitality, and only the Medicine Master Buddha can resolve it."

After Master Tu Long heard the words, he released Lu Shajia's body from his sleeve.

Samantabhadra immediately ordered the white elephant under his seat to bring Lu Shakya to the Medicine Master Bodhisattva.

The wisdom of the Tathagata Buddha is indeed not covered, it seems that all causal conditions are invisible in front of him.

Before Master Tu Long said a word, Tathagata Buddha already knew the existence of Lu Shajia.

It is precisely because of this supreme wisdom that many truths in the prehistoric universe can be explained one by one, and there will be many strong followers around the Buddha.

Then Tathagata Buddha glanced at Princess Kong Qian, and then a look of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

With the wisdom of Tathagata Buddha, even if you don't use any language, you already know the different demands of everyone in this hall.

Princess Kong Qian took the lead and said: "Tathagata, if you want to punish Su Yan, even this palace will punish them together. Anyway, this palace and Su Yan are already planning to marry, and it makes sense to be punished by you together."

Princess Kong Qian has the identity of a mother of Buddha. How can Tathagata Buddha punish her?

But if you don't say a word to Su Yan, then it would make people think that Western bliss is too short-sighted and unreasonable.

The other sages all showed embarrassed expressions, and this matter seemed to have become very difficult to deal with.

But they feel that the Buddha must be able to resolve this problem, because the wisdom of the Buddha is almost unlimited.

The Buddha of the Tathagata only glanced at Su Yan, and he did not change the Buddha's peaceful smile when he met him. He already knew that Su Yan was the reincarnation of the former Emperor Xianwu Su Baxian!

"Gift the seat first." What the Buddha said after opening his mouth surprised the arhats.

But all the four great bodhisattvas have already seen Su Yan's identity, and they only feel that the gift of the seat is taken for granted.

The Great Emperor Xianwu once surpassed all the immortal emperors in the heavens. Even if his strength is far inferior to that of the past, he is still a man who has reached the summit of the heavens and is absolutely qualified to sit against the Buddha!

Arhat moved to the lotus futon. After Su Yan sat cross-legged on the lotus futon, he said to Tathagata Buddha: "I am not here in Lingshan to listen to you. You and I have met several times, and you know what my personality is. , I’m strong by nature, and I have always believed in my orders. No one can control my destiny. We can make a small deal between us.”

When we first met, Su Yan showed his sharp edge in front of the emperors of the heavens, and the Buddha can only retreat.

When they met for the second time, Su Yan's soldiers almost set foot on Lingshan, and finally heard that Emperor Zhenwu made peace, so he gave up his plan to attack Lingshan.

When we met for the third time, it was Su Yan's first Lingshan. Su Yan talked with Tathagata Buddha on this Lingshan for three days and three nights. Although the two were not friends, they resolved their knots and were no longer enemies.

And this time, it was Su Yan's fourth visit to Lingshan!

Between Dou Zhuan Xing Zhuan, these many eras have been changed.

Above the heavens, I don’t know how many great emperors have fallen, how many orders have decayed and collapsed, and how many faeries have died silently!

The Tathagata Buddha has remained the same as before. It seems that he can continue to sit firmly on this Lingshan throne and continue to experience endless time.

The scenery above the Lingshan Mountain, as well as the weather displayed by the venerables and Arhats from all walks of life, is better than before.

But everything that Su Yan experienced was like the vicissitudes of life, it is really difficult to explain in a single word.