Chapter 437

Xu Fan hugs sun Feifei and wipes away the tears of the beautiful lady. He doesn't look at Zhang Ge, an agent who has been trampled on the wall. He takes the elevator to go downstairs.

After a long time, the scream of the agent brother Zhang was gradually weak, and a door across the room was opened. A middle-aged man with a big sweat flashed out.

This middle-aged man is a master of the sun family in the later stage of xuanjie. He is careless and impulsive when meeting enemies, so he is called a leopard.

Last time, Xu fan forced into sun Feifei's room and knocked his agent brother Zhang unconscious, which made him aware of the safety problem. However, his agent brother Zhang did not dare to report sun Feifei's being insulted by Xu Fan to the sun's family one by one. Instead, he revealed his worries.

So the leopard was sent to work with his agent, brother Zhang.

Although the experts in the later stage of xuanjie are not as precious as those in the local stage, they are also highly respected in the family. Even the direct descendants of the family dare not yell at an expert in the later stage of xuanjie.

Especially leopard, a master who can break through to the ground level at any time, even the owner has to speak politely and politely.

It's said that there is a hidden danger in sun Feifei's safety. The family directly sent the leopard. It can be seen that the family attaches great importance to sun Feifei.

Although the leopard is easy to be impulsive when meeting the enemy, it was when the opponent's strength was not as good as his own, but today, the leopard met Xu Fan.

As early as the first time Xu Fan came back with sun Feifei, the leopard in the room opposite sun Feifei sensed the existence of Xu Fan, the master of the earth level!

Therefore, the leopard hid his breath for the first time. He didn't even act rashly when he heard the cry of his agent brother Zhang.

It's not impossible for a master in the later stage of xuanjie to defeat a master in the early stage of Dijie.

As long as there is enough surprise and one strike, all the so-called masters will die except those heaven level masters who are like dragons.

When the agent brother Zhang screams, the leopard hides in the corner, holding his breath.

When sun Feifei talks with his agent brother Zhang, leopard obviously feels Xu Fan's anger and fluctuation. However, leopard is not in a hurry, but hides quietly in the corner, waiting for the best shot time.

When Xu Fan stepped into the wall, the leopard still didn't move.

When Xu Fan was beating his agent brother Zhang, he inadvertently showed the magnificent momentum like a sword, which made the leopard watch Xu Fan take sun Feifei away.

It wasn't until after a long time that the agent, brother Zhang, was about to die that leopard realized that he was already in the moment of Xu Fan's hand, and his heart was filled with fear!

In the face of that rainbow momentum, leopard knows that he can never win the war!

It wasn't until this moment that the leopard realized that he was hopeless at the level of the earth level master in his life.

The invincible and invincible spirit in my heart dispersed.

Leopard full of self mocking smile, toward the wall of the broker brother Zhang.

That guy, with that momentum alone, can he destroy the Qi He has kept in his heart all these years?

However, there is more than one master in the later stage of xuanjie in the sun family

It's a pity that the young man is so powerful.


Xu Fan left the provincial capital hotel with sun Feifei and returned to his home.

The night is already deep, today sun Feifei has experienced too many things, already full of fatigue.

However, suddenly changed an environment, want to rest assured to sleep is not a simple thing, more let Sun Feifei can not rest assured to sleep is, here is Xu Fan's room.

On the pillow, on the bed, is full of Xu Fan's masculinity, which for sun Feifei, who has never been so close to men, is obviously very powerful.

"I'll take a bath."

See Xu Fan quickly closed the door toward the bed, sun Feifei was lying on the bed in a hurry to get up, left this sentence, red face toward the bathroom.

Xu Fan also realized that a man and a woman in the middle of the night, coexisting in a room, it is a bit ambiguous.

Although Xu Fan and sun Feifei have long been in love, today sun Feifei has encountered too many things. He not only distracted Xu Fan at the banquet, but also announced his relationship with Xu Fan in front of his fans. Finally, he broke up with his family in the provincial capital hotel.

Everything is full of courage and determination.

Therefore, at the moment, sun Feifei must have been exhausted.

When Xu Fan thought of this, he also gave up the idea of staying in the room to comfort sun Feifei. Taking advantage of the gap between sun Feifei's bath, he cleaned the bed, put on new sheets, and then went to the sofa with his own bedding.

For men, sleeping on the sofa occasionally is also a kind of fun.

But for Xu Fan, sleeping is a waste of time.

The world marvels at the evil of genius, but does not know that the so-called genius is piled up with loneliness and sweat.

No matter when and where he is, Xu fan is not willing to waste any chance of cultivation.

Now I come to the sofa with bedding, just to make sun Feifei feel at ease.

The only thing that separates the living room and bathroom into two spaces is the thin glass door.

Sitting on the sofa, Xu fan can clearly see the dim yellow light in the bathroom and the hazy figure.

The flowing water, flowing on the wonderful body, falls on the ground and knocks on Xu Fan's heart.

Although Xu Fan's strength is excellent, it can't stand Xu Fan's strength. How can the thin glass door stop a junior master who has experienced the baptism of elixir and is intelligent?

The white skin is like the tallow jade. It is as delicate as the blooming Epiphyllum in the fog. A black waterfall is scattered on the fragrant shoulder, covering the perfect back curve. The waist is like a willow, and the legs are as light as jade, just like the most perfect art in the world.

At the moment, Xu fan is just like the artist who loves art most in the world. His eyes are fixed on the works of art in front of him.

Finally, the sound of the water suddenly, no sound, Xu Fan suddenly back to God, quickly will face don't go.

In sun Feifei's mind, I have always been a gentleman. I can't destroy my image in sun Feifei's mind because of this.

However, after a long time, sun Feifei still did not come out of the bathroom. Just when Xu Fan was surprised, sun Feifei came out of the bathroom with an infinitely shy voice, "Xu Fan, there is no bath towel in the bathroom. Can you help me with it?"