Chapter 719

However, reality does not give him time to think at all. At the moment when he pushed the breakfast away, the waiter who had turned around and left immediately turned back.

Carrying a scalpel, toward the direction of Xu Fan, rushed over.

Facing the waiter who rushes to him, Xu Fan reaches out and grabs the breakfast he pushed away before. He throws the breakfast and the plate full of breakfast in the direction of the waiter.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

At the moment when the plate was about to collide with the service, the scalpel in the waiter's hand waved four knives as fast as lightning.

All of a sudden, the plate that used to hold the food became fragmented. Even the breakfast on the plate was chopped into several portions.

"Tut, I know kung fu." Xu Fan picked eyebrows and said with a smile.

Xu Fan was not surprised that the waiter had such skill. If the other party has no ability and tries to kill himself, he will be surprised,

In Xu Fan praise, the waiter has several steps, rushed in front of Xu Fan.

The scalpel in the hands of the waiter also turned into a streamer and cleaved to Xu Fan's forehead.

However, Xu fan not only did not panic, but also shook his head.

"The scalpel is short and sharp. It's a light attack weapon. You use it as a big knife, but it's a big mistake." He slowly got up, stretched out two fingers, taught.

Finish saying, he just stretched out of the right hand, "Shua" of a stretch to the top left of his head, two extended fingers, is fierce merger.


After a dull sound like the sound of a sword, the scalpel that cleaved to Xu Fan's forehead was completely grasped by Xu Fan's fingers.

Since then, no matter how hard the waiter holding the handle of the scalpel, he can only make the scalpel sound more powerful, but he can't make the scalpel go further.

"Don't push. Your weapons are beginning to howl." Xu Fan smiles and says to the stunned waiter, "as I said, scalpels are not used in this way."

At the end of the speech, Xu Fan's fingers suddenly loosened, and then along the surface of the scalpel, he rowed to the handle of the scalpel.

Although the waiter was shocked by the previous scene, as a professional killer, he still clearly realized that this is a great opportunity.

Therefore, he holds the scalpel, suddenly turns, and at the same time, pokes Xu Fan's neck.

All these years of experience told him that this knife can not only cut off all Xu Fan's fingers, but also pierce Xu Fan's neck with his surgical knife.

Even though Xu fan is powerful, he can't avoid two attacks at the same time.

This also means that the next Xu Fan, or five fingers were cut off, lost part of the combat effectiveness.

Or you get stabbed in the throat, you lose your fighting power and you die. No matter what choice Xu Fan makes, it can bring him a lot of advantages.

He did not believe that Xu Fan was able to clamp his sharp scalpel with his left finger after he lost his right finger.

For the waiter's action, Xu fan is naturally in charge. But he did not panic, but again forced to stop the waiter's hand just began to rotate the scalpel.

"Tough enough." After stopping the scalpel from spinning, Xu fan made this evaluation summarily.

But in the face of Xu Fan's evaluation, the waiter didn't hear it at all. Because now he has been hoodwinked.

Now he knows how powerful Xu fan is. But what he doesn't understand is why he should hire a killer like him to deal with such a person.

He and Xu fan are not at the same level.

"But if you are ruthless, you have to pay for your own ruthlessness." When the waiter thought so, Xu Fan's voice sounded again.

The waiter didn't hear the previous sound. But he could hear it clearly.

He quickly grasped the scalpel. He understood that Xu Fan's counterattack was about to begin.

So, under the gaze of the waiter, Xu Fan gripped the blade with his fingers and began to rotate like the other side.

This kind of rotation made the waiter laugh. He didn't understand how a fool could become so powerful.

You know, one of them holds the blade, the other holds the handle. If it is optional, I'm afraid I'll cut my finger directly by the blade.

But in view of Xu Fan's strength, the sarcastic waiter in his heart is still ready.

And after the waiter began to prepare, Xu Fan, holding the surgical blade, rolled sideways.

Driven by the tumbling of his body, the scalpel caught by him also began to roll madly.

Xu Fan's rolling speed is very fast. Before the waiter noticed, he had already turned three times.

After three laps, the crisp sound of "bouncing" came from the waiter's arm.

It indicates that the killer's arm is broken by Xu Fan.

Fortunately, the waiter's reaction was not slow. After realizing that if he continued to hold the scalpel, his arm would probably be twisted into hemp by Xu Fan, he quickly let go.

Rao is so, his arm has been turned a circle, another crisp sound, from the root of his arm ring up.

After the sound, the waiter's arm, twisted four times like a twist, completely drooped down.

A touch of blood, at the elbow of the waiter's arm, at the root. Part of the muscle came out.

In order to prevent blood circulation, his whole arm was completely necrotic. The waiter, with his other hand, forced his arm twisted four times and came back again.

After all this, a lot of sweat fell on the waiter's forehead like a rain curtain.

When the waiter twisted his arm, Xu Fan had completely controlled the scalpel. Seeing that the waiter had twisted his arm back, Xu Fan turned a knife flower leisurely and walked towards the waiter.

As soon as Xu Fan left, the waiter, who had been frightened by Xu Fan, immediately stepped back.

However, no matter how much speed the waiter used, the distance between Xu Fan and him is always getting closer.

Fortunately, after the waiter stepped back six steps, Xu fan stopped.

At this time, the distance between them is less than two meters.

Xu fan stopped playing with the scalpel, smiling at the waiter who still retreated, and said, "I'm in a good mood today. I'll teach you how to use the scalpel."

At the end of the speech, Xu Fan didn't wait for the other party to answer, but he just stepped up.

At the same time, the scalpel in my hand turned into silver streamers.

In an extremely fast and flexible speed, in the waiter's neck, abdomen, legs and so on.

The server who kept retreating saw Xu Fan attacking, then he picked up the stool beside him and prepared to block it.

But his speed is too slow, in the face of this constant flash from his body, the stool in his hand, always a little slower.

Soon, the flowing shadow stopped. Xu Fan throws away the scalpel and turns to other people.

"It's a pity that I'm willing to teach. You'll never learn." After turning around, Xu Fan's faint voice rang.