Chapter 1154

He did not expect that Xu Fan, who was facing death, would make such a request.

Xu Fan has long known that his request will surprise the other party.

"Don't be too surprised." He grinned and said, "no matter what, I'm also a young and powerful young genius."

"I don't want to let others know that I was defeated by a middle stage of heaven."

"In that case, even if I die, I will not be reconciled."

"Because this way of death, it is too shameless."

Speaking of this, Xu Fan hesitated and then said:

"After all, you certainly won't tell others that you used soft dragon in your fight with me."

Hearing what Xu Fan said, the scholar like people suddenly realized.

"I didn't expect that you, a dying man, should still love face so much." He shook his head and sighed.

While sighing, he waved to his two brothers.

When his two brothers came to him and looked at him in doubt.

"That's all." He directed at the direction of Xu Fan, said with a smile: "since you helped me get angry before, I'll help you."

"Meet your humble, little last wish."

At the end of the speech, the scholar turned to see Lao Niu and Lao Miao.

With a look at them, he stepped on them and rushed towards Xu Fan.

Lao Niu and Lao Miao heard their second brother's words clearly and understood what their second brother meant.

See scholar like people leave, they also step on the foot, toward the direction of Xu Fan rushed in the past.

The speed of the sky level strong is naturally extraordinary. In a few seconds, the three rushed to Xu Fan.

Suddenly, three weapons were wielded by the three brothers of the axe family. From three directions, wave to Xu Fan's body.

"Genius, your glory is over."

With the fall of weapons, the voice of the second brother of the axe family also rang.

The voice sounded, Xu Fan did not have the slightest fear, but raised a smile.

"Is it?" Light doubt, also from his mouth.

The sound spread out, and a strong sense of crisis began to diffuse in the scholar's heart.

This kind of feeling makes the scholar like people frown.

He really didn't understand the danger behind this extremely insipid voice.

You know, the young man in front of them is about to become a dead man.

However, when the scholar like people think that Xu Fan will die this time.

Paralyzed on the ground, Xu Fan has never done any resistance. Suddenly, he took out his own golden thunder sword.

And at the moment of taking it out, holding the golden thunder sword in his hand, he swept past the three people in front of him.

Fierce attack, so that the attack did not arrive. The sharp sword Qi was on the three faces.

Just like the pricking feeling like a needle, the three people realized that Xu Fan's attack was fierce.

They want to resist, but among them, only the limbs of a scholar follow his orders.

Quickly holding the fan, across the chest, against the sudden attack to make defense.

Xu Fan this fatal blow, block in their own body, did not let their own death outside.

The other two of the axe family collided with Xu Fan's attack.

Huge power, cut through two people's belly, also let two people like a shell general inverted shot out.

In the end, it crashed into the wall on one side of the basement and pressed under the debris after the wall collapsed.

Scholar like people, although in a short period of time, made the best defense.

However, the hasty defense can only prevent him from directly losing his life like his brother.

How can we block the huge power carried by Xu Fan's golden thunder sword.

Almost block the moment of attack, his fan to resist the attack was pushed by the golden thunder sword, forced into the abdomen.

And his body, also by huge strength, push back and forth.

All the way back, seven or eight meters away, he relied on the wall behind him and stopped the pace of retrogression.

Seeing this scene, Xu Fan, who launched the attack, couldn't help praising: "not bad, not bad."

He believed that Gou Dong was under such circumstances. There is absolutely no way to make such a judgment as the second son of the axe family.

Most of all, Gou Dong had to fall behind, seriously injured to the point where he lost most of his fighting power.

Scholar like people also know that Xu Fan's praise is not intended to ridicule.

But he was not happy with the praise of the enemy.

What's more, now he is still in a bit of a trap.

He didn't know why Xu Fan was able to get rid of the effect of ruanlong. At the time just now, we launched a counter attack like that against them.

On the other side, Xu Fan sees the second son of the axe family with a dull face. After praising himself, he didn't make any changes in any aspect.

He understood that the other party was confused about the previous thing.

"What's the matter, I've been blinded by my counterattack?" He looked at the scholar like man and asked.

Xu Fan's inquiry awakens the scholar like people from the inner circle.

They realized that their three brothers and the other two were seriously injured or dead.

He is the only one who can fight. His situation is very dangerous.

He stretched out his right hand, ready to seize his weapon and continue to resist.

The moment he met the weapon, a knife like pain came into his mind.

At the same time, a trace of blood also flowed from the position where the fan contacted the abdomen.

The knife like pain made him grasp the fan's right hand and relax a little.

The outflow of blood, so that he relaxed the right hand, directly released the fan.

He's not a fool, the pain, the blood.

Make him understand, Xu Fan's previous attack, nine times out of ten let fan inlay in his abdomen.

In this case, if he reaches out rashly to pull out the fan embedded in the abdomen.

He estimated that before he fought with Xu Fan, he would fall to the ground and die because of excessive bleeding.

Aware of this, the scholar like face, a touch of self mockery.

He didn't expect that, as a hunter, he was in such a ready moment.

He would change his position with his prey and become the fish on the chopping board.

As a wise man, a scholar can understand. By this time, they have no hope of winning.

"How do you detoxify?" So he looked at the inquiry and asked curiously.

Compared with the original, clear outcome of his mind a lot of open-minded.

Listening to the other party's inquiry, Xu Fan put the Jinlei sword in his hand into the storage space.

Faint smile, he stretched out his hand to point to, by gas faint past of Gou Dong.

"It seems that you are not the only ones who put the three men together, but also the brothers of the Gou family." And to the scholar like people, said: "otherwise, he can't not tell you."

"In the use of drugs, I belong to your generation."