Chapter 1207

But the other party died in a row, and their psychological state has changed.

At this time, the idea is still desperate to attack.

Although the number of attacks is only once, the damage it can cause is extremely powerful.

Sure enough, the third person was killed by himself. When the man also died under the thunder sword, Xu Fan finally breathed a long breath.

Although there are still two people on the other side, their mood should have changed greatly, from carelessness to anger to indifference. At this time, they should exist in each other's heart, only timid.

That's right. The other side will be cautious because they have lost three brothers in succession. At this time, Xu Fan has a good chance to attack. Thinking of this, he rushes to the eldest of the five. At this time, the eldest has a slight yellow face. Seeing Xu Fan rushing, he doesn't have the choice to attack, but directly opens his defense, At the same time, the remaining four, after seeing that they were attacked again, rushed out immediately to try to reinforce them.

But did not expect, this time Xu Fan advantage in the air nimbly turned a bend, directed at him.

"Fourth brother, be careful!"

As soon as the boss saw this scene, he immediately removed his defense and rushed out from the original place.

And that old four see Xu Fan suddenly turn to hurtle oneself to come, originally frightened face but suddenly peep out one silk treacherous scheme to succeed of ferocious smile.

"The East strikes the west? Hum! I've already guessed that. Do you think the same trick can be used twice in front of our brothers? "

After that, the figure that he rushed out changed from the original fast forward to in-situ defense, and a pink light curtain appeared on his body. The light curtain was very heavy, which was a means of super high defense.

It turns out that when he rushed out, he thought that Xu Fan might want to kill his fifth brother, and suddenly changed his direction to rush to himself, so he was ready in his heart before he rushed out.

As it turned out, Xu Fan was attacking the West and the East, and his real goal was himself.

Seeing this scene, because he had prepared for it, he would not be in a hurry. At this time, the two rays of light in the boss's hand condensed, and he seemed to want to give Xu Fan a fatal blow.

But let that person have some unexpectedly is, after seeing the light curtain of old four body, Xu Fan's body suddenly fierce turn.

There was a banter smile on his lips.

"How do you know my goal was you in the first place?"

After seeing this smile, the elder brother and the fourth brother all heard Gordon's voice. Unexpectedly, Xu Fan's real goal before him was the eldest. His middle sideline was a smoke bomb. It seemed that he wanted to do something, but in fact he was deliberately luring them to make mistakes.

Sure enough, Xu Fan's target was wrong. If the boss also stood still, he might not have anything to do, but he gave up his defense and attacked with all his strength.

This gives Xu Fan an opportunity. At this time, it's impossible for him to take off the attack and turn to defense.

"Damn it

"Too cunning!"

There was resentment on both faces, but even so, it didn't help the whole war.

The big brother of the five could only aim his attack at Xu Fan's body and concentrate all his strength to release in the unfavorable environment.

He tried to block Xu Fan's thunder sword with such an attack, but he was wrong, and he was very wrong.

He had seen the two brothers killed by the thunder sword, but he didn't realize the power of the thunder sword. Although the attack on his hand was very powerful, it couldn't be compared with the thunder sword.

After a heavy impact, the boss's body rushed to the big array behind him like a meteor.

Although the function of this array is to trap the enemy, no one can benefit from it. Although the array will not kill the enemy actively, it will not feel dizzy. Once something is opened, no matter what it is, it will smash it at the first time.

After a shrill scream, the eldest brother's body turned into a blood mist in the air. When it fell to the ground, there was only a blood rain left.

By this time, only the only one left had lost his fighting spirit.

Five people died, four. How can we fight this battle?

If he goes on fighting, his life will be explained here, so the fourth younger brother immediately removes the pink mask after seeing his elder brother being beaten and flies to the edge of the formation.

His idea is simple, run! I will never fight with Xu Fan.

Every array has an eye when it is unknown.

At this time, the direction of old four's escape is the direction of the array eye. He wants to escape from the array through the truth. As long as he can do it, his life will be saved today.

But he just removed the protective light, and Xu Fan's attack followed.

Whether it's Xu Fan attacking the boss before, or now suddenly changing his target, in fact, Xu Fan has already planned.

When he attacked the boss, he had already predicted that the other side should be on guard, and the most likely thing was that the other side would think that Xu Fan would still use the means he used to deal with the old five to attack from east to west.

It's just because of this idea that Xu Fan focuses all his attention on the boss, and in order to make the other party believe it more, he makes a disguised posture in the middle of the way.

Sure enough, the other side was deceived. After finishing all this, Xu Fan arrived, and the rest of him would certainly run away. So he didn't take off his sword power at all. While the other side took off his mask, he cut it out with one sword.

Xunyi didn't think too much about this, because four brothers were killed in succession, and everyone would run away. So at this time, we just need to see when he will remove the light.


Another scream, old four's body fell heavily on the ground, a deep bone on the back of the hole in the Qi Qi Qi out of the blood.

Although there is no opinion to kill, the other party's body has been obviously damaged. Even if he is still alive, he will become a useless person for the rest of his life. Xu Fan quietly walks up to him and looks at the ice and snow that has been dyed red by blood and melted by ice, without a trace of pity.

He won't have a little pity for his hand, because pity for his opponent is cruelty to himself.

Xu Fan looked at him quietly with his sword.

"Say it! Who sent you


Laosi knows that he is seriously injured and has no intention of asking for mercy.

"Want to know? Hum! I'm not partial

Xu Fan didn't have any accident about this result. He raised his sword heavily.